Chapter 17

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Ro's point of view

I couldn't sleep last night, I kept thinking about he could watch me sleep again. But he didn't. Why? I question myself. Did he know I didn't sleep at all? Those questions keep spooking in my brain. I want to ask him those questions but I also don't want to talk to him.

Last night he saved me. He heard me scream and came right away. I was surprised but I also wasn't. He told me he would do anything to protect me. He freaked out and I just said I was sorry because I didn't want to talk with him. I wanted him to leave and I also didn't want him mad because I have no idea what he is capable of.

I'm still in bed, overthinking about everything that happened. I decide to go out of bed. I'm not tired yet for not sleeping the whole night. But I can't stay in bed the whole day. I walk to the desk. It has a few books on it. One book gets my attention right away. Of course. He knows my favorite book. I could've known. I've read that book like 10 times I think. I'm still in love with the book.

I look at the other novels and I see he knows what kind of stuff I like to read. They're mostly from the same author. Anthony Doerr. He is a great author. I turn around and I see a radio. Would he also know what kind of music I listen to?

I walk towards the radio. There is already a cd on it. I press the button to play the song. And of course. It's playing a song of imagine dragons. He really does know everything I guess. Well, he has been watching me so I think he also looked through my stuff.

He is not a normal person, a normal person would not stalk a person. He does look like someone who would be a psycho, no offense but yeah. He is very muscular so I guess he also gets himself into fights a lot.

I turn off the radio and at that moment I hear a knock on the door. I get a little scared, what if it's him. I'm wearing just pajama shorts and a camisole. "Who is there?" I ask curiously. I hear a female voice respond to me. "It's me, Jenna," she says kindly. I sigh in relief and walk towards the door.

I open it revealing Jenna with a bright smile. "Good morning Ro, how was your first night?" She asks. I look down and say "it was alright" I lied. She doesn't look convinced at all. "Are you sure?" She asks concerned. I shake my head. "No I haven't slept the whole night" I can't lie, I'm sorry.

"Is there something bothering you when you tried to sleep?" I say nothing and I just look her in the eyes, she sighs. "I see, I know what is bothering you. You think Jonathan would watch you sleep" I look down and nod my head.

"He promised me he wouldn't do that anymore because he wants you to forgive and trust him," she says and I look at her. I frowned not believing what she says. "Ask him if you don't believe me" I shake my head. I don't want to talk to him. But eventually, I have to thank him for saving my life. But not yet.

"I believe you" I just simply say.

"How is your back? Does it still hurt?" She asks worriedly. It only hurts when I lean back but I don't do that often, I shake my head "no just a little, thank you" she smiles and says "good to hear and you're welcome. Hey what about if we look around in the house today, I'll show you everything" she says waiting for my answer.

I just simply nod. It's not like I have something better to do. I want to leave this place but it's no use if there are guards everywhere.

"Okay great, just change your clothes and I'll be waiting outside your room," she says and I nod while closing the door.

I walk towards the closet and open it. I look at it to see what they have put in it. Wow. He even knows that I only wear oversized hoodies and shirts. He really wants me to feel comfortable.

I grab a light blue hoodie and just casual jeans. I open the drawer and I see socks, underwear, and bras. I hope Jenna organized the closet. I just grab some of it and put it on. I actually have to take a shower but I'm scared for some reason.

When I'm fully dressed I brush my hair and open the door revealing Jenna. She looks up at me and smiles. "Let's go," She says and grabs my hand. I just follow her behind.

"Let's eat something first you must be hungry!" I nod. You already hear my stomach growling.

We reach downstairs and walk towards the kitchen. I hope he is not there right now. But when I see him sitting on the kitchen island I want to leave immediately. He was eating his breakfast. He looked up when he heard the door open. He sees us and looked scared for some reason, or more insecure.

He keeps staring at me while we walked closer. I feel very uncomfortable around him. I decide to just keep some distance. "Good morning sir!" Jenna says while smiling. She grabs some bread.

"Good morning" he just says with a deep morning voice. That gave me shivers somehow. I just look at him and I see he is still staring at me. Watches every move I make. He gives me a small smile and then takes a bite of his breakfast. I look away from him.

Jenna was done making breakfast for me. I take the plate and look around for a place to sit. I don't want to sit next to him. The only available seat was next to him. I don't move.

"You can just sit next to me if you want?" He says while looking at me. I look up and hesitate because I actually don't want to sit next to him but I also don't want to be rude. I walk towards him not daring to look him in the eyes.

This is so awkward. I take a seat next to him and place the plate on the kitchen island. I start eating while looking down.


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