Chapter 31

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The theme song for this chapter

So this is love - Emile Pandolfi


Halfway through I see Ro moving her body to grab some popcorn. She pouts when she notices nothing is in the bowl. She sat back and Jenna starts talking.

"Do you want some extra popcorn?" She asks Ro and she moves her head to the side where Jenna is waiting for her to answer. She eventually shakes her head in response. "No it's alright" I hear her say.

"Are you sure? I can get you some new popcorn" Jenna asks her again, I can't see the expression on her face but I can tell she wants some. "Well I'd like to have some more, but make sure you get something for yourself too" She replies and I see Jenna nodding while getting up from her seat.

I turn my head back to the tv but soon turned back to Jenna when she starts talking again. "Sir, do you want something to drink or eat?" She asks me nicely and formally. She actually doesn't have to be so formal all the time when Ro is around. When Ro is not around she acts like she's my best friend, what she actually is. She knows I don't like her to be so formal, but I respect her choice. She is working here after all.

I shake my head in response "no thanks I'm good" I tell her and I turn my head back to the tv. I hear Jenna walk away and was about to leave the room when Ro stopped her with her angelic voice.

"Should I pause the movie for you?" She asks and Jenna stopped walking. "no it's alright, just keep watching okay?" she replies and then walks out of the room. I glance at Ro and she is trying to sit back comfortably. 

I notice her crossing her legs and a few seconds later she moves again. Isn't she sitting comfortably? Should I just... no that's ridiculous. She would never... Or maybe she does. I just don't know. I hesitate to ask her but I eventually place my hand on her shoulder.

She glances at me with a confused look but also shocked. She must think I'm an idiot or something. I can't go back now, I have to ask.

I give her a soft smile and say "You can lay down on my chest if you want" I wait for her to answer and I can tell she is a little shocked about my sudden question. She says nothing and looks at my chest before looking up. She slowly nods. 

Did she really... I can't believe it. I can't help but smile brightly. Her eyes are sparkling and I put my arms around her while she moves closer to my body. She places herself between my legs and her back is now facing my stomach. 

Is it weird for a man to feel butterflies in his stomach or some sort of happiness through his body? Because I can tell that is what I feel now. I place her head on my chest and I again put my arms around her, but tighter than before.

I rest my chin on her head and a few moments later Jenna comes back walking in with a bowl and a glass with something to drink in it. Ro glances at Jenna. She looks at us with a specific look. I can tell what kind of look and I instantly start smiling at her. 

She turns her head back to the tv, I notice her red cheeks. I smile small. Jenna places herself next to us and hands Ro the bowl of popcorn and she instantly starts eating from it. Jenna chuckles at her actions.

I turn my gaze back to Ro and she moves her head to my side. She looks at me and she sees me already looking at her. She instantly looks away towards the tv. I smile at her.

I don't know why but I move my head closer to hers and my heart starts beating uncontrollably fast. I kiss her on the cheek real quick. She looks at me and I smile small at her. She smiles back eventually. Did she like it? That question is tattooed inside my brain.

She lays her head back on my chest. I feel her hands on my arms and I move a little in shock. I'm so confused right now. First, she holds my waist in the afternoon and now my arms. My grip around her tightens and I again rest my chin on her head.

I literally forgot about the movie and my gaze is only on her. The movie is starting to end and I feel something wet on my arm. I move a little to see what happened. I look at Ro and she is crying. I touch her cheek with my hand to let her face me. She looks me deeply in the eyes. 

"Hey, why are you crying?" I ask her with concern and you can see I'm worried. She starts smiling "I cry fast with movies like this" she replies, I smile in relief. I wipe her tears away and say "it's okay, don't cry" I start hugging her and she surprisingly hugs me back.

"I'll clean up everything okay? You guys just go to sleep" Jenna informs us. She starts cleaning everything up and I see Ro nod. She yawns and I let go of her so she can stand up. She starts walking away, out of the room and I follow her behind. 

I start walking next to her and she doesn't give me a glance or anything. We reach the stairs and we walk up. I decide to hold her hand and I intertwine them. She looks down at our hands and she starts blushing. I chuckle at the sight of her.

We stop in front of her door and she turns around. Our hands are still intertwined. She looks me in the eyes and I move closer to her. I feel like she is getting nervous. Our bodies are almost touching each other. 

I move my head closer to hers and she closes her eyes. I want to kiss her but I want it to be special so I decide to kiss her forehead. I caress her cheek and my lips let go of her forehead. She looks up to meet my gaze on her.

"Goodnight Ro," I say eventually and smile at her. She smiles back and my heart flutters. "Goodnight Jonathan," She says with her beautiful voice that I can listen to every second of the day.

I let go of her hand and start walking away with a big smile on my face. This girl is giving me so many feelings, the good ones of course. God Ro... Can you be mine already?


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