Chapter 58

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The theme song for this chapter

Ride - Twenty One Pilots

You are the Reason - Calum Scott


I was in the kitchen cleaning up the mess we made when we had lunch. Jonathan was again helping his father out with some work. So I decided to clean up myself. I put on some music and the song Ride came on from Twenty One Pilots. I love this song so I move my body a little with the rhythm of the music.

I started lip-syncing. No one was around so why not just dance? I jumped when I hear a manly and deep voice talking "what are you doing, baby girl?" I hear him say, probably Jonathan, as I feel his arms around me. He places his head in the crook of my neck.

"God! You scared me!" I say and he chuckles because I didn't notice him coming in. "I'm sorry baby, I'll let you dance" He says and I shake my head. I'm not gonna dance while he watches, it's embarrassing. "No, no. I'm not gonna dance in front of you" I tell him.

"But I had such a beautiful view when I came walking in" He whines and kisses my cheek. I shake my head again. "It's embarrassing," I say while I pout at him. The song ride was still playing and I hear him sing the lyrics with a low volume of his voice.

"You know the song?" I ask him and he nods. "Of course, everyone knows Twenty One Pilots, right?" He replies and I nod "I think most people do, yeah," I say.

He turns me around and started doing the waltz on this song. I look at him with disbelief as he was acting like he enjoys this. "You can't do the waltz on this song," I tell him while laughing. The song ends and another song takes over. You are the reason came on.

"On this one, we can, right?" He asks while smiling brightly waiting for me to dance along with him. I laugh and nod at him. "Sure," I say and he grabs my hands and we start doing the waltz.

"I don't think we're doing this right," I tell him and chuckle, as we struggle with doing the steps. I place my arms around his neck and he does the same, but then around my waist. "Is this better, princess?" He asks and I nod. He smiles at me and we continue dancing.

"Wanna go to the grocery store with me, to get my dad's favorite snack?" He asks me while he pulls me closer. "Sure, why not? I guess I'd just be bored after I finish cleaning up here" I tell him and he nods.


We walk into the grocery store with our hands intertwined. I hear him sigh as we walk in. "What's wrong?" I ask him. He turns his face to me. "Do you see that girl over there, with blonde short hair?" He asks me and I look over for the girl. I nod when I see her. She's beautiful. "That girl is my ex" He explains.

"She is beautiful," I say while looking down. I feel his thumb on my chin and he makes me look at him. "She wasn't that attractive at all, now she is just a barbie," He tells me. "And besides, I only have eyes for you, my princess" He adds and I give him an insecure smile.

"Is that why you broke up with her because she started wearing loads of make-up?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "No, my feelings for her faded, and she cheated on me" He explains and I nod at him. Still feeling insecure "Babygirl, don't be scared. I hate her" He tells me and I couldn't help but feel a little more relieved.

"Speaking of the devil, she is coming" He informs me. I grab his arms tighter with both of my hands. I look at the girl who was walking towards us with a smirk on her face. "Hey Jonathan, how are you?" She asks him kindly.

"Great actually, how about you?" He replies and asks her with an annoyed tone in his voice. "Not so good actually" She replies and I see her glance at me and her expression goes from nice to disgusted and annoyed.

"What is that?" She asks while pointing at me. "She..." He corrects her "Is my girlfriend and she is not an object" He replies as I hid my face behind his arm. I hear her scoff. "That is your girlfriend? Isn't she too young for you?" She asks. "Age doesn't matter if it's love" I hear him respond to her.

"But she is so ugl-" She couldn't finish her sentence as Jonathan spoke. "We're leaving!" He says and walks past her with his arm around me. Was she about to call me ugly? We walk to an empty hall where all the candy is.

"I can't stand her!" He yells and kisses my forehead. Tears start pouring into my eyes. "Was she about to call me ugly?" I ask him and he turns me to face him. "She is just jealous, baby. You're not ugly at all. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life" He responds.

"What if some other girl comes between us?" I ask him. He scoffs and says "Then she will call you mommy and I will tell her how beautiful her mother is," He tells me, and I instantly look up. Revealing him smiling at me. I pout and smile at him. "That was extremely cringe," I tell him and he starts laughing. "Yeah well... I'm not lying," He says.

"Go out with me tomorrow night" I hear him say. I give him a confused look "You mean like having dinner somewhere?" I ask him and he nods. I start smiling brightly and hug him. "I would love that" I reply and he kisses my hair. "Good, but if you said no, I would've probably just picked you up and still taken you with me," He says and I look up to face him. He chuckles and gives me a soft kiss on my lips.


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