The Attack On Paris Part 3

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Hereford Base; Cafeteria

Mute POV

Derek: *on screen* Bulldog, Demo, Move up towards the left flank and get those charges set!

Demo: *on screen* Yes sir!

Twitch: So... you think they'll be able to pull this off?

Mute: I'd be lying if I said they wouldn't.

Twitch: Its really not looking too much in their favor.

Mute: Well thats the life of a soldier, nothing really ever is in your favor, its what the next move decides, and that all comes down to Derek.

Derek: *on screen* Mickey switch to thermal, I'm tossing a smoke!

You watched as Derek threw a smoke grenade and shot a few masks as his gun clicked empty.

Paris, France

Derek POV

You looked at your gun and took out the clip.

Derek: Shit I'm empty!

You swung your HK around your back and unholstered your glock. You shot another mask through the smoke as it started to disappear.

Demo: Charges on this AA are set!

Derek: Everybody fall back!

You all moved away from the AA and when you got far enough, Robert pulled out the detonator and blew up the AA turrets.

Derek: 1 down, 3 to go! Let's move!

Brighton College

Chelsea POV

You were sitting in your history class, your professor decided to not teach today and instead wanted to show the news on the attack at Paris to show that history could always repeat itself.

Reporter 1: Media is booming right now from a video posted on Twitter. The video doesn't show much, however we can tell that there is an American squad in Paris assisting the national guard. How they got there is unknown, but it does show that this fight is giving everyone defending Paris, low morale.

Reporter 2: Yes it is very heartbreaking to know that they seem to be wanting to give up, however the same person who tweeted the first video, made another of one lone American soldier, seeming to be fighting by himself. Pull up the videos Jeremy.

They started to transition into a Twitter feed of the videos they were talking about. You saw the view through the camera of the person attempting to be sneaky when recording.

Soldier 2: Hey wise ass, what do we do now?

Soldier 1: Give me a second, I'm fucking thinking.

Soldier 2: Yea well, we don't exactly have alot of time. While the national guard is getting hammered, we're sitting here with a group of masks waiting for us to come out holding eachothers co-

Soldier 1: That's enough!

You watched as the one soldier argueing with the other walked over to a wall and sit down.

Soldier 2: We are so fucking dead.

Soldier 1: We won't be if you just give me a goddamn second to think of a plan.

The camera shook and you heard something shatter on the floor and 5 of soldiers snap towards where the sound came from pointing their weapons. Thats when the video ended.

Another video came up with one soldier standing against a wall. You heard gunshots come through the audio as you watched the soldier look through the door and fire back.

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