The Attack At Nonsense

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Hereford Base; Male Dorm

Derek POV

You woke up to Grizzy hastily shaking you.

Grizzy: Come on get up.

Derek: Grizzy? Its 4 in the morning what do you want?

Grizzy: Our friends are being held hostage.

Derek: What?

Grizzy: We were playing and suddenly next thing we know, Roy joins the discord call and it wasnt Roy, they said we have 24 hours to give what they want or else they'll start killing them.

Derek: Shit.

You got out of bed and quickly ran out and started banging on the other teams doors. They all came out drowzy wondering what was going on while seeing you put on your gear.

Bulldog: Whats going on boss?

Derek: The Children are holding their friends hostage, get your gear on and be ready to move.

Bravo Squad: Yes sir.

Derek: Mickey once your geared up get the pilot, I need to go get my sis.

Mickey: You got it.

Derek: Grizzy, go with them to the helicopter.

Grizzy: Why me?

Derek: Because we need to surprise them.

Grizzy: I better not get shot.

Derek: You're not.

You left the dorm and started to spring through the halls towards the female dorm. You reached the area and opened up the door to see Tina making coffee with only a bra and shorts on.

Derek: Ah fuck, sorry.

Frost: What are you doing here?

Derek: Getting my sis.

You walked over to her door and knocked on it. Not getting a response, you went for the doorknob but stopped yourself.

Derek: Tina?

Frost: Yea?

Derek: Can you just walk in and wake her up, I don't want to see anymore than I've already saw.

Frost: Yea no problem. Just so you know we all do this.

Derek: Yea thats kinda why I don't want to open the door.

Tina opened the door and walked inside and quickly came out.

Frost: She'll be out in a couple of minutes.

Derek: Thank you.

Frost: No problem, and to clarify? This never happened.

Derek: What happened?

Frost: Huh, you're good at forgetting things.

She went back into her own room and your sister walked out in gear.

Derek: I'll explain on the way.

Ashley: Ok.

You both left the female dorm and started heading outside. When you reached it the rest of your squad was waiting next to the helicopter.

Derek: Where are we going exactly Griz.

Grizzy: Las Vegas.

Derek: Bitchin, alright everyone on.

You all got into the helicopter and you turned towards the pilot.

Derek: Las Vegas.

Pilot: You got it.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now