Chapter 34

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I was about to pay for the painkillers, but I realized I didn't bring any money with me. Maybe the guard has some money. I look at the pharmacist and gave him a guilty look. He raises one of his eyebrows. 

"Could you please give me a second, I have to get some money?" I asked him and he smiled at me. While nodding his head he responded "of course, but don't take too long my family is waiting for me" I instantly nod my head and turned around to walk outside.

When I walked outside the guard looked at me weirdly because I went outside without the painkillers. I looked at him with hope in my eyes. "Can you lend me some money? I promise to give you back the money tomorrow" I asked and waited for him to respond.

He presses his lips together while his hands got into his pockets. He smiles and takes out his hands. "How much do you need?" he asked while counting the money he has. I told him the price and he gave it to me. I smile at him and thanked him before walking back into the pharmacy.

I opened the door and took some steps to where the pharmacist was waiting for me. I give him the money and he says "thank you, do you want the receipt?" he asked me nicely with a bright smile on his face. I slowly shake my head. 

He puts the painkillers in a bag and hands me the bag. I smile small at him and took the bag. "thank you, sorry for disturbing you" I apologize and he shakes his head. "no apology needed, it was urgent. Have a great evening miss" he says and I say "You too sir!" and with that, I turned around to walk outside the pharmacy.

I saw the guard calling someone when I went outside. Probably, Jonathan is worried about me. He ends the call and looks at me. He was about to say something but raindrops fall out of the sky. It's now pouring.

"Let's go miss," he says while taking off his jacket and hovers it above me. I walk towards the car and I open the door and I step inside. He closes the door and went to the driver's seat. He drives away.

It's silent in the car but I decide to break the silence. "Who were you on the phone with?" I ask curiously. He looks at me for a second and then back on the road. "With Mr. Davis," he says and I look at him confused. "You mean Jonathan?" I ask him softly.

He nods and I sigh "What did he say?" I ask while playing with my fingers. "he asked me where you and I were, I told him you were with me and he told me to bring you back home immediately. He sounded very angry and he used curse words" he told me and I glance at him and eventually nod.

I look at him and say "Don't worry, you won't be fired. Let me take care of that" I assure him. He glances at me and gives me a small and insecure smile. I sit back the way I sat before and I let my eyes watching the rain pouring down outside.

We reach the gate and it opens when the guard presses a button. He parks the car in the parking lot and turns off the car. He walks out and I open my door. He again hovers his jacket above me and we walk towards the house. I'm so cold right now. The door opens revealing a furious Jonathan. 

He runs towards me and picks me up in bridal style. "God Ro you are so cold!" he almost shouts. I look down and I hear him shout to the guard. "I'll deal with you later, idiot!" and with that, he walks back inside the house with me in his arms.

He walks towards the living room and I see him closing his eyes and he groans. I think his ribs are still hurting. "Jonathan put me down, you are hurting yourself!" I say not hesitating. He ignores me and I sigh in annoyance "Jonathan?" I say again but now louder than before. Still no response.

 When we reach the door he barges in. I'm still holding the bag and one arm is around Jonathan's neck. He places me softly on the couch. I place the bag on the ground and he grabs a blanket and puts it around me.

I look down and say nothing. He has not seen the bag yet. He takes a seat next to me and tries to calm down. His hand grabs his ribs and he groans in pain. He puts his head into his hands and then through his hair. I look at him and I see tears in his eyes. 

My eyes soften immediately. Seeing him like this hurts me. He looks at me and a tear escapes his eye. "Why?" He asks and I look down. I don't know what he is talking about. Is he talking about me going to the pharmacy?

"Why did you run away?" He asks again and I instantly look up and my eyes meet his. He thought I wanted to run away? He looks scared and mad. Probably mad at the guard and himself. He is scared because he thought he would never see me again I guess. 

"What?" I asked him with confusion. He sighs and rests his head in his hands again. "Why did you run away?" He asks again. I look at him in disbelief, he looks up again to meet my eyes. "I didn't," I tell him while shaking my head.

His face shows confusion and disbelief, another tear escaping his eye. "What?"


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