Truth Revealed

573 5 0

Miami, Florida

June 11th, 2021; 2:24 P.M.

Derek POV

The gunfire became increasingly louder as moved towards the town square.

Mickey: Whats the plan once we get there.

Derek: Get close and buy them time, once they can get back on their feet we have to hold our ground or somehow get the fuck out of there.

Mickey: What about that BTR?

Derek: Leave that to me.

Mickey: Just what are you planning.

Derek: Well... how good of a distraction can you be?

Time Square; Espresso Bar

Patch POV

You laid your back under the window as bullets shattered the class and pierced all decorations in the building.

Demo: Tossing Frag!

Demo pulled the pin of a grenade and lobbed it outside the window as it detonated shortly after he tossed it.

Patch: We can't stay here forever!

Demo: We just have to hold out until Colt and Mickey get here in time!

Bangalore: Ah yes, have our last hopes be two inexperienced soldiers. They're as good as dead.

Demo: What did you just say Bitch?!

Patch: Less arguing and more helping give covering fire so I can get to NATO and Valk!

Demo: On my mark!

They waited a few seconds until the hail of bullets stopped. Demo locked his fist and raised out of cover.

Demo: Go, now!

You got up and ran from the wall as you hurdled over the counter to where Valk and NATO were with Bulldog.

Bulldog: Dont raise your head high Patch.

Patch: Wasn't planning on it.

You took off your first aid bag and grabbed a gauze pad and bandages as you began to patch up NATOs wound on his shoulder and Valks leg wound.

Demo: Ramps, Frenchie, Barricade the entrance!

Wattson: Its Wattson.

Demo: Just do as told!

Wattson: On it!

The two covered the windows and door with a bulletproof material that wasn't like tempered glass, and it was working. Everyone sat back to recuperate on what situation they're in.

Mirage: So whats the plan for when they end up blasting through that material.

Demo: Colt and Mickey are on their ways now, we just need to hope it holds long enough until they arrive.

Bangalore: You sent that message out 15 minutes ago, like I said I believe they're dead.

Wraith: Would you take a second and atleast have some faith?

Bangalore: Faith in what? This is what happens when you listen to morons.

Patch: Would you guys all just shut the fuck up, for the fifth god damn time? They're on their way and not far out, NATO has them tracked on his tablet. They're bumping into some hiccups but they're getting here as fast possible.

Demo: How far out?

Mark groaned as he adjusted his position against the wall while he looked at his tablet.

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