Chapter 14

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I'm still shocked at what the man in front of me just told me. It's silent for a few minutes and I can see he starts freaking out so I decided to talk "then why am I still here?" I ask softly, he looks at me and says "what?".

"Why am I still here if you didn't mean to kidnap me?" I ask him again softly. He sighs and closes his eyes before talking. "Because if I would let you go you will call the police and I'll go in jail. I wouldn't be able to protect you anymore if I went to jail. My head will explode if I couldn't protect you anymore. And besides the thought of you hating me and not giving me a chance to prove my love for you drives me crazy and makes me want to burst out in tears," he tells me.

I'm more shocked now than I was before. What he is telling makes sense, I would probably call the police. I mean that would make sense too, you can't just kidnap someone. But I can see in his eyes he truly didn't want this to happen. Something inside me wants to give him a chance to prove it to me. Also, something inside me wants to go home because my mother needs me and she's probably worried about me.

I just nod at him. At that moment Jenna walks in and looks at us. The man turns his head towards her. She smiles at him. She turns her head to me and signals me to come with her. "Are you coming with me, Ro?" She asks me and I just walk towards her. I turn around to face the man. He is already staring at me, he gives me a small smile. I feel like I'm about to blush so I turn my head instantly.

I and Jenna walk out of the kitchen. She leads me to the stairs and we walk upstairs. When we reached the top I start talking. "Where are we going?" I ask kindly.

She looks at me and says "I'm bringing you to your new room, your permanent room" she says. I just nod and I keep following her. She stops in front of a door. It's a big door. She grabs the keys out of her pocket. She unlocks the room and opens it. She steps aside for me to walk in.

I walk into the room and look around. It's a big room. It's also a mansion of a house. I look at her confused "I'm not a princess" I tell her. She starts laughing at my statement. "To him you are, this was his idea!".

"You have your own bathroom, don't worry there are no cameras or something. He respects your privacy very much. Your closet is over there. They're not yours but from his sister, you can borrow them until I go to the mall with you!" She points to the closet.

"You also have a balcony with a view of the garden, it's beautiful. You also have a desk with some books on it, he purposely got you some because he knows you love reading. So that's it, make yourself at home!" She says and was about to leave but I stopped her.

"How long will I stay here?" I ask her nicely. She turns around and says "I don't know what Jonathan has in mind" Jonathan? "Who's that?" I ask her. "The man you've met downstairs, I will now leave you alone alright? Try to sleep" she says and I nod. She leaves the room leaving me alone.

I'm curious about the bathroom so I decide to walk towards the other door in the room. I open the door revealing a white and very luxurious bathroom. My eyes widen at the space for just a bathroom. He must be rich. But what was he doing in that abandoned house?

I look around and I notice I have a bathtub. I walk out of the bathroom and walk towards the balcony door. When I opened it I feel a cold breeze on my body. I walk towards the balcony railing. I look around the garden. It's already dark outside so I can't see much. Just some lanterns.

I still need to get out of here so I look down over the railing. It's not difficult to climb off I think. I decide to climb over it and I try to get down as fast as possible. But speed was not a good idea, because I slipped and almost fell hardly on the ground.

My hands grab the railing, stopping me from falling. I start to scream. "Help me!" I shout as loud as possible. It's getting harder and harder for me to hold the railing. I can't hold it any longer.

I was about to fall but I feel some hands holding my hands trying to pull me up. I look at the person and I see it's Jonathan. He tries to pull me up. "Hold on a little longer!" He shouts at me. "Try to put your feet on the bottom of the railing," he says. I try to do that but I'm not very flexible. "I can't!" I shout. He starts to panic a little. "Just try again, Don't give up!".

I do as he says. I try to put my foot there. It still doesn't work, I try again by swinging my hips, so it would be easier. It works and I stand on the bottom of the railing now. He wraps his arms around my waist to pull me over the railing. I hold his shoulders very tightly. He puts me down.

His arms are still wrapped around me. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" He asks worriedly. I look him in the eyes and shake my head. "N-no I didn't hurt myself, and yes I'm o-okay now," I say to calm him down. He nods and sighs in relief.

We stay like this for a while. He slowly loses his grip on me. I don't know why but I kinda feel empty without his touch. He really does everything to protect me. He takes a step back to make me feel more comfortable.

"Why did you do that?" He asks. I look down at my toes. Not because I can't look at him right now but because my toes are very interesting to look at somehow.

"You tried to escape again right? Do you see how dangerous that could be? You could've died!" He almost screams at me. I take a step back because he is scaring me. His eyes soften as he sees me getting afraid. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. I just panicked" he says to me.

I nod and say nothing. "Let's get inside," he says and we walk inside. I walk behind him and I follow him.

"Promise me you won't do something dangerous like that again," he says, he looks at me and waits for my answer. "I'm sorry-y I scared you-u, I won't do it again-n," I tell him while stuttering. He nods and gives me a small smile.

"Now you should get some sleep," he tells me and I slowly nod at him. He turns around and walks to the door. He opened it and before he leaves he says "goodnight" and with that, he leaves the room closing the door.


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