Chapter 39

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The theme song for this chapter

Little things (Instrumental Version) - The O'Neill Brothers Group


I decided to hide in the library to eat the carrots. I really love carrots. I hide behind a bookshelf, so he cannot see me if he walks in. After a few seconds, I hear the door open. I stop every movement and try to hide my laugh.

I hear the door close which means he left. I wait a few seconds. I walk away from behind the bookshelf. I put a carrot inside my mouth and take a bite. I was about to walk towards the door, but I felt a pair of arms around my back hugging me.

He lifts me and I scream. "Got ya, baby!" He says and I start to laugh. He kisses my left cheek and puts me down. "How did you know I was here?" I say while turning towards him. He smiles at me.

"Because you always go to the library, and you spend the day here. Mostly" He says and he is right. I nod at him and smile. He was about to take the bag of carrots but I didn't let him. 

"No, I want to eat it!" I say and he chuckles. "Come on, I need to cut them. You can eat them when we're having dinner" He says and I pout. I eventually give him the bag of carrots and he smiles. He takes out his hand for me to hold it.

I grab his hand and start hugging his arm. Together we walk back to the kitchen to continue cooking.


We are having dinner and Jonathan gave me extra carrots because I love them so much. I was peacefully eating my dinner when I caught him staring at me. He was smiling. "What?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Nothing, you're just so cute," He says, and I start to blush.

I shake my head not agreeing with what he said. "No, I'm not, I'm not even close to beautiful," I say and I start to continue to eat. His expression changes when I said that. He stands up from his chair and walks towards me.

He kneels next to me and grabs my hands. I look at him confused. "Don't ever say that again, baby! You are fucking beautiful princess. Stop thinking so negatively. You will always be my beautiful girl!" He says and he kisses my hands. He loves to do that I think.

I smile soft "Please don't" He adds and I nod. "Good," he says and stands up and gives me a quick pack on my lips. He walks back to his chair and places himself on it. He starts continuing his dinner as I do the same with a smile on my face. He really knows how to melt my heart.

I take a bite and chew on it. I swallow and when I'm done I look at Jonathan, who just finished his dinner. I stand up and take both of our plates with me. Jenna was having dinner somewhere else, with her dad if I'm not wrong. I told her I would clean everything up. 

"Mind if I help you?" I hear Jonathan ask me and I look at him. I smile at him and I give him the dish brush. He takes it and starts doing the dishes. After a few plates, I start drying them. He starts washing off the cups.

I put the plates back in the cupboards of the kitchen. I dry the cups and put them back too. After doing the dishes I was putting the last thing back in the drawers, the cutlery. I close the drawer and I look at Jonathan who was staring at me. He has a smile on his face.

"Why do you always stare at me like that?" I ask him nervously. He chuckles and crosses his arms. "Like what, baby?" He asks and now he is acting dumb. I start to whisper "You know, like that" he raises an eyebrow. Still acting dumb. 

"So intense" I whisper but loud enough for him to hear me. He starts smirking. "Oh like that, yeah I know," he says and I look at him with an 'Are you kidding me' face. Now I start to cross my arms and I press my lips together.

"You just wanted me to say it, am I right?" I ask him and he starts laughing. I widen my eyes and my mouth is wide open. I gasp "I knew it!" I say and I playfully hit his chest. He grabs my arms and pulls me into a hug. Well... that was out of nowhere, but I eventually hug him back.

"What do you want to do this evening?" He asks after a while and I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, you tell me" I say and he starts thinking. He sighs and says "Hmm" still thinking.

"We can bowl?" He asks and I look at him excited "Yess! But I have to tell you, you're gonna lose" I tell him and he looks at me offended "Oh yeah, are you sure about that?" He asks and I nod my head rapidly. He looks at me in disbelief "Hmm, okay. Challenge accepted" he says.


We are now bowling for like half an hour and I'm embarrassed when I see him get a strike again. I haven't got any. He is good at literally everything, is this man even real? I see him turning around with a smirk on his face.

"It's not fair," I tell him when he walks towards me. He chuckles. "Baby?" He asks me and he squats in front of me. "Hmm?" I ask him confused. He looks down and then looks up again. "I think you are gonna lose," He says.

I glare at him and he starts laughing. He stands up and kisses my cheek. His lips move to my ear and he says "It's your turn, princess" he uses his deep voice. I start to get goosebumps all over my body. I start to blush and I stand up making my way towards the bowling balls.

I grab a ball and throw it. I see it rolling over the bowling alley. When the ball reaches the pawns, I see them all falling. I turn around and I look at Jonathan. I smile and he says "Good job, sweetheart" he looks satisfied. 

"Your turn," I say and we keep on playing.


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