Chapter 56

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The next two days were boring and I started to feel irritated by myself, because of my loneliness. I haven't seen Jonathan a lot the past two days and I really started to miss him a lot. I was craving for his touch and kisses. Not in a dirty way though.

I was just reading a book in the library on my own. I knew that Jenna went home to her family this weekend. Genevieve, Jonathan's mother, was working a part of her job while Jonathan was helping his father, Peter, with the other part of it.

Taylor needed to go to his wife in the hospital because she was about to give birth. So I was here sitting all alone. Well, I had company. Mario was laying with his head on my lap as I pet his head. I chuckled when I heard him snore.

I start to feel bored so I decide to move a little what wakes up Mario and he gets off of me. I stand up and place the book back into the bookshelf. I make my way towards the door to open it and walk out while Mario is following me behind.

"Come on Mario, let's go to your owner," I say and Mario jumps up and down excitedly. He wiggles his tail while he walks next to me. The three of them were all in the office. So there is where I go too.

As I reach the door from the office, I knock on it. Waiting for someone to tell me to come in. "Come in" I hear Peter say and I slowly open the door as I peek inside. Revealing them all, Jonathan and Peter were sitting on a couch in the room and looked both completely focussed.

Genevieve was sitting behind the desk and was doing something on the computer. I walk towards the two on the couch. When I stood next to Jonathan, I place my hand on his back as I rub it slowly. He looks at me and smiles sweetly at me. He grabs my hand off of his back and kisses my palm.

"Hey baby," He says and turns his face back to his father, while still holding my hand. I place myself on the couch not letting go of his hand. I start back hugging him and put my hands around his waist. I lay my head on his back and I feel him squeezing my hand.

"Let's have a break, son" I hear Peter say I see him walking over to his wife. He places a kiss on her cheek and she chuckles. I want that too when I get older. Marry Jonathan and treat each other the way we do now.

Jonathan looks over his shoulder to me and then he chuckles. "Cute," He says and he grabs both of my hands. Letting me go of him as he turns around. He lets go of my hands and opens his arms for me to hug him. I crawl onto him and start hugging him tightly.

He kisses my forehead and plays with my hair. He also puts his arms around me, pretty tightly. "What are you doing here, princess?" He asks me and I start pouting. "I started to get bored and I wanted a hug," I tell him while I acted completely innocent.

"Aw, did my babygirl wanted my attention?" He asks me and I nod. He hugs me tighter than he did first. I look up to face him and I see him looking at me with adoration written in his dark orbs. "Should I get you something to drink? I bet you haven't drank much" I ask him and he gives me a small smile. "No I haven't, but you don't have to get me something" He replies and I nod my head furiously.

"You have to drink, baby boy," I tell him as I tease him with the nickname. He doesn't like the words baby boy, he told me not to call him that because he is a 'man' he said, and I laughed at that. He clenches his jaw and I try to get out of his grip. He pulls me back and pokes his tongue into his inner cheek. "You need to drink," I tell him and he eventually let me go. I stand up and give him a glance.

He looks at me like he wants to eat me up as soon as possible. I chuckle and turn around to make my way towards the kitchen to get my man something to drink. I decide to give him water because... water is good for everybody.

As I return back to the office I see Jonathan with his father again being extremely focused. I sigh and walk towards the desk where his mother was working behind the computer. I decided to give them a glass of water too. "Here you go, drink something," I tell her and she looks up while smiling widely. "Wow! Thank you, Ro! I really appreciate this" She says and takes the glass of water in her hands. I give her a smile back.

I walk towards the two males on the couch and hand them their glass of water. "Thank you, Ro!" His father says to me as he grabs the glass of water. I turn my face to Jonathan who was looking at me with dark eyes while he also looked at me with lust in his eyes. I chuckle and he takes the glass of water. "Thanks, baby," He says and I smile at him.

I place myself next to him and he turns to me. "Why don't you just go to my room already? I'm almost done, I'll meet you there in a few minutes okay?" He asks me and I pout but nod eventually. I stand up but a hand stops me and I turn to him and I see him pursing out his lips for me to kiss him. I give him a quick kiss and then make my way upstairs to his room.

I was waiting in his room for 15 minutes and I decided to brush my teeth. I grab my toothbrush as I walked into the bathroom making my way towards the mirror. I put on toothpaste and start brushing my teeth.

I hear the door open, revealing Jonathan as I can see him through the mirror. He stands behind me and I feel him putting his arms around my waist and he places his chin on my shoulder. I keep on brushing my teeth and he kisses my cheek. He goes more down towards my neck and I stop him as I spit out the toothpaste and bend over to do it. I feel my ass on his bulge and can't help but chuckle.

I turn to him and walk past him. I just know he is smirking and I hear him following me. When I walk into his room I feel someone grab me from behind. It's Jonathan and he pins me against the wall. He comes closer and whispers "I'm sorry that we couldn't spend much time together, but please don't tease me, babygirl" I hear his husky voice.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him, acting all innocent. He cups my cheeks and starts kissing me. It feels soft, sweet, and passionate. He deepens the kiss, but I pull back. "I almost forgot" I say covering my mouth and he looks at me weirdly.

I walk into the bathroom and grab the oil. I walk back and when he sees the oil he starts widening his eyes. "Ro! What the hell?" He almost yells at me and I look at him weirdly "What? Can't I give you a massage?" I ask him while I pout and I see him clenching his jaw. He licks his lips and scoffs.

"Why?" He asks me and I sigh deeply. "Because you've been working so hard the past two days, so I was thinking to do something nice to you" I inform him as I give him a warm smile as he soften his eyes, hearing me say that.

"What were you thinking?" I ask him and he starts scratching the back of his neck. Then it hits me. "Oh my god, you pervert!" I tell him and I start laughing. He looks at me with an 'are you kidding me' face. "You literally looked like you were ready to do it though" He explains and I gulp.

"Maybe I am," I tell him what makes him widen his eyes again. He starts walking towards me with a grin on his face. "I was kidding, baby boy" I say and I walk passed him and I hear him groan. I point at the kingsize bed for him to lay on. "Lay down" I tell him and he does what I tell him. He takes off his t-shirt. He scoffs and lays down on the bed, his back was bare ready for me to massage him.


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