Chapter 55

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The theme song for this chapter

Fetish - Selena Gomez


"So Jonathan? Ro has something to ask you" Kylie says as she grins from ear to ear. I look at her weirdly and then I realize. I give her a glare and sigh. I see Jonathan look at me weirdly. "Go on Ro, ask him," Kylie says to me and I still glare at her. She starts grinning again.

I sigh and I give my attention to my man. He gives me a worried look. "What's wrong baby?" He asks carefully while gulping. "Do you remember the day we first met?" I ask him and he nods carefully.

"Well, Kylie, Daniel, and I, we run out terrified because of something," I tell him and he nods as he is still confused. He starts clenching his jaw. "Do you know more about that?" I ask him and he pokes his tongue into his inside cheek. "I have no idea what you're talking about," He says acting innocent.

"Did you do all of that?" I ask him and he starts to grin trying to hold his laugh back. I widen my eyes and he starts laughing. "You did, didn't you?" I ask him and he licks his lips while nodding. I gasp and punch his arm playfully.

"Oh look at the time, I need to go" we hear Kylie say while she stands up. I glare at her and she starts walking away from us. She stops and turns around while smirking. "By the way, she is gonna punish you for that," She says and I widen my eyes at her. She did not! "Oh really?" I hear Jonathan ask.

She turns around and walks out. I stand up and decide to follow her. She was about to walk out of the door but I stop her. "Oh, you did not!" I yell and she starts laughing. "Just have fun!" She says and grins again. She walks out and closes the door behind her.

I scoff and I turn around revealing Jonathan behind me. He grins and slowly walks towards me. "Punishing me huh?" He asks me and I gulp. "What does she mean by that?" He asks me and my heartbeat is raising. "N-nothing," I tell him while shaking my head.

"Hmm really? I have a feeling for what it could be" He says and my back hits the wall behind me. He started getting more closer and I tried to run away, but he traps me between his strong arms. I gulp and I look down. This is starting to feel intense and my skin is heating up.

"What about some little fun before dinner, love?" He whispers into my ear making me have goosebumps all over my body. "M-my l-legs" I stutter and he grins. "You could run after Kylie pretty easy so I guess they don't feel hurt or sore anymore, now are they darling?" He asks me and I gasp at the feeling of him grabbing my hips.

I slowly shake my head making him chuckle. He starts caressing my cheek. I don't know why but I kinda like this side of him, his dominant side, however, he still can be such a baby sometimes. "My shy little baby," He says and I pout. "I'm not little!" I tell him while raising my voice at him.

At first, he looks shocked about it but soon he started smirking. "Don't raise your voice at me, baby girl. You don't want to face the consequences, or do you?" He asks me and I look at him confused.

"W-what consequences?" I ask him carefully. He chuckles and starts playing with a lock of my hair. "You'll find out if you do it again" He assures me and I sigh "Just tell me!" and I raise my voice again. I cover my mouth after realizing what I just did.

He chuckles what makes me gulp again. Oh god, I'm in trouble. He licks his lips and leans in before crashing his lip onto me roughly. He picks me up and I automatically wrap my legs around his waist. He pins me against the wall again and pins my arms above my head. I moan through the kiss from the intense feeling he is giving me.

I feel like dripping, down my womanhood. He pulls back from the intense but passionate kiss and leans to my ear. "What do you want, baby girl?" He asks me with his husky voice. He stares into my eyes waiting for me to answer. I was still pinned against the wall with my legs around his waist.

"I need your words, baby. I'm not gonna force you" He says to me and I am still staring into his dark brown orbs. He let go of my hands and I instantly put them around his neck. Pulling him into a deep but soft kiss. He immediately kisses me back and his hands move to my back.

I pull back and look down. "Y-you," I say while I stutter and I see his eyes turn dark as soon as I said that. With holding me he makes his way to the stairs and walks up. Reaching the top he tries to make his way to his room as fast as he can. Not running but more like fast walking.

He opens the door the way he did last night and barges in. He now first closes his door and locks it. He stares deeply into my eyes before he throws me on the bed. He hovers above me and starts kissing me roughly. I kiss him back and I feel him grin through the kiss. He pulls back and licks his lips.

"Let's make love again," He says and I look at him confused as fuck. "W-what about the consequences?" I ask him carefully. He chuckles and scoffs. "I was just kidding, baby. I just wanted to see your reaction" He tells me and I widen my eyes. I hit his chest playfully and he tries to hold back his laughter.

"You scared me!" I yell at him and he shakes his head, not agreeing with me. "Oh no, I think I just made you shiver and..." He pauses and licks his lips before finishing his sentence. "...Wet" He finishes and my cheeks turn red immediately. He smirks and starts kissing my neck.

He pulls back and takes off his shirt. Revealing his beautiful, muscular body and bare chest. He hovers above me and my hands start reaching for his body. My fingers slide over some scars of him and he looks at me with guilt. I give him a small smile. "I know they are-" He couldn't finish because I didn't let him. "I love your scars, like every inch of your body. You'll always look beautiful to me" I tell him and he smiles small at me while nibbling on his lips.

"God, I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me" He says and I smile small at him. I shake my head and say "I won't, and I love you too. My prince" I say and he chuckles. He leans in and kisses me softly. "Can I take them off?" He asks when he pulls away while pointing to his huge t-shirt that I was wearing.

I slowly nod and he doesn't waste any time and takes it off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. Immediately attacking my lips again as I kiss him back. He slowly goes to my cheek making his way to my ear. Licking the earlobe, making me shiver and gasp low. He chuckles and says "Found something you like," He says and I roll my eyes. He keeps kissing my skin as he goes down to my spine.

I let out a soft moan and grab his hair, making me tell him, I want more. His grip on me tightens as he keeps on licking and sucking the skin of my spine. He goes more down to my collar, which receives me getting goosebumps.

His hands go to the back of my bra and he unclips it. He takes it off and throws it somewhere like he always does, leaving me bare-chested. I cover them up with my arms and he looks at me with a serious look on his face. "Still shy baby?" He asks me and I nod.

He grabs my hands and puts them on each side of my head. He stares into my eyes and says "Don't cover yourself up, princess. You're beautiful, I mean it" He says and still stares into my eyes. I slowly nod at him, telling him to keep going.

He does as I command and goes more down. He reaches the edge of my jeans and takes them off. He licks his lips at the sight of my wet underwear. "Fuck, you're soaking wet, baby," He says and bites his bottom lip. "I want you so bad, right now," He says and starts caressing my thighs.

"Then take me as you please..." I say while blushing. He looks at me and clenches his jaw. He licks his lips again and says "Damn baby, that was hot" I try to avoid eye contact and he hovers above me and kisses my chin, and goes to my cheek. His lips pressing onto my skin.

I look at him and I say "Take me..." he caresses my cheek and leans into my ear. Giving me goosebumps again after the next thing he whispers into my ear.

"As you wish, my love"


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