Chapter 6

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The theme song for this chapter

Crystal Chimes - Nox Arcana


We are no walking for like 10 minutes and we see that the abandoned house is already in our sight. You can tell Daniel is very excited and can't wait to enter the house. "We're here, come on let's go inside!" He says and walks hip-swaying towards the front door.

It looks so old and it looks like it can fall apart at any moment. I look at Kylie who is waiting for me to walk too. I didn't notice I stopped walking. She intertwines our arms and says "come on Ro, it's gonna be okay trust me" She smiles at me and I smile back. "Of course everything will be alright, nothing to worry about," I say with hesitation. I decide to just walk inside with our arms still intertwined.

We are now inside of the house and it looks so dirty, like if there are walking spiders everywhere. There are cobwebs everywhere. Like in every corner. "Wow it looks so old, look there's a picture on the wall" we all walk towards the wall where the picture is. It's a family I think. They might have lived here.

"Wait I have seen this picture before somewhere on the internet," Daniel says and starts searching on his phone.

"Got it! Look!" He shows us the picture. "What happened to them?" I ask him. "They were ehh... killed," He says and my eyes widen. "Kil-led?" I ask while stuttering. He nods.

"Wow, that's creepy, what if their spirits are watching us!" Kylie says while looking at me with a smirk. "Kylie stop it! You are scaring me!" I shout at her with a serious look on my face. She starts laughing out loud. "I'm just kidding, don't worry," she says and pats my head.

I pout and start walking. I stop and my eyes meet a mirror. It's covered with dust and dirt. The frame is made of gold I think. Some parts are dark and not gold, it's fake gold.

I feel hands on my shoulders and I jump and scream. I see a laughing Kylie. I sigh in relief "omg Kylie you scared the shit out of me, don't do that!" She stops laughing and hugs me. "Alright alright I'm sorry, I'll stop".

We walk into a room, the living room I guess. There is a couch covered with dust and a cobweb. I see a table with a scale of corrupted fruit. Ew gross. With my fingers, I close my nose and start walking away to another room.

My fingers leave my nose. I look around, this must be the kitchen. I look behind me but there is no Kylie or Daniel. I start to feel anxious. I grab a knife to make me feel more comfortable being alone. Just in case something happens.

All I hear is silence. It's too silent, in movies always happens something when it's too silent. Well, just the movies I've seen. I decide to look for my friends and start walking carefully out of the room. I have goosebumps all over my body.

I see a figure walking into the hall where I am. I sigh in relief when I see Kylie walking towards me with Daniel behind her. "Omg Ro, where were you, I honestly got scared!" She hugs me. "That smell of that corrupted fruit wasn't very good so I decided to leave, I thought you guys would follow me" her eyes soften and she says "I'm sorry we haven't seen you leave the room, from now on we stay together all the time no matter what!" I smile and nod in agreement.

At that very moment, we all hear a loud noise, as if something tells on the ground. We all lookup. It's silent for a while before the curtains start to dance because of the wind. When the windows open out of nowhere we all scream and run out of the house.

We are now running out of the house, we stop when we are like 20 meters away from the house to catch our breaths. "Omg what the hell was that?!" I hear Daniel say. We shake our heads "I don't know, what I do know that it was quite scary, god my spleen hurts!" Kylie says and I nod.

I feel an emptiness on my wrist. I look at my wrist and my bracelet isn't there anymore. Where the fuck did it go. "Guys my bracelet is gone I have to find it, it might be still in the house!" I turn around to walk back to the house but Kylie made me stop.

"No way, you're not going back out there!" She says with a serious look. "I have to you know that bracelet is important to me!" She nods at my statement "yeah I know but what if you get hurt or something, I'm going with you!"

I shake my head "no Daniel is scared don't you see you have to stay with him" I say. She sighs and starts thinking. "Okay ehh, what about you scream with everything you have when something is happening, then I will come!" She says I nod and say "okay deal, I will" She smiles and hands me a pocket knife and says "just in case and be careful please!" I nod and grab the knife, I turn around to walk towards the house.

I walk inside and look around for my bracelet. I look everywhere but I can't find it. I haven't been upstairs so it can't be upstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and look everywhere. Nothing. I turn around and walk towards the living room. It's shining so you will see it soon when you lost it. Nothing. Where the hell can that thing be for God's sake. I notice I lose my patience.

My hands are going through my hair. I put one hand on my mouth before speaking to myself. "Fuck, it was my grandpa's, he gave it to me before he died. Why did I have to lose it?" I question myself, my eyes are getting watery. A tear leaves my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

I turn around and walk into the hallway. I search again, just in case. I feel like someone is following me. I hear footsteps. I stop and I don't hear footsteps anymore.

I turn around and I almost bump into someone...


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