Chapter 38

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The theme song for this chapter

Avenoir - Tom Merrall


Ro's point of view

"I like you..." I blurted out. I look down avoiding his gaze when he turns around completely shocked. I feel his eyes on me and I start to blush hard. I slowly hear him walking towards me.

"Really?" He asks and I nod. He grabs my hands and he starts giving them kisses. "Yes, I got jealous because you slept with that Veronica girl," I tell him, still looking down. I feel him stop kissing my hands.

"Hold up, what? Sleeping with Veronica? What are you talking about?" He asks me and I look at him in disbelief. I start to hit his chest. "You know what I mean. When she said 'let's do that more often' she smirked at you. You know exactly what I mean" I yell at him.

He looks at me with shock in his eyes. I hit his chest multiply times and say "You asshole!" I yell at him. He grabs my hands and pins me against the wall. Tears start falling again.

"I didn't sleep with Veronica, Ro," He tells me and I look at him in disbelief. "Yeah, sure! You did that because you know I'm not ready" I yell at him. He shakes his head and I start looking down again.

"Ro... Veronica is my niece. She is married to a lovely husband and she was here to catch up with me. We were just talking Ro" He tells me and I felt relieved, to be honest. I'm so stupid, I could slap myself.

"And just so you know... I'm waiting for you until you're ready. There won't ever be a woman who comes between you and me" He says and my heart is melting. I start smiling widely. I feel his thumb on my chin lifting it. Making me look at him.

He gives me a small smile and I feel embarrassed. He notices and chuckles. His hands move to my cheek "I like you too, baby" He says and I love the way he says baby to me. I giggle and say "I know" He looks me deeply in the eyes like he needed to win a staring contest.

His other hands move to my waist and his body moves closer to mine. "May I... Ehh. Can I..." He hesitated and I interrupted him by nodding my head. His eyes begin to sparkle. He smiles at me and I start to feel shy. I start blushing hard.

His face moves closer to mine and I automatically close my eyes. I really hope no one will interrupt us this time. My heart is beating so fast right now. I can feel his heartbeat, it's beating fast too. He comes closer and closer every second.

I can feel his breath on my lips. His hold on me tightens. Then finally he connects his lips with mine. After a few seconds, I start kissing back. It's just a kiss, not a make-out. His hand on my cheek moves to my waist. I put my hands around his neck.

It feels so right, so meant to be. His kiss shows love and warmth. Jezus, It's a long kiss. The kisses Brandon gave me didn't feel right, and I didn't felt comfortable at all. But with Jonathan it feels so amazing and trustworthy.

He disconnect our lips to catch our breaths and I look down. He chuckles and start kissing my hands. You can see how happy he is. He then pulls me into his embrace and kisses my forehead.

He looks at me and his expression went serious. "Promise me you'll never curse again, okay? It freaks me out for some reason" He says and I smile at him. I nod "I promise, I'm sorry" I say and he carres my right cheek. "It's okay, baby" He says and I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Let's go make dinner, okay baby?" he says after a while and I slowly nod. He sees my red cheeks and he chuckles. I hit him playfully and I smile at him. He grabs my hand and he intertwines them.


Jenna is cooking and Jonathan was cutting the carrots. You can see the veins on his hands while cutting. I was just admiring him. Then my eyes went to his face, he looks so concentrated. As if it was a difficult test he was having.

I was looking at every inch of his face. His jawline was just perfection. His lips when he presses them together. His nose... He truly has a beautiful nose. His cheeks are so adorable when he smiles. I want to squeeze his cheeks. His perfect eyebrows.

Girls would drool because of him and then you have his raven black hair what fits perfectly with his outfit. He is truly a goodlooking man. I would even say handsome. He is very attractive. I normally don't find people attractive this soon, but he is definitely an exception. I could keep on staring at him for the rest of the day. Even more.

Then his eyes meet mine out of nowhere and it's like he is staring into my soul. He lifts his left eyebrow and then starts smiling or smirking. I can't really tell. He places the knife down and looks at me again. "What are you looking at, baby?" He asks me and I look away.

"Umm... nothing" I say denying eye contact with him. He starts to chuckle and says "Oh, so I'm nothing?" He asks and I look at him. He is now definitely smirking at me. He pokes his tongue in his inner cheek.

I decide to say nothing but just smile. He starts continuing cutting the carrots. I again start staring at him while he is looking down at the carrots in front of him.

"You should take a picture, baby. It lasts longer" He informs me and I roll my eyes. I hear him laugh softly. "Then give me a camera" I tell him and he looks up. I stand up from my chair I was sitting on and I walk towards Jonathan.

I grab a piece of the carrots he has been cutting and I put in my mouth. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Yah! I've been working really hard on cutting these carrots and you just decide to eat it up like that" He says and I chuckle.

"Working really hard huh?" I ask him and he nods. He points to the carrots that he already cut. "You don't like my master work?" He asks me and pouts. I giggle and nod my head "I'm proud of you" I tell him and I start laughing. He starts to act honered.

I grab the bag of carrots who aren't cut yet and chew on it. I swallow the carrot and I run away with the bag of carrots. "Yah! Ro, come back here!" I hear him shout at me. I run out of the room heading to the library.


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