Chapter 27

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The theme song for this chapter

Let it snow (instrumental) - a balladeer


We are having dinner and it's quiet now. It's so silent that you can hear the birds whistling from outside. It's peaceful but it's still awkward. I have a fork in my hand and the on,y thing I do is playing it's my food.

"Aren't you hungry, Ro?" I hear a women's voice say and I look up to see Jenna looking at me with concern. I shake my head. Well... I can't really concentrate on my dinner. I'm only thinking about the moment when Jonathan and I were about to kiss.

What if he really kissed me? Would I have kissed back? Am I even ready for that? Do I actually love him? All those questions are spooking through my mind. I look up again to see Jonathan is looking at me with a weird look, he doesn't believe me I guess. I instantly look away.

"Well... you have to eat it up, sweetheart. I thought this was your favorite? You always eat a lot of this" Jenna says while touching my shoulder with her hand. I look at her and then eventually nod. I look at my food once again. I take a bite of it.

"Are you alright?" She asks me, you can hear she's worried. I look at her and smile softly. "I'm fine, thanks for the food it's delicious," I tell her so she would stop this conversation, or else it's getting more awkward.

She gives me a warm smile and nods. I finish my food and wait for the rest to finish.

We are all done and Jenna is about to clean up everything. I stand up and give her a hand. Together we walk to the kitchen with the dishes in both our hands. Jenna starts talking when we reach the kitchen. "I can take it from here, thank you," She says and looks at me with a smile on her face.

"I wanna help you with the dishes," I tell her while I put everything in the kitchen sink. "I will put everything in the dishwasher so there's no need to help me," She says and I shake my head.

"No, doing the dishes is much faster. If you put everything in the dishwasher it takes 2 hours for it to be done, and you can't miss anything from the movie" I tell her and I smile at her. She smiles and nods eventually. "You're right, let's do it together. Will you dry everything?" She asks and I nod while grabbing the dishcloth.

After I dried some I was about to put them back, but I almost bumped into Jonathan. "I'll put everything back in the cupboards okay?" He asks me while looking deeply into my eyes. I will get lost in them someday. I slowly nod and give him the plates I was holding. He smiles at me and turns around to put them back.

I'm drying off the knives now and I suddenly cut my finger with it. "Ouch!" I say and I see a lot of blood coming out of my finger. Jonathan instantly turns on the crane and puts my finger under it. He starts to rub off the blood on it.

It hurts a bit now, not much. I can't stand blood and he knows that. That's why he rubbed off the blood immediately. "Are you okay?" He asks me and I slowly nod.

Jenna grabs the first aid kit and takes out a band-aid. Jonathan turns off the crane and dries my fingers. I take the band-aid out of Jenna's hand. I was about to put the band-aid around my finger but Jonathan stops me.

"Let me do it!" He says and takes the band-aid out of my hand. He puts it around my finger and then looks at me. He sticks it around my finger. He then slowly takes his lips to my finger and kisses it softly. I start to blush and look down.

"All good now," he says and I look up to see a small smile on his face. I nod and give a small smile back to him. Why do we always have to stare at each other?

"Should we start the movie?" Jenna says getting us out of our staring contest. I turn around to look at her and then nod "yeah ehh... ehh can I change first?" I ask they both nod.

I start walking towards the door to walk out of the kitchen. I walk towards the stairs and walk upstairs. It's a few steps till I reach the door of my room.

I open the door and close it behind me. I walk towards my closet and open it. I want to wear something comfortable. I just decide to wear an oversized hoodie like always and some sweatpants.

I put it on and spray some deodorant before I go back.

I'm now walking in the hallway on the ground floor. I walk towards the living room. I think they are already there. I open the door and I see Jonathan sitting on the couch looking for a movie on Netflix.

I walk in and close the door behind me. He looks up to his side seeing me standing here. He gives me a sign to come to the couch. I walk over to the couch and place myself next to him. He watches every move I make and when I sat down I looked him in the eyes. He smiles at me.

Jenna walks in and we instantly look at her. She has a bowl of popcorn in her hands. She walks over to us and takes a seat next to me.

"Do you want to pick a movie?" I hear Jonathan say. Jenna and I look at him. He was looking at me and he hands over the remote. I slowly nod and start looking for a Christmas movie. It's Christmas Eve so why not.

I'm looking for a Christmas movie until my eyes meet the movie on the holiday calendar. I press to play the movie. "I don't know what's it about, it just looked nice," I say.

"It's about Christmas," Jenna says and her sentence made me smile. "No shit!" Jonathan says to her and we all start laughing. The movie starts and we all pay attention to the movie.


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