Chapter 24

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The theme song for this chapter

Icelandic Lullaby - William Ogmundson


Jonathan's point of view

I'm laying in my bed thinking about the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I smile widely at the thought of her blushing at every compliment I gave her. She is so shy and is absolutely not good at receiving them. It's so cute to see her like that.

She's an angel, so sweet, to literally everyone. I don't deserve her forgiveness. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. I was surprised when I saw her standing in the door frame of the kitchen next to Jenna. My eyes were still red from crying because of the thought of her hating me. She probably noticed.

I was shocked when she told me that everyone should be able to get a second chance. Well not me, I fucking kidnapped her. How is it possible for her to give me another chance or forgive me? She's too kind. I usually like that about her, but it's wrong for her to give me another chance or forgive me.


I wake up from hearing a loud noise from outside my room. What the hell was that? I decide to take a look by stepping out of my bed. I walk towards my door and open it. I walk outside and close the door behind me.

I look around to see if there is anything that looks suspicious. I walk towards the stairs and I see that the lights from the kitchen are on. I decided to walk downstairs. Who the hell is up this late?

I walk towards the kitchen and when I reach the door, that was already open, I see Ro standing there with her back facing me. "What are you doing here? It's midnight. I heard something" I say with a deep morning voice. She jumps and puts something under her hoodie I guess.

She turns around to face me and then starts talking when she sees me. "Ehh nothing and you probably heard me fell on the floor," she says innocently. Then what is she doing in the kitchen if she wasn't doing anything here? My eyes soften in worry when she said she fell on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask her with a worried look on my face. She just nods and says "yeah I'm alright" I look into her eyes and nod in relief.

My eyes meet her hoodie and it looks like something was under it. "What's that under your hoodie?" I ask her.

"There is nothing under my hoodie," she says and I look at her in disbelief. I raise an eyebrow "do I need to take a look myself?" I ask playfully. I don't mean that I just want her to tell me what's under it. It's probably just candy or something.

Her eyes widen at my statement. "No! There is nothing to look" she says and she instantly walks towards me. She walks past me towards the kitchen door.

When she reached the door, about to leave, I stop her with my voice. "Alright, just so you know. You didn't need to lie to take those candies with you. You could've just taken them with you if you liked them so much" I say with a smirk on my face, and she turns around to face me. I have already turned around.

"Yeah.. well whatever," she says and turns around again. I chuckle and say "goodnight Ro" I can see with just seeing the side of her face that she is smiling. "Goodnight," She says and walks out.

She is just adorable, but a bit naughty I see. I smile at the thought. I thought she was an honest person. Well, it's not a bad thing to lie about. It's cute that she lied to keep the candies.

I decide to turn off the lights and walk back towards the stairs. I walk upstairs. When I reach the top I walk towards my room. I step inside my bed and I try to get some sleep.


I open my eyes and I see the light from outside coming through the curtains. I yawn and stretch. I take the blanket off me and I step out of the bed. I don't wear a T-shirt when I sleep. Only my underwear. I walk towards my bathroom and make myself ready to take a shower.

When I'm done taking a shower I walk towards my wardrobe. I take pants out of the closet and put them on. I take out a hoodie and put that on too.

When I'm ready I open the door and walk out. I walk downstairs and I see a door is opened. I take a look inside of the room and I notice this is the room with some musical instruments. I walk inside.

I look around and my eyes stop when I see a piano. I walk towards the piano. I used to play when I was younger. My dad taught me how to play. When my dad needed to travel for his work we eventually stopped doing that together. I miss it.

I take a seat and look at some songs that I could play. I stop when I see the song Icelandic lullaby. I look at it for a few seconds and then eventually start playing. My fingers press the keys. This was my favorite song to play on the piano.

I suddenly get to see some memories of me and my dad, playing this together, him teaching me when I was 7 years old. Back then I was struggling playing this song. At age of 14, I was able to play the song smoothly and fluently. I still haven't forgotten how to play.

I finished the song and I was about to stand up and walk towards the door, but an angelic voice made me stop. I know exactly who she was. Roselle. "That was amazing" I hear her say. I look towards the door frame where she was standing. She had an amused smile on her face.


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