The First Attempt

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La Viva Café, Miami

Time: 8:23 A.M.

Date: June 11, 2021

Derek POV

Sitting at a table sipping your cup of your coffee with Sean across from you. He checked his watch and looked back up at you.

Mickey: Its 8:23, Squad A should be approaching the main point of attack soon.

Derek: Good, let me check up on Squad C.

You took out your phone and called John, the phone rang two times before being connected to a number.

Bulldog: Hello?

Derek: John, where the fuck are you. I thought we were meeting up at La Viva Café at 8:20.

Bulldog: Oh shit, I thought you said go to the local Pizzeria down the street from the supermarket.

Derek: No, I said the coffee shop.

Bulldog: My bad, tell you what, lets just meet up at the supermarket.

Derek: Fine, be there in a few.

Bulldog: Ciao.

Derek: Shut up.

You hung up the call and put your phone back in your pocket.

Derek: They're in position.

Mickey: Good, lets just hope this crazy plan works.

Derek: As long as we dont run into any hiccups, we should be fine.

Mickey: So what kind of signal is Robert gonna give to let us kno-

You heard a loud explosion come from behind you that shook Mickey, you remained unphased as you opened the backpack and pulled out a compact MP5 and your Glock.

Derek: Theres your signal.

Mickey: Fucking hell that shit was loud.

You got out of your chair and shot two masks too distracted by the explosion and started to spring into the city.

Mickey: So whats the plan now!

Derek: Avoid Civies and keep a low profile... we dont need them to know that we're behind them.

You continued down the street shooting any masks you saw making their way to the smoke and gunfire. You shoved past a crowd of people running away from the scene.

Derek: Everyone out of the way, take shelter!

You looked back forward to see a car trying to drive away from the area and it wasnt slowing down. They were tapping and running into running away civilians as you noticed a little boy not paying attention.

Derek: Hey Mickey! Remember those hiccups I brought up!

Mickey: Yea?

Derek: Found one!

You double timed it to the boy and noticed that the driver of the vehicle was a mask. As you ran you aimed down sights and fired 3 consecutive rounds. The bullets pierced the windshield and the mask dropped dead. As you approached the kid the car was getting closer, you finally grabbed the kid and held him tight while twisting out of the way of the car. You took a deep breath as the car slammed into another parked car and stopped.

Derek: You alright bud?

Boy: Whats going on?

A woman came running up not from far away sounding relieved but still frightened.

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