Chapter 36

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The next day I was watching the news on the tv. Then I saw my face on the screen, I was still missing. I start to think about my family. They must miss me.

"The almost 17-year-old Roselle Brown is still missing. The police still don't know where she could be. People are searching for her. We have been interviewing her two best friends about this" the journalist says and the screen changes revealing my Kylie.

They were surrounded by journalists and they looked sad. The journalist starts asking them questions. "How are you feeling about the fact that your best friend is still missing?" She asks and Kylie looked into the camera. She is beautiful like always.

I hear her sigh and tears start pouring into her eyes. "It's so insane not having her around anymore!" she says and she bursts into tears. "Ro, please come back if you see this. I miss you" she says and the camera moves away from her revealing Daniel.

"We miss you!" he corrects Kylie. "Come back!" he says and starts hugging Kylie. I now have tears in my eyes too. I burst out in tears when I see my mother on the screen holding my little brother. 

She looks tired and her eyes are red from crying. I bet she hasn't slept much. I can't look at the tv anymore and I turn it off.

"Ro...?" I hear a female voice says and I instantly wipe my tears and look at the figure behind me. Jenna was probably standing there for a few minutes. I didn't hear the door opening. She places herself next to me and starts hugging me. "Are you okay?" she asks. That's the most stupid question I have ever heard.

I just nod when she backs off. She looks at me with a sad face and disbelief. "I came here to ask you if you would like to come with me to the grocery store?" She asks me and I look her in the eyes. I need some fresh air and distraction. I slowly nod and we both stand up.

We make ourselves ready to go when Jonathan walks in. He was about to say something "Where are you two going?" he asks and Jenna responded. "We are about to do the groceries together," she tells him and he nods. 

He looks at me and sees my red eyes. His eyes soften and he looks worried. He looks at Jenna with a questioning look. "She saw the news" she whispered but I could hear her clearly. He mouths an 'oh' and then Jenna leads me out of the house leaving Jonathan behind.


At the parking lot, Jenna gives me a mouth mask, in case someone recognizes me. I don't know why but I didn't take it off or anything to get someone's attention. Jenna might think what is wrong with me. She eventually nods her head while smiling. What is she thinking?

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" She asks me and I shrug my shoulders "Something with carrots, maybe?" I say, kind of asking. She nods and smiles. "I already have something in mind with carrots, you'll love it," she says and I nod, not saying anything.

"Do you want something else?" She asks and I nod. "Umm, those candies?" I ask and she nods. "Oh I know what you mean, sure we'll get them for you," she says and I smile at her.


We are back from the store and I was walking towards the kitchen to tidy everything up. I opened the door and I saw Jonathan laughing with some girl. She looks like someone who has the same age as he has. She is beautiful and I start to feel insecure and jealous somehow.

They look up to me and I act like I haven't seen the girl. I place the bag on the counter and I hear the girl say something. "Hi there, you must be Roselle? The girl Jonathan has told me all about" She asks and even her voice is beautiful. I look up to see her smiling at me. 

I slowly nod and she starts walking towards me. She takes out her hand for me to shake it. "It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Veronica" she says and I take her hand. There is literally nothing ugly about her. 

She has long black hair and she wears red lipstick. Her figure is beautiful and she looks like a model. I give her a fake smile and I turn my head back to the groceries.

"She isn't a talker huh?" She asks Jonathan and I glance at him to see his expression. He smiles small at her and shakes his head. I don't want to pay attention to the two of them and continue putting the groceries in their places.

"Well I should probably go, I don't want to disturb you two. We should do that more often Jonathan" She says and I instantly lookup because of her words. 

Do what more often? I see her smirk at him, is it what I think she is talking about? She smirked at him of course it is what you are thinking. He smiles at her and nods his head. They have been sleeping together?

I feel myself getting jealous, not that I want to sleep with him but more as she touched him. I clench my jaw, starting to get angry somehow. I thought he liked me and that he was obsessed with me. Then why is he sleeping with other women?

I wanted to shout so bad but I start running away when I see them both hugging each other. I can't watch it any longer. "Ro?!" I hear Jonathan shout. "Ro what's wrong?!" he shouts again. I almost reached the door and I see Jenna coming in. Making me almost bumping into her. 

"Sorry," I say and I run past her. I feel a tear streaming down my cheek. Why am I crying? I run towards the library to calm myself down. I didn't hear him run after me. I open the door from the library and I walk in, closing the door behind me, not wanting him to know where I am.

I can't face him now, he must think things and I'm so embarrassed right now. I start taking steps and wipe my tears away. I hear the door open and I tried to hide but I was too late.

"Ro, what are you doing here and why'd you run away?" I hear him say. I hear him getting closer to me. "Umm... nothing I just wanted to read a book," I say trying to sound convincing. I lied again. 

"Then why are you sobbing?" He says, he clearly doesn't believe me. "It's nothing, really," I tell him and I turn around. "U sure?" He asks me and I say nothing and just look down. I feel him walking closer to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, alright. Let's just start making dinner. Okay?" he says guiding me towards the door to walk out. He walks in front of me with his back facing me. I stop walking and I couldn't believe what I said next.

"I like you..."


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