The Unsactioned Operation Part 2

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Moscow; Russia

Derek POV

As the two masks fell, you moved out of the bushes. The rest of your group came out with you as you all moved towards the staircase. As you reached the door, you slowly opened it and moved inside. You stood straight up as your optical camo wore off and turned towards Fuze and Bulldog.

Derek: I want you two to watch this door. If any try to come in or out, make it as silent as possible.

Bulldog: You got it boss.

Derek: Everyone else, form up and move with me. NATO I want you behind me with the map.

NATO: Got it, we'll make a left down this hallway up here.

You scanned the hallway and after noticing it was clear, you moved down it. Stopping at the end of the hall, you turned to NATO for directions. He pointed his fingers left, held up 2 fingers, then pointed his fingers right.

You turned left and after passing one hall, you turned right down another to reveal a staircase that goes down. You followed the staircase down and moved through the hall until you reached the doorway to a room with two halls on your left and right. You heard voices in the room as you stood against the wall. Your squad did the same on both sides as you all listened.

Crow: You think they'll actually come?

Hawk: Oh they will, from Talons records on these guys, they always go through with their plans. Even if they are given a warning not to attempt.

Falcon: Well we did throw them around like dolls in a playhouse, doubt they'd go through with it.

You signalled for Demo, Kapkan, and Patch to go right down the hall while you signalled the rest to follow you left. You went down the hall and up a staircase to be on a catwalk overlooking the room. Across from you was the other group examining the room. Your group spread out across the catwalk and looked towards the underground laboratory with the four enhanced soldiers.

Hawk: Still think that Falcon? Because from my knowledge, they're right on schedule.

On cue, both catwalks snapped causing all of you to fall to the ground. The catwalks crashed onto the floor of the lab as you rolled to your feet. You unholstered your glock as you aimed it at Hawk. Crow grabbed your hand and twisted it around your body and kicked your knee out. They placed their foot on your back. You struggled to break free as Hawk spoke up.

Hawk: Falcon, Vulture detain the rest..

He walked closer to you on the ground and looked down at you..

Hawk: You just don't like taking warnings do you?

Derek: And you just like sitting on your ass all day, don't you?

Hawk: Someones got a mouth, but I'm not the one on the ground, am I?

Derek: Oh you best believe when I break out of this bitch's grasp, first thing I'm doing is wrapping my hands around that neck of yours.

Hawk: But thats the problem with you Derek, you can't. These enhancements just make me physically better than a normal soldier like yourself. Faster, stronger. You're known for being able to learn a person's fighting style just by squaring up with them, but you'll never be faster than me.

Derek: It'd be a whole different story if you weren't such a pussy and got that serum.

Hawk: Theres nothing special about you Derek. I mean seriously, Sean is your dead shot, he seems to never miss his targets. John is strong. Mark is the brains, Franklin is your medic, and Robert... well he's Robert. But what does that make you, hm? You're nothing but a stubborn leader who lost their mommy and daddy growing up. Can't forget about those poor excuse of soldiers that couldn't even hold a base.

You tried to shake out of Crows grip but couldn't. You gritted your teeth as you stared at Hawk with rage.

Derek: Watch. Your. Mouth.

Hawk: Touch a nerve? I bet I did, because it seems like you can't handle having someone close to you, without them dying. All because of you.

Falcon and Vulture threw down the rest of your group and Hawk looked at them.

Hawk: Good work, now back to you.

He looked back over to you and knelt down.

Hawk: Talon wants you dead, but what fun is that? I mean, you don't stand a chance, cause look at you. Here you are on the ground, not even being able to break free of my associates foot.

Your glock was still in your hand that was being held down. You loosened your grip on it and sneakily "attempted" to break free of her grip. You slid the glock to your off and hand no one seemed to notice.

Hawk: You're just too weak. But I digress, any last words before I have Crow turn your head into a thick paste?

Derek: I do, don't bring my mother into this.

You gripped your glock with your left hand and quickly raised it towards Crow and shot up through her chin.

Hawk: No!

Her body fell to the ground as Hawk walked over to check for a pulse, but she was already dead. He turned over to you as you started to aim at him aswell.

Hawk: I will fucking break you.

You shot one bullet but he dodged it, picked you up and threw you at a wall. You smashed into a computer terminal. You kneeled down on one knee and shook your head. The other two enhanced were dealing with the rest of your squad. There was nothing getting in-between you and Hawk.

Hereford Base

Grizzy POV (Because you guys love him so much)

You joined a Mario party game with Smitty, Blarg, and Puffer and decided to choose Monty Mole.

Smitty: ugh ho ho ho Diddy. KONG

Blarg: Grizzy why did you choose the mole his cube is so shit.

Smitty: Thats bald grizzy. You asked for bald grizzy and there he is.

Blarg: *laughing* Alright Editor there'd no need, he's right there.

Grizzy: I look like a chocolate Whopper.

Blarg: A wha- a chocolate whooper? You look like a hamburger?

Grizzy: *laughing* No. You don't know what whoppers are?

Smitty: No! Wai- ohhh ohh

Grizzy: They look like chocolate balls

Smitty: Oh you're talking about the candy not burger king.

You were teamed up with blarg while smitty and Puffer were the other team.

Smitty: Aye who my teammate, I don't know who picked shy guy.

Puffer: it's me.

Blarg: Ahh man, I'm with the fuckin' Whopper.

Grizzy: Oh come on what's wrong with the Whopper? Also give me one second.

Blarg: For?

Grizzy: Mark gave me access to the cameras of the facility they were going to for a mission or whatever, so I'm just checking those, you know? See how it's going.

Blarg: Hold on, I wanna see.

You pulled up the security footage and you watched Derek get thrown into a computer terminal. You stared at Blarg and then back to your screen.

Grizzy: They seem fine.

Moscow, Russia

Derek POV

You stood up and stared at Hawk as he slowly walked towards you. You readied your fists and prepared for him to strike.

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