Chapter 11

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Jonathan's point of view

I started to freak out when she instantly opened her eyes. Her eyes widened and she was about to scream. I stopped her from doing anything and put her on the bed gently. I hovered above her and I grabbed the cloth out of my pocket and let her smell it. She slowly closes her eyes and I sigh.

I didn't want it to be like this. This is not what I had planned. I got off of her. I picked her up gently not wanting to hurt her or getting any bruises. I dragged her to the window. I let her stand but I still hold her so she wouldn't fall on the ground or something. Her head is on my chest.

I opened the window and picked her up again. We got outside. I didn't want her to fall on the ground and break something so I hold her tightly while I got down with her in my arms. I slipped but instantly grabbed the downspout. But when I grabbed it I hurt myself, my hand rubbed because my hand hit the wall.

I could scream out of pain but I didn't. I didn't want to wake her family up. We finally touched the ground safely. I pick her up in bridal style and walked towards my car. When we got there I let her stand again and opened the door in de back. I placed her in the passenger seat. She lays there unconscious. I placed the belt around her so she wouldn't fell off the seat.

I closed the door and went to the driver's seat. I start the car and drive away.


I park my car in front of my house. I step out of the car and went to the door in the back t pick up Ro. I try to do this very quickly before she wakes up. I pick her up in bridal style and walk to the front door. The door opened revealing Jenna, she is the maid.

"Jonathan what happened?!" She almost shouts at me. I'm actually very close to her, she helps me with everything. "I didn't plan this okay, can you just help me?" I say a little scared. She nods instantly and says "of course how can I help you?".

"Can you just make some dinner so it will be ready when she wakes up, and can you give me the keys to the guest room?" She nods and walks away immediately. I walk inside with Ro still in my arms. I walk upstairs to the guest room and wait till Jenna arrives with the keys.

Jenna walks towards me with the keys. I was about to grab them but she didn't let me. "I'll open the door, okay?" She says, I can hear a serious tone in her voice. I nod and she opens the door. I walk inside with a rush and lay her on the bed. I look at her unconscious body. After some time I didn't notice I was staring at her but Jenna starts talking.

"She is very beautiful!" She says and I look at her and I see a smile on her face. I nod and say "I know, but she will hate me when she wakes up, that's for sure!" I can hear my own voice and I sound very insecure.

"When she wakes up, just give her some time. We will figure this out together okay?" She looks at me with a kind impression. I walk out of the room with Jenna behind me. She closes the door and locks it. "I kidnapped her Jenna, she will never forgive me or even able to love me!" I panicked because of the thought.

"Stop freaking out! Just trust me okay. When she wakes up I'll give her some food and try to have a conversation with her. To calm her down when she freaks out" she tells me to calm me down. I nod and I let my hand go through my hair.

"For now, just try to sleep. You look tired" she says and I nod. "Yeah you are probably right. I hope so". She smiles and I thank her before walking to my bedroom.


The next day I sit in the dining room to eat. I barely slept last night. I was thinking about her, only her. Then I started overthinking and ended up crying. Crying myself to sleep. I slept 2 hours I think. She will hate me so much. She will never love me. I was planning on meeting her by pretending to bump into her. And get to know her as normal people do. But I'm so stupid to watch her sleep the last few days.

"Stop thinking negatively, just relax" I look at Jenna and say nothing. "I will bring her some food now, I hope she's awake, when she comes out one day just be nice and try to talk to her, and eventually she will trust you. I hope" I look at her and nod. She walks away leaving me alone here.

I'm going to try my best to show my love for her. With the hope, she won't hate me one day.

I stand up and walk outside revealing the garden. I walk around to get some fresh air. I'm thinking about how I should start a conversation with her, I don't want to mess up everything. With that thought, I start to feel nervous and scared.

My eyes locked with a rose in front of me. An idea pops into my head. I pick the rose and walk back inside. I put the rose in a vase and put it somewhere on the table. I grab a card and write something on it. I lay it next to the flower, I hope she'll like it.


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