Chapter 3

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After a few rounds of Truth or dare, it was my turn. "Okay, truth," I say, I see Kylie and Daniel think for a while. "Do you still love him?" I look at her with a confused look, and I say "who?" She looked at me confused "who do you think he is the only boyfriend you've ever had!" She is right, but I just hate to talk about him. "You mean Brandon? No I don't love him anymore!".

"Are you sure?" She says and I nod "Yes I don't, he forced me to have sex with him and he knew that I wasn't ready for that and he almost raped me!" I tell them. She nods in agreement "Yeah I know, I'm sorry I asked you that I know you don't like to talk about it" I nod "it's okay".

Brandon is my ex-boyfriend, he was kind and caring in the beginning but after spending a lot of time together he got needy. I told him to stop and that I wasn't ready for that but he didn't stop at all. Luckily my mom came in to give us some food and stuff, she saw that I didn't want that so she slapped him and kicked him out of the house. After that, I've seen him once at school and I told him that we were over. He left this town. I'm glad I won't ever see him again.

If I'll ever see him again my mom won't hesitate to kill him. I swear she is so overprotective, but I love her for that.

Kylie her mother walks into the room and smiles "hey how are you guys?" We smile back and Daniel says "I'm doing great how about you miss Johnson?".

"I'm doing great, and you Y/N I haven't seen you this week?" I smile and say "good, and yeah that's right I was busy with studying so".

"That's great, a good student," she says while looking at Kylie. "Mom I study too..".

"Sometimes..." she adds quickly after, and she laughs. "Whatever, I have a date tonight will you behave?" She asks Kylie. Kylie nods. "Good well I see you tomorrow!" She kisses Kylie on her cheek and leaves.

"A date again" She mumbles, her mom was 16 when she gave birth to Kylie her mom is trying so hard to work and she can't do everything alone so that's why she dates so much. "She's just trying to be a good mother but she can't do it alone," Daniel says. Kylie nods and says "I know but still she's always a way," Kylie says and we nod "Just give it a little more time and after that, she will spend some time with you, don't give up," I tell her and I smile at her.

"I won't," she says while smiling.


It's getting late so Daniel and I are heading out. We say Kylie goodbye and we hug her. "Bye Kylie, we'll see you tomorrow at the train station!" She smiles and says "goodbye and goodnight, reach home safely!" She shouts.

We grab our bikes and cycle away.

The way back is very quiet. So I decided to say something "so, how is it between you and Carlos?" I ask curiously. He began to smile and says "it's going great, we are not together yet but I have already met his parents!".

I smile and say "omg I'm so happy for you guys, I see that you are happy!". He smiles and says "yes I am! I meet him again the next day after tomorrow. I'm so excited, I think he will ask me out again, he told me he had a surprise for me!" You can tell he is so excited, he really likes him, I can see the happiness in his eyes. I'm so happy for him, he deserves this.

"And you? Any eyes on someone?" He asks carefully. I shake my head "no, I don't have the feeling with anyone I had before with.... you know" I'm stuttering. He nods and stops in the middle of the road. I look at him confused and he says "come on girl, you need a hug" I stop as well and do nothing.

"Roselle Brown, come here right now!" He demands and laughs. I walk towards him and start hugging him while smiling. After a while he speaks again "he still has your heart right?" I look up and shake my head immediately. "No no no, it just hurts what he did to me!" I say almost shout. He nods in agreement and says "true he deserves death for what he did to you".

I scoff and say "isn't that a bit of an exaggeration, hmm? I mean yeah it was wrong but I just hope no one else will be his next target!" He nods and says "I hope so too, I mean I was ready to kick his ass!" I laugh at his statement and we stop hugging.


We arrive at my house. I smile at Daniel and say "thanks for bringing me home!" He smiles and says "of course, anytime," at that moment my mom walks outside. "Hey Daniel, thank you for bringing my daughter home, I appreciate that!" My mom says with a smile. "Of course miss Brown, if you need anything else I'm here!" My mom smiles at him. "I will, thank you again".

I wave him goodbye before my mom and I walk inside. I untie my shoes and hang up my jacket. "Mom, before you go to your room I want to ask you something, my friends and I were talking, and we decided to go out tomorrow, to an abandoned house is that okay?" I ask her carefully.

"Isn't that a little too dangerous, I mean what if there is a raper or something?" I sigh and say "I'm not alone and can you please just trust me I will be alright!" She nods and says "of course but I will call you every hour just in case!" I nod and my mom leaves the room. I walk upstairs to my room to get some sleep.


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