Chapter 1

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|Theme song book~ It will rain, Bruno Mars|


3 months ago

Ro's point of view

When the sun hits the horizon, I get down on one knee... as I read the sentence in the book in front of me. I almost finished my book crazy rich Asians. Written By Kevin Kwan. It's a marvelous book.

I sit in the cafeteria of my school. I look up to see my best friends coming towards me. I close my book and grab my bag to put it in. To pay attention to my friends.

They are sitting down in front of me, I smile at them as I say "hey how are you guys?" They smile back at me and Kylie starts talking. "Hey, Ro, I'm fine how are you doing, we haven't seen you in a week!" Daniel nods in agreement and says "Yeah Ro, I'm also doing great, how have you been girl?".

I sigh and say "Yeah, I'm sorry guys. I've been studying the whole week because I had a test week." I explain and they nod at me. After that, the silence began for a while until Kylie speaks up.

"So what were you doing before we came?" She asks with a curious look on her face. I laugh and say "I was reading a book." I manage to let out and she begins grinning from ear to ear. "Like always huh? That's our Ro" Kylie utters and I laugh in agreement. "Yes, that's me!"

After a while of talking and catching up a little, Daniel starts talking. "Should we get ourselves something to eat? I'm hungry as fuck!" He says loudly and gets up from his seat. Walking away to the restaurant with his handbag.

After some time he comes back and I and Kylie stand up to get us something to eat.


"So what do you guys want to do after today, 'cause it's a vocation and I don't want to be bored and I want to spend my time with you guys!" We hear Daniel exclaims. Kylie and I start thinking for a while. We start talking at the same time "I have no idea!"

"Oh come on, let's do something adventurous!" He says me and Kylie look at each other. "Yeah, sure!" He grabs his phone and starts looking for something. After a while, he gasps and turns his phone in our direction. 

"Look, it's an abandoned house. We can just look around and stuff!" He says happily. I sigh and say "wouldn't that be dangerous?" They look at me and say "oh come on Ro don't be afraid we are right beside you!" Kylie lets out with a pout.

I sigh and say "okay, but don't you dare leave my side!" She giggles en says "we won't!"

"Where is it actually?" I ask before they leave for their next class. Daniel hums en looks at his phone. "Ehm it is not that far away, it's like an hour away but we can just take the train!" I nod at him.

The bell rings loudly and I hear Kylie groan in frustration. We all stand up and grab our stuff. I hug them both and told them that I will meet them after school.


To be honest I'm a little scared. I'm talking about that abandoned house, I mean it looked so creepy. My thoughts were interrupted by my friends, they smiled at me and Kylie started talking.

"Hey, should we watch a movie at my house tonight?" Kylie asks us. Daniel immediately nodded and got excited. I nodded too and said, "Yeah sure. I'll meet you guys tonight after diner, okay?" They nod and left.

I put in my headphones to listen to music. I grabbed my bike and drove away.


After a while, I got home and stepped inside. I took off my shoes and jacket. I hung up my jacket and yelled "I'm home!" I walk into the living room straight to the kitchen where my mom was cooking diner. I kisses her on the cheek and said "hey mom what are you cooking?" She looks at me and smiled.

"Hey sweety, just your favorite dish," she explains and I smile. "Smells good!" I excitedly let out and she nods at my statement. My little brother walks in and hugs me. He is very happy to see me I guess. I notice that there is a bruise on his cheekbone. I suddenly got a little angry and my facial expression shows it clearly.

"Who did that to you?!" I ask a little pissed off. His smile disappears and his face turns into a sad mode. "A boy at school, he told me I was ugly and I should leave this world" he started to sob. I hug him.

"Did mommy take care of it?" I say and he nods. I smile "good, you can come to me whenever you want, you know that right?" He nods and smiles at me. "Good, now should we prepare the table for dinner?" He nods again and grabs some bowls.

I grab the wine for my mother to drink and grab a can of water for me and my little brother. He is 7 years old. He is actually my half-brother, we don't have the same dad. At least he sees his dad, I've never known mine. He left my mother all alone when she was pregnant with me. He is a coward but I grew up well without him so.

My mother is done preparing our diner so now we can eat. I see we have one egg left. "Ro? Do you want an extra egg I made too much?" I shake my head and say "No you can have it, you have been working much the last couple of days so it's yours, enjoy it!" I exclaim and she smiles at me and says "alright, thank you, darling!" I smile back at her.


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