The Assault P.1

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Gila Cliff Dwellings; New Mexico

June 20th, 2021

Derek POV

You sat down in your seat as you heard bullets make contact with the helicopter.

Mickey: So much for keeping it stealthy!

Derek: Why didn't NATO tell us there was more than one drone!

Thunderbird: I'd strap in if I were you guys.

Instead of strapping into your seat, you stood up and looked out of the helicopter towards the ground. You saw a gap in the trees that could make for a landing point.

Derek: Bring us down at that patch of trees!

Thunderbird: That LZ is too hot!

Derek: Just do it, once we get off get the fuck out of here!

She did as told and started to defend towards the LZ

Patch: So this went from being stealthy to a full on assault... we're so fucked.

Derek: Just have your gear ready and keep your head down. Head for the trees and use them for cover. If someone gets in your way, shoot first.

Thunderbird: We're approaching the Landing Zone now, Goodluck!

Both Sean and Franklin stood up and got behind you as the helicopter began to get closer to the ground.

Derek: Once we clear the trees, we push up towards the Dwellings. Stay close and don't stray away from eachother.

Mickey & Franklin: Yes sir.

The helicopter was close to ground level, you slid the door open and hopped down onto the ground and went into a full sprint towards the trees. The tree you stood behind was taking a large amount of damage as pieces of the tree flew off from each bullet. Sean and Frnaklin both showed up at two other trees. Sean got on a knee and shot one wolf before going back into cover.

Mickey: Hm, well this is just great, so what's the plan now!

Derek: The plan is to keep your head down and move in a pattern. Once you get a window, run and gun.

Mickey: Yea well, feels like Brazil all over again.

Patch: That manhunt required alot of sprinting.

Derek: Yea and I don't think John wants here about the Brazilian trip anymore after what happened with him and that exotic dancer.

Patch: What did she hurt his feelings or something?

Derek: No, she gave him an STD even though we told him not to go in the back with her!

Patch: John has an STD!

You noticed an opening to move so you went out of cover and gunned down two wolves before getting behind another tree. Sean shot another whike making his way up and Franklin just hauled ass to the tree next to you.

Derek: So back to the conversation, yes he did!

Patch: And he didn't think to put it in his medical report!

Derek: He got aids bro! Who wants to put that in their medical report!

Patch: It'd be nice to know before there's an aids outbreak in the goddamn base!

Mickey: Well now you know!

Patch: You guys are assholes, you know that!

Mickey: How ironic, it's how he got it!

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