Chapter 28

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I sit on the couch with my knees up. When the movie started I sat normal, with my feet on the ground. That started to feel uncomfortable so I decided to sit down differently. With my knees up is getting uncomfortable too so I decided to grab some popcorn.

But the bowl was empty. Again. I sit back the way I sat before. "Do you want some extra popcorn?" I hear Jenna say and I look to her side. I shake my head "no it's alright".

"Are you sure? I can get you new popcorn" she asks and I smile at her "Well I'd like to have some more, but make sure you get something for yourself too," I say and she nods.

"Sir, do you want something to drink or eat?" She asks Jonathan nicely. Jonathan looks up to face her but eventually shakes his head "no thanks I'm good" he says and starts watching the movie again.

She was about to leave but I stopped her. "Should I pause the movie for you?" I asked her nicely. She turns around and shakes her head "no it's alright, just keep watching okay?" She asks and I nod my head. She leaves the room.

I look back at the movie, we are halfway through it. The girl is very beautiful, from the movie. She and her best friend are just too cute, they fit perfectly together.

A few minutes later I start to sit uncomfortably again. I cross my legs and try to lay back on the couch. If I do that I lay down with my head on the sofa handrail and if I do that I won't be able to see the movie properly. So I decide to sit back again the way I did before. With my back leaning on the couch I watch the movie. My legs are still crossed.

A few seconds later I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look to my side and I see Jonathan with a soft smile on his lips. I look at him confused. "You can lay down on my chest if you want," He says and I freeze at his words. Did he just say that?

I give his chest a look and then look back at him. It looks comfy. I slowly nod. He smiles brightly. Damn that smile. He puts his arms around me and I slowly get closer to him. He lays my head down on his chest. He again puts his arms around me, but now tighter.

We are now sitting in a position where I'm between his legs and my back is leaning on his stomach. It feels so safe in his arms. It's very comfortable. Now I don't know what to do so I just start watching the movie again. I feel his chin resting on my head.

A few moments later Jenna walks in with an extra bowl of popcorn and a drink. I look at her. She stops walking when she sees us sitting in this position. She gives us a 'you guys are so cute' look. I instantly start to blush and I turn my face back to the tv.

She places herself next to us and puts everything on the table. She hands me the bowl of popcorn and I take it happily. I start to eat from it and I receive a chuckle from Jenna.

I feel eyes on me from the person who has his arms around me. I look at him and he is indeed staring at me. I instantly look away and I can see him smiling at me through the corner of my eyes. He moves his face closer to mine and then I feel a pair of lips touching my cheek. I widen my eyes and start blushing hard.

I feel his lips leave my cheek. I look him deep in the eyes. He gives me a small smile. I eventually smile small back. I see his eyes sparkling. I can feel his heartbeat, and it's beating fast. Really fast. My heart is beating fast too but he can probably feel that because his arms are around me.

I lay my head back on his chest. My hands start moving to his arms that are around me. I hold his arms tightly. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I like this position in his arms. It feels like I can't feel anywhere safer than in his arms. I feel him move a little. He's probably a little shocked about my sudden action.

His grip around me tightens. He rests his chin once again on my head. To be honest I don't want him to let go of me. I start watching the movie again. I missed a little but I don't mind.

The girl in the movie now realizes that her best friend has been the one all the time. She decides to meet him. She reached the place and he shows up. I feel like this is going to be a beautiful scene. They eventually kiss and went inside a building. Turns out that he bought this for her so she can start her own company, which she always wanted.

I feel like I'm about to cry. Damn it I'm too sensitive. A tear leaves my right eye. The movie ends. The tear from my eye rolls down and falls on Jonathan's arm. He moves to see what happened. His hand touches my left cheek to turn my face to him. I look him in the eyes. "Hey, why are you crying?" He asks with a worried look on his face.

I start smiling "I cry fast with movies like this," I tell him and he starts smiling in relief. He wipes my wet cheek dry. "It's okay, don't cry," he says and starts hugging me. I don't know why but I hug him back.

"I'll clean up everything okay? You guys just go to sleep" Jenna says while grabbing stuff from the table.

I nod and yawn. I stand up and start walking towards the door to walk out with Jonathan behind me. He starts walking next to me and I don't dare to look at him or say anything.

We reach the stairs and we walk up. My heart starts beating fast when he grabs my hand and intertwines them. I look down at our hands and start to blush. He chuckles and we walk towards my room when we reach the top.

I stop in front of my door. I turn around and our hands are still intertwined. I look at him and he looks me deeply in the eyes. He starts moving closer to me. When our bodies are almost touching he starts moving his head to mine. I start to feel nervous and I instantly close my eyes.

A few seconds later I feel his lips touching my forehead. I open my eyes. His other hand starts caressing my cheek and his lips let go of my forehead. I look up to see him looking at me.

"Goodnight Ro," He says with a sweet voice, his voice calms me. He smiles at me and I smile back. "Goodnight Jonathan," I say nicely and he lets go of my hands and starts walking away to his room.

I walk inside my room and close it behind me. I make myself ready for bed. I put the clothes that I had on in the laundry. I walk towards my bed and I step inside my bed. I close my eyes and I drift off to dreamland.


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