Chapter 42

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Jonathan and I were sitting on the couch waiting for our dinner. We decided to order a pizza and we needed to wait a few more minutes for it to arrive. I was in Jonathan's arms and Jenna walked inside. Placing herself next to us.

She looked at me and I didn't realize I was looking at her. "What's wrong?" She asks me and I shake my head "Nothing, I just never asked you about how your dinner was with your dad" I tell her and she laughs.

"Ohh well... It went great he asked me a few questions about my job and he told me he proposed to a woman" She tells me and I widen my eyes "Like marriage?" I ask her and she smiles. she nods and says "Yes, she accepted and she is a phenomenal lady" she looks so happy and I couldn't help, but smile.

"That's great, congratulations!" I say and she smiles "Thank you, you too!" she says, making me look confused. "What, why?" I ask her and she raises an eyebrow. Then the realization hits me and I instantly turn red.

I start looking down and she chuckles. "Oh... that, yeah umm," I say and I could barely talk. I hear Jonathan chuckle and he kisses my cheek. I smile small and then the doorbell rings. Jenna was about to stand up but I stopped her.

"No, It's okay. I will get it!" I say release myself out of Jonathan's hold. He looks at me with a pout, he wanted me back in his arms. I laugh "I'll be back in a minute, I promise," I say and he nods.

I walk out of the living room and straight to the front door. When I reached the door I open the door immediately revealing the person I never wanted to see again...


I widen my eyes and so did he. Then he starts looking up and down. The smirk on his face is unavoidable. He pokes his tongue in his inner cheek. He wears an orange polo and an orange hat. It has the logo of the pizzeria where we ordered our pizza.

"Looking good, brownie," he says. I give him a disgusted look. He always called me brownie because of my last name. "What are you doing here, Brandon?" I ask him a little too rude and he scoffs. 

"Don't be so rude brownie. I'm delivering an order, but it seems that I'm at the wrong place. Because you don't live here" He says and he still has that smirk on his face. "Take that smirk off of your face, and no I do not live here but my boyfriend does," I tell him while crossing my arms.

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me in disbelief. "Yeah sure, and you are gonna tell me your boyfriend is 22 years old? That's illegal" He asks me and I give him a weird look. He sighs and scoffs. "The person who orders needed to fill in his birthday to finish his order, so yeah I know," he says and I slowly nod. 

"And you know I don't care about age," I tell him and he nods. "I know, but trust me. If the police find out, he will get arrested" He says "They won't" I tell him and he raises an eyebrow. "Sure..." He responses to me.

"So I guess your, not a virgin anymore because a man with age likes his desires for it," he says and I look at him in disbelief "Well... not this one," I tell him. He shakes his head and starts laughing. "Oh I'm sure he does, you are just his little slut" He says.

I look at him in disbelief and anger. I feel like my eyes are getting wet "What did you just call me?" I ask him he shakes his head and says "Just take the pizza's" He hands me the pizza's and I take them.

"Bye now," I say and I was about to close the door but he stopped me. "Hey, don't I get a tip or something?" I look at him in disbelief and he starts smirking. "Or do you want the other tip?" he asks and I look at him with disgust written on my face. "Screw you, Brandon. Screw you!" I say and close the door.

Tears are now rolling down my cheeks. He just called me a slut. I'm not a slut. He is! I turn around and I see Jonathan walking towards me. I wipe my tears away and start walking past him. He stops me by grabbing my shoulders.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Who was that?" He asks me all of that and I say nothing. "Ro?!" he says and I look up. "It was Brandon, my ex. He called me a slut, but don't-" I say but I couldn't finish my sentence because Jonathan was already walking towards the front door.

He opens the door and walks outside. "Jonathan, don't!" I yell at him. He doesn't listen to me and keeps walking towards the boy who was about to drive away in his car. He stops him from driving. He opens his door and grabs him by his collar. 

He drags him out of the car and throws him on the ground. I was still walking towards the two. Screaming for him to stop. Brandon stands up and tries to stop him but it doesn't work. "Who are you calling a slut huh?" Jonathans yells at him.

He grabs him again and punches him in the face. "You almost raped her you peace of shit!" he punches him again. You start seeing blood on his face. "Do not call my girl a fucking slut, you got that?!!" he screams in his face not stopping to punch him.

Brandon nods and Jonathan scoffs. "Not enough, you asshole! You deserve to die. You went too far!!" He screams again and stat punching and punching and punching. 

Jonathan stands up and kicks him in the stomach. Several times. Brandon groans in pain as Jonathan keeps on kicking him.


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