Chapter 30

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We are now having dinner and Ro seems to be in her own world. Playing with her food. It's quiet. I keep thinking about that we almost kissed earlier. I sometimes glance at Ro, but when she's about to look back I look away.

"Aren't you hungry, Ro?" Jenna asks her and she looks up and shakes her head. I look at Ro confused, she isn't just hungry. I bet she is thinking about it earlier. What if she is overthinking about it and actually doesn't want to kiss me. Now I'm overthinking, fuck.

She looks at me and instantly looks away.

"Well... you have to eat it up, sweetheart. I thought this was your favorite? You always eat a lot of this" Jenna says to her. Ro looks at her and nods. She looks at her food and eventually takes a bite.

"Are you alright?" She asks Ro again. She is worried about her like I am. She looks at Jenna and then smiles softly "I'm fine, thanks for the food it's delicious" she says to Jenna. Jenna gives her a warm smile. Ro finishes her dinner.

After dinner, they decided to do the dishes together, because that would be faster. I decide to be useful too and help them put it back in the cupboards.

I walk towards them and I stop walking when I'm behind Ro. She turns around with some plates in her hands and almost bumped into me. I hear her gasp. "I'll put everything back in the cupboards okay?" I say.

We look into each other's eyes, I noticed she stares at my eyes. She slowly nods and gives me the plates. I smile at her and start to put the plates back.

"Ouch!" I hear someone say, it's Ro. I instantly look at her and see she has cut herself with a knife. I walk towards her and turn on the crane, putting her finger under it. I start to rub off the blood because I know she can't handle blood.

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods. Jenna grabs the first aid kit and takes out a band-aid. Ro was about to grab it but I stopped her. "Let me do it!" I say and take the band-aid out of her hand. I put it around her finger and stick it around.

I slowly bring my lips to her finger and I kiss it softly. I look at her and she is blushing. She starts to look down. "All good now," I tell her and I give her a small smile when she looks up. She nods and gives me a small smile back.

We stare into the eyes of each other for a moment until Jenna speaks "should we start the movie?" she asks and Ro turns around to face her. "ehh... ehh can I change first?" she asks and we both nod at Ro.

She starts walking towards the door to walk out. She opens the door and walks out and closes it behind her.

Jenna looks at me and smiles. Why is she smiling? I look at her confused. "that was sweet" she says while wiggling her eyebrows. I scoff and start putting the rest back in the cupboards.

"I told you," she says and I look at her "what?" she laughs and she puts a hand on my shoulder. "that she would like you back if you gave her time," she says and smirks at me in victory. I scoff again and start speaking "who says she likes me back, have you asked her?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and says "no but I can see that the way she looks at you, the way she blushes at everything you say or do" she tells me while I dry off the kitchen table and sink.

"You know that she is shy right? She always acts like that" I tell her and she nods her head.

"yeah I know, but you two almost kissed, I saw she was nervous but seemed comfortable to me," she says and I nod. she indeed looked comfortable with my actions. She even wrapped her arms around me. 

"Yeah true. She wrapped her arms around me, but that doesn't mean anything. Right?" I say and she starts smiling. She instantly nods her head. "Oh that definitely means something," she says and I look at her.

"yeah well whatever, I'm going to the living room," I say while walking towards the kitchen door. "I know you're happy!" she shouts and I laugh "shut up," I say and I receive a chuckle from Jenna. 

I walk towards the living room and open the door, walking in. closing the door behind me I walk towards the couch. I place myself in de corner of the couch. I turn on the tv and start scrolling through Netflix. 

I didn't hear the door open but when it closed, I instantly looked up and I saw Ro standing there. Wearing a comfortable outfit. I give her a sign to come to me and she does. She walks towards me and places herself next to me. 

I watched every move she made and when she looked at me I smiled at her. Jenna walks in with snacks and also places herself on the couch next to Ro on the other side. 

"Do you want to pick a movie?" I ask her and hand her the remote. She slowly nods and starts looking through Netflix. She stops and chooses the holiday calendar. She presses to play the movie.

"I don't know what it's about, it just looked nice," she says and I smile at her. She doesn't see me smiling at her. "It's about Christmas," Jenna says and I mentally palm myself. "No shit!" I say and we all start to laugh. The movie starts and we all pay attention to the movie.


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