Chapter 5

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Ro's point of view

I open my eyes and I groan in annoyance. I turn off my alarm. I crawl out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I wash my face and walk back into my room.

I stop walking as I see my window is closed, it was open last night. I stare at my window for a while. I shrug it off and walk to my closet.

I grab some black ripped jeans and a simple gray hoodie. I put it all on and put on some make-up.

I make my way downstairs. In the kitchen, I make some breakfast for myself. I grab my phone and see I have received a message from my grandma.

Hey sweety, I'd like to visit you, your brother and your mother tomorrow afternoon, will you be there too?

Hey grandma, yes I will be there too, I have a present for you!

Great sweetheart, oh that is not necessary, seeing you are already a present.

Alright grandma, see you tomorrow!


I walk to the kitchen and put my plate in the dishwasher. I walk out of the kitchen and see my little brother playing with my mother. "Mom if you need anything just call me okay?" She smiles and nods. I smile back at her and give them both a hug.

I put on my jacket and shoes. I walk outside. Grab my bike and cycle away to the train station.


I arrive at the train station and grab my phone and call Kylie. After a while, she picks up and says "hey girl, where are you?" I laugh and say "hey I'm at the beginning" I walk further "Daniel and I are waiting for you at the 4 chairs and the garbage can we'll see you there!" I nod, realizing they can't see that "I'm almost there bye!" I say and I end the call.

I walk till I see them standing waving at me. The train is almost coming. When I'm right in front of them I give them both a hug.

The train has arrived and we all step inside.


I sit in front of them, we face each other. Next to me, there is an empty seat, I lay my bag on the seat. I grab my book out of it and I hear Kylie laugh. "Seriously Ro, you brought your book with you?" I look at her and say "yes, it's almost done don't worry" I smile at her.

"What's it about?" Daniel asks me. I look up from my book and start starting "it's about an Asian couple, the woman is going to meet his parents but what she doesn't know is that his family is rich. She is feeling insecure and tries her best to fit in. His mother doesn't like her very much so she tries to scare her off but she doesn't give up until it gets too much for her and decides to leave him with the hope he'll be happy with someone else. But he follows her to the airport and asks her to marry him" I tell him.

He nods and says "sounds good, can I borrow your book after you're done?" He asks nicely. I nod my head "yeah sure, why not!" We smile at each other. I look at Kylie and she shakes her head.

"No no no, I'm not a reader!" I laugh and say "there is also a movie of the book, if I'm not wrong it's on Netflix" she starts smiling and says "really?! I love movies!" I start facing my book again and say "I know".

After some time I close my book because I finished it. I look at Daniel and say "here you go, Daniel!" He grabs the book and puts it in his bag.


"Guys, there is something I want to tell you, please don't freak out!" I tell them. They look at me with confusion and Kylie almost shouts something "you are not a virgin anymore?!" I give her a weird look. "No no that's not it, I'm still a virgin, please don't shout".

"When I woke up this morning, I saw my window was closed and locked" they give me a weird look. "Yeah, so what's the problem?" Daniel says "it was open when I went to sleep, like wide open!" They look at me with a shocked look.

"What the hell, was there someone in your house?" I nod "I think so yeah, but nothing was gone," they think for a while. "Maybe someone is watching you sleeping and then leaves," Kylie says and I gave her a weird look "yeah but you don't have to get inside my room to watch me sleep!" Her eyes widen and she shouts "maybe he or she touched you!" I gave her a disgusted look. "That would be gross!" She nods. "You should tell your mom about this!" I nod and say "yea I will!"


"Guys if the train stops we have to walk 1 kilometer till we're at the abandoned house!" Kylie says while smiling, I think she is very excited, while I'm actually getting nervous. "You are excited I see," I say and she nods. I laugh and look outside.

After a while, the train stops and we walk out of the train. "Hey if we are done with 'surviving' at that abandoned house should we grab a drink at the cafe over there?" I say and I point to the cafe next to the train station.

They give it a look and then nod at me. "Yeah sounds good, I hope they have coffee!" Kylie says excitedly. She jumps sand grabs Daniel's and my hand and starts walking away from the train station. "Now let's go to that house!" She says still holding our hands. We all smile and walk away with her.


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