The Induction

429 4 3

Hereford Base; Helipad

July 1st, 2021

Derek POV

The helicopter touched down at the base, by this time the girl was already back in the case. Your squad got off the heli and started to walk back towards the base, you and John each held a side of the case and started to walk towards the doors of the base. You saw Lesion waiting outside as per requested.

Lesion: That the experiment?

Derek: Was the experiment, do you have a place sealed off for containment.

Lesion: We do, if you'll follow me I can show you the way.

He started to walk inside as you turned your head to your squad

Derek: Robert, I want you to give six the debrief, after that you can go do whatever you want, enjoy the break.

You and John carried the case inside and followed Lesion to an area sealed off and covered, you placed the case down and looked around.

Derek: Hey Liu, is this an interrogation room?

Lesion: With such short notice, we couldn't find anywhere else, plus with the window display we can always keep the situation monitored.

Derek: What about decontamination?

Lesion: Still needs to be set up, so once that case opens, no one is allowed inside or out.

Derek: Well can't exactly leave her alone, you two close the door behind you, I'll stay here and give her some company.

Bulldog: You sure you'll be alroght by yourself?

Derek: Sean and I used to do week long stakeouts that involved us staying the in the same spot for countless hours. I think I'll be fine for a couple hours.

Lesion: If anything goes wrong, there's a distress button on the table.

Derek: I don't think it'll be necessary, John get some rest. Liu, let me know when the decontamination room is finished.

The two left the room and sealed the door, you walked over to the case and gave it a couple knocks. The lid came off and the girl sat up and looked around.

???: Woah, bit off putting domt you think?

Derek: Its make shift, but it'll have to do. I'm stuck here for the next couple hours so might aswell know your name. Can't keep referring to you as "girl" right?

Kiera: Kiera, my name is Kiera.

Derek: Well Kiera, it's good to meet you.

Kiera: Once again, they aren't going to run experiments on me, right?

Derek: No, I know Liu and Elena, they aren't going to do anything that'll put you in harms way.

Kiera: And if they do?

Derek: Then we'll be sitting in a room and I'll be trying to figure out why. They know I can trust them, the most they'll probably do is a blood sample so they can try and work out an antidote.

Kiera: Hm, so what now?

Derek: Well for now, I need to keep all this shit on, luckily it's not so heavy.

Kiera: New gear?

Derek: Yea, its well needed since we do more of the "Holy shit there's alot of guns and explosions" type shit.

Kiera: Suicide?

Derek: Yea, could say that. I told them to rest since it's getting late, but who knows. They might be all talking to Elena right now.

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