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Hereford Base; On the Roof

Derek POV

You stood there looking at him only feeling shock. He just stood there looking at you, taking off his little mask and had a cheeky grin. You took off your balaclava and still gave him a shocked expression.

Derek: You knew?

Grizzy: We all did.

Derek: How long?

TheDooo: Ever since the first night after your friend accidently told you to go to bed.

Blarg: We figured out the rest after she also said you were 21.

Soup walks over and puts his arm on your shoulder.

Soup: So you decided to leave and join the army and not say anything?

Derek: Just wanted to not make anyone worried.

Grizzy: Lots of people were wondering where our other faceless man went. It died down after a couple years but there are still people wondering where you went.

Derek: Thought just leaving without a word would make things alot easier.

TheDooo: Just made us worry even more, you told us your story and knowing you just suddenly vanished made it feel like the worse happened.

Derek: Welp, surprise.

Soup: Got to shoot some fuckin' Afghanis.

Derek: *laughs* yea, if I ever got back into gaming fully for content, your accent won't really be too pleasing.

TheDooo: What do you mean, we're always being offensive.

Derek: and that is why alot of people like you guys.

Grizzy: It'll be easy for you to come back, just recording or streaming among us and COD is really easy.

Derek: Among us maybe, COD I' not too sure about.

Grizzy: You've never really changed.

Derek: Eh, being promoted to lieutenant really changes alot about a person.

Blarg: Really?

Derek: Fuck no, I'm still a fuckin' retard. Except now, I actually have to be serious. Surprisingly it's pretty difficult. You did let everyone know that you guys were staying here right?

TheDooo: Yea, about that.

Derek: You forgot.

Grizzy: Already tweeting.

Derek: Twitter relevant again?

Grizzy: Its always been relevant.

Derek: Eh, there was those couple years where it was bland.

TheDooo: Twitter is back to being as stupid as it was a couple years ago. Basically reddit.

Derek: Huh, also your stuff should be getting here soon.

Blarg: Awesome.

Grizzy: You should really upload again, or atleast just make an update video on where you've gone.

McNasty: Dude really went from being called Ghost for being a God at games and comedic to "Locust".

Derek: I don't know, the name kinda stuck with me during my time in the military.

TheDooo: So how long exactly are we gonna be staying here for.

Derek: As long as those Children of Adam keep roaming around and finding where you are.

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