The Stealth Op part 1

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Hereford Base

5:46 AM

Derek POV:

you woke up this morning and for some reason you felt better than usual, probably cause you was able to release anger on a few recruits and not getting anything held against me by Harry. You get out of bed and into your casual clothing and head to the cafeteria for breakfast. You grabbed a tray and sat down at you table. This time though instead of being left in thought, a group of people started walking to your table.

Derek: What can I do for you guys today.

Ela: can we talk?

Derek: Got nothing better to do.

Ela, IQ, Valkyrie, and Blackbeard sit down at the table.

Derek: So, what is it you guys want.

Ela: We just wanted to say thanks for standing up, and sorry for treating you like garbage.

Derek: It was really no big deal.

Blackbeard: No big deal? Those recruits were lucky I was in the gym, you defended my girlfriend without the intent to showboat.

Derek: I mean I guess, I just saw them approach and overheard the convo so I took action. Again it was really nothing.

IQ: But still we want to apologize for treating you so poorly because we just always thought every recruit was the same.

Derek: That's ok aswell, if its happened so many times, then it's understandeable why, just next time, dont judge someone immediately.

Speakers: Could Nokk and Recruit Locust come to briefing room 1.

Derek: Well I have to go, it was nice talking to you guys. But please, don't feel like you have to force a convo or feel sorry, it happens.

IQ: We didn't try to force the convo though.

Derek: I know, I'm just saying, I'm a recruit, you're operators. Shouldn't be talking to you guys right now let alone be in this cafeteria. I'll see you later though.

You walk out of the cafeteria and go to briefing room 1. You arrive there and go inside to see Nokk and Harry already.

Derek: You needed me sir?

Harry: Again with the formalities, just call me Harry. And yes I did.

Derek: Sorry sir, just useed to calling my superiors sir and ma'am.

Harry: Its excused, but please do just call me Harry.

Derek: Noted.

Harry: Anyways, I called you two today for a stealth op. Nokk with you being stealthy already it should be a walk in the park. Locust, it might be alittle more of a newer area for you.

Derek: I've done stealth ops before sir, not trying to cloud my ego but I am efficient.

Harry: That's good to know, you're going to the Alder Swamp in Denmark. there's a cabin there that may contain info from the WhiteMasks.

Derek: May, sir? Like as in we don't know 100 percent that this place has info?

Harry: We know the place holds info, we just dont know how much.

Derek: Any info even if its small helps.

Harry: You're right about that, you guys have 30 minutes to get ready before Jager takes you guys. You're dismissed.

You walked out of the breifing room with Nokk and before you could turn to head to your dorm Nokk stopped you.

Nokk: Meet up at the cafeteria alright.

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