Chapter 16

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The theme song for this chapter

Undead hunters - Midnight Syndicate


After some minutes I breathe in and out. And try to say something with all the courage I have. "You don't remember me do you?" I ask her. I can see she has a confused look on her face. She shakes her head and I sigh.

"You should wear a more thick jacket with this weather, you'll catch a cold," I say to remind her. She widens her eyes, I suppose she remembers now.

"That rose is for you!" I say and point the rose in the vase. "There is a card on it you can read it if you want," I tell her and I see she hesitates before standing up. She walks towards the vase with the rose in it.

She grabs the card and starts reading. She shows no emotion when she is done reading the card. She turns around the card. She remembers the logo on it.

"Yes Ro, I bought you those roses yesterday" She now looks me in the eyes with a confused face. I think she needs an explanation.

"You may need some answers, am I right?" I ask her and give her a small smile. She slowly nods, she stays where she is.

I sigh and I take a moment before I talk. "First of all I want you to know that I really didn't want to kidnap you at all," I say while looking at her. She just simply nods. I sigh in relief, I think she believes me.

I take a deep breath before talking. "Alright, I have been following you for a long time now. The first time I laid my eyes on you I couldn't take them off of you. I started wanting to protect you, so when I watched you sleeping, I always closed your window. In case people wanted to hurt you or touch you. I started hearing conversations between you and your friends, that's how I know stuff about you. I know your favorite book, your favorite food. I know a lot. When I got to know you were so sweet and shy I started caring about you and after that loving, you were the next thing I did. To be honest I'm obsessed with you and I would do anything to protect you. Last night when you catch me watching you I freaked out and I didn't know what to do, I was so scared you would hate me for doing this and I still am..." I say.

She has a shocked expression on her face. It's silent for a moment. I think I'm starting to freak out right now. Because she says nothing, she really hates me.

"Then why am I still here?" She says calmly after a while. I look at her shocked. Did she just talk to me? Did she really do that?

"What?" I just ask. "Why am I still here if you didn't mean to kidnap me?" She asks again. I sigh and close my eyes before talking.

"Because if I would let you go you will call the police and I'll go in jail. I wouldn't be able to protect you anymore if I went to jail. My head will explode if I could t protect you anymore. And besides the thought of you hating me and not giving me a chance to prove my love for you drives me crazy and makes me want to burst out in tears" I say. She looks more shocked now.

She just nods at me not saying anything. At that moment Jenna walks in. I turn my head to her and she smiles at me. She turns her head to Ro and signals her to come with her. "Are you coming with me, Ro?" She asks her.

She walks past me and turns her head to me before leaving the kitchen. I was already staring at her and I give her a small smile. She starts to blush and walks away fast. I chuckle to myself. Maybe it's something good that she blushes. Or it's just because she's shy.

I smile at the thought that she talked to me. It makes me a little happy and hopeful.


After a while, I have eaten something and I was ready to go to my room. I walked upstairs and I heard someone scream. It's Ro, I'm sure! I rush to her room as fast as I can. I slammed the door open and I look around. My eyes lock at the balcony. She is about to fall but I rush towards her and grab her hands.

She looks at me and I try to pull her up. "Hold on a little longer!" I shout because of fear. "Try to put your feet on the bottom of the railing," I say. She tries but it does work. "I can't!" She shouts at me. "Just try again, don't give up!".

She tries again, it doesn't work. She tries another time by swinging her hips. It works and her feet are now on the bottom of the railing. I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her up fully over the railing.

I put her down not letting her go. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" I ask worriedly. She looks me in the eyes and shakes her head. She isn't okay? "N-no I didn't hurt myself and yes I'm o-okay now," she says and I sigh in relief.

We stay like this for a while. I slowly lose my grip on her and step back to make her feel more comfortable. "Why did you do that?" He asks me. She looks down at her toes.

"You tried to escape again right? Do you know how dangerous that could be? You could've died!" I almost scream at her. She takes a step back, I scared her. Fuck. My eyes soften at her reaction. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. I just panicked" I say to her and she nods, saying nothing.

"Let's get inside," I say and we walk inside. She walks behind me. "Promise me you won't do something dangerous like that again," I say and I look at her. I wait for her answer.

"I'm-m sorry-y I scared you-u, I won't do it again-n," she tells me and I nod. I give her a small smile.

"Now you should get some sleep," I say to her and she slowly nods. I walk to the door. When I reach it I stop walking and say "goodnight" and with that, I leave the room and close it behind me.


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