Chapter 9

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Jonathan's point of view

She walks back into the hallway to find her bracelet. I already picked it up so I have it. I start to follow her. She noticed that someone was following her so she stopped. I stop walking and I stand behind her. She turns around and almost bumps into me. I honestly hoped she would bump into me but she didn't.

She looks up and sees me standing in front of her. She looks at my arms and shoulders. Her eyes meet mine. I stare at her for a while, she looks me in the eyes and she's also staring.

She stops staring at me when I show my hand. I open my hand and her eyes widen and light up by the sight of her bracelet. She sighs in relief.

"Is this your bracelet miss?" I ask her, pretending I don't know her name. I feel like she gets a little nervous. My serious gaze turns into a small smile. She nods and grabs the bracelet. Our hands touched and she shivers. I think I really do make her nervous.

I decide to say something again "you should wear a more thick jacket in this weather, you'll catch a cold," I say pretending it's because of the wind she shivers. She is silent for a while and then starts talking.

"Ehh... than-kk you-u.." She says while stuttering. Her voice is so beautiful and now she is actually talking to me. She is so shy. "No problem, your friends are waiting I think you should go before they'll think something happened to you," I say and give her a small smile. I don't want her to leave at all, to be honest. I want to hug her so bad but that would be weird.

She nods and says "thank-k you-u again" She stuttered again. I nod before she walks past me. She walks to the door and I turn around and stare at her again. She turns her head one more time and sees I was already staring at her. She ends up blushing and tries to hide it by turning her head to the door and walks out.

I smile widely. I walk towards the window and I see her standing with her friends. I honestly wanted to keep the bracelet in the first place so that I would have something of her. But that bracelet is too important to her and I can't see her in pain, and I don't want to hurt her.

I decided to give her a visit tonight. Again. I just love watching her. You all may think I would put cameras in her house to watch her at home, no I'm not like that. I would probably see her naked. That's her body, and I respect her privacy. And if I did put them in her house, she would probably hate me and never be able to fall in love with me.

When I make her mine, I want her to trust and be honest with me. So I will tell her everything, once I'm ready to. Tell her that I followed her and watched her sleep. Tell her that I closed the window at night so she would be safe. And not some other creature walked in and would assault her or something. I can't let that happen to my girl.

Just a few minutes ago when she was looking at me I was so nervous about what she'll think about me. I was scared I wasn't attracted to her or anything. I almost stuttered while talking to her. But I actually made her nervous I think.

When it comes to meeting her I'm very insecure. I want to be the perfect guy for her. No one is perfect but I'm trying my best, just for her. To me she is perfect, and I want her to meet my family when it's the right time. She will be the only girl that I want to introduce to my family. She is the only girl for me.

If she doesn't want me after knowing me, I'll let her go and live her life. That would be a hard decision to make for me because I'll never be able to love someone else. But still, I want to see her happy. But I will do everything to make her fall for me. Literally everything.


I'm waiting outside her house behind a tree. It's already dark outside so she and her family will not see me. I heard that her grandma will be visiting them tomorrow. She is a lovely woman and also funny. At least she has her grandma, I've never met mine.

She walks to her room I guess. I walk towards the tree in front of her window. I always sit in this tree, to be honest. She won't be able to see me but I can see her perfectly. As always she puts on her pajamas first. And I look away as always.

I peak to look if she's done. And yes she is, she walks towards her bathroom. Probably to brush her teeth.

She walks back into her room and turns of the lights. I can hardly see her now. Her window opens revealing her. She looks outside for a moment. She let her window be opened and walks away. I guess she is getting inside of her bed now. Most girls would be on their phones before sleeping. But she doesn't, she isn't addicted. Not like I watch more girls, but I know puberty.

After a while, I figured she'd be asleep. I walk to her window and climb up. I get inside and walk around. I look at her sleeping body under the blanket. She is so fucking beautiful. Even when she sleeps. I see her smiling in her sleep. My heart melts at the sight. I want her so bad to be mine.

I walk towards her bed and kiss her on the cheek like I always do. I close the window and walk out of the house.


The next evening I'm standing in front of her house again. With flowers in a vase and a carton with her name on it. I put it in front of her door. I rang the bell and ran away before they open the door and see me. Her mother opens the door and looks confused. But then she looks down and sees the flowers and picks them up and closes the door.

I hope she likes them...


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