Chapter 23

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We were still watching the movie and halfway through I already had finished my tea and started with my cola. When I took a sip of it, I could feel his eyes on me. I look to my side and he instantly looked away. I chuckle in silence.

I was about to grab some popcorn but noticed the bowl was empty. I pout but shrug it off. "Do you want more?" Jonathan asks me. I look at him and I shake my head "No it's alright, I don't want to gain more weight than I already have" I say but I soon noticed I sounded very insecure.

"Don't say that, you are not fat" he says and I look down. He moves closer to me and tilted my chin up making me look at him. But my eyes don't look in his "Look at me, you are not fat. Even if you were I'd still say you're beautiful" He says and lets go of my chin. I smile at him. My cheeks started to heat up. I'm not good at receiving compliments.

After a while, I feel his eyes on me again. I look at him but this time he doesn't look away. "What? Why aren't you watching the movie?" I ask curiously. He shakes his head and says "nothing, you are just more interesting to look at" I instantly start to blush. He is still staring at me. Damn his stares, he needs to stop before things are getting awkward.

But he doesn't stop at all. It's getting awkward. My cheeks are now red as a tomato. He chuckles at my reaction. "Are you alright?" He asks while smiling. He definitely enjoys seeing me like this. I instantly nod and say "Yeah-h I'm fine-e" great now I'm stuttering. He chuckles again and just nods.

Can this evening get more awkward?

When the movie is done he starts cleaning up everything. He was about to grab the blanket that was still around me. I shake my head and back off a little so he could not take it away. "What's wrong?" He asks. I look down "it's cold can I have it for tonight?" I ask him. He raises an eyebrow. But soon smiles. "Yes of course," he says and I nod.

"Let's go," He says while he turns off the tv. We walk out towards the kitchen so he can put the glasses and bowl on the kitchen island. He was about to walk in but stopped. "Will you be alright walking alone upstairs in the dark?" He asks and I just slowly nodded.

He walks in and I turn around to walk towards the stairs. It's really dark. After some time hesitating to walk upstairs I finally take a step up. I soon stopped and shook my head. No way I'm going upstairs alone. I turn around to get Jonathan to walk with me.

But when I turned around I bumped into someone and almost fell. I felt 2 strong and muscular arms around me. My hands instantly grab his shoulders. Making the blanket fell on the ground. I looked at the person and I saw it was Jonathan. "I thought you said you could do it," he says.

I pout and look down. "It's okay, I'll walk with you," he says and I nod. I sigh in relief. We stay like this for a while but I soon lose grip on his shoulders. I grab the blanket and put it around me. He stands next to me and together we walk upstairs.

We reach my room and I turn around to face Jonathan. "Thanks for walking with me, I can take it from here," I say and he nods. "Yeah no problem," he says and I give him a small smile. "Goodnight Jonathan," I say and look him in the eyes. His eyes are sparkling. "Goodnight Ro," He says with a sweet tone. He turns around and walks away.


I wake up and start rubbing my eyes. I see it's still dark outside. I look at the time and it says 3:45 a.m. . I sigh, why did I have to wake up? I hear my stomach growl. I'm hungry. Ugh. Should I grab something out of the kitchen? Yes, I should.

I walk out of my bed and start walking towards the door. I open it and walk out. I turn on the lights of the hallway and start walking towards the stairs. Before I reach the stairs I tripped over something and fall to the ground. I groan softly.

I try to stand up and walk to the stairs. I walk down and start walking towards the kitchen. I walk towards the kitchen island and I open the kitchen cupboard. I look inside of it and I see something that looks delicious. It's a candy I guess. I grab it and open the pouch. I put my hand inside and I take 1 out.

I put it in my mouth and start eating it. It tastes good. "Wow," I say and grab another one.

"What are you doing here? It's midnight. I heard something" I hear a deep voice say. I put the pouch under my hoodie and then turn around. "Ehh nothing and you probably heard me fell on the floor" I lied about what I was doing here. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod " yeah I'm alright" Jonathan looks at me and nods in relief.

Then his eyes meet my hoodie "What's that under your hoodie?" He asks me as if he is a detective.

"There is nothing under my hoodie" I lie again. He looks at me in disbelief "Do I need to take a look myself?" He says jokingly. My eyes widen. "No! There's nothing to look" I say and start walking past Jonathan.

I reach the door to walk out of the kitchen but Jonathan stops me. "Alright, just so you know. You didn't need to lie to take those candies with you. You could've just taken them if you liked them so much" he says. I turn around to face him. He looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah.. well whatever," I say and then turn around. I hear him chuckle "goodnight Ro," he says and I start smiling. "Goodnight," I say and walk out of the kitchen heading back to my room.


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