Chapter 60

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The theme song for this chapter

Fearless - moonia, SkySky, violetic


"Good evening, Sir. How may I help you?" An unknown waiter asks us as he comes to us and we just walked in. He has a bright snd polite smile on his face. "I have reserved a table for two. The name is Jonathan Davis" Jonathan replies to the guy in white. 

This restaurant looks expensive. Everyone in this place looks so rich and idle. "Welcome Sir, may I take your coat please?" He asks nicely and gently. Jonathan takes off his coat and hands it to the waiter. 

Jonathan looks at me and helps me take off my coat and hands the waiter mine too. The waiter walks away with both of the coats and comes back with empty hands. "Please, follow me," the waiter says and we do as he says. We follow the waiter and I feel Jonathan's hand on my back. 

"Have you been able to make a decision?" We hear a female voice ask us and we both look up from the menu. She was also in white like the male waiter. She looks quite young and she looks pretty. She turns her face to me and has a sweet smile on her face.

"Can I have the fresh pumpkin soup, please?" I ask her and she writes it down in her little notebook. She nods afterward and looks at Jonathan. "For me the creamy chicken soup, please?" He replies, making her writing it down, and also nods afterward.

After she walks away and I glance at Jonathan, who was staring at me with a glass of wine in his right hand. He takes a sip of his wine, not breaking eye contact. He is making me so nervous right now. "W-what is it?" I ask him. He gives me a small smile and places the glass of wine back on the table. 

"Nothing..." He starts and I raise an eyebrow. "... you just look incredibly gorgeous" He finishes, making me scoff. He licks his lips and grins "What? Am I not allowed to compliment my girlfriend?" He asks and raises an eyebrow.

I nibble on my bottom lip while looking down. He starts to chuckle and takes another sip from his wine. "You always get shy after I compliment you, don't you?" He says and I give him a playful glare.

It's silent for some seconds until I speak again while glancing at him. "Thank you... You don't look bad yourself either" I tell him and he grins from ear to ear. 


"Here you go, your dessert," The female waiter says and places something in front of us. It looks so creative, I can't really describe it. "Enjoy," she says and I smile at her. "Thank you," I say and grab the spoon, and start eating from my dessert. 

"Ro?" I hear Jonathan say and I look up. "Can I ask you something?" He asks and I nod slowly, nervously waiting for what comes next. "Sure" I reply and take another bite. "If we one day get married..." He starts and I stare into his beautiful eyes. "... where would you want to go on our honeymoon?" He asks and I give him a confused expression, because of his sudden question.

"Why this question all out of sudden?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. "Just curious" He replies and waits for me to answer. "Well... I would love to see Hawaii" I reply and he nods "And why is that?" He asks with interest. I shrug my shoulders.

"I always imagined a small house and when I open the door I could see the blue ocean, the palm trees next to the beach. I don't know why" I explain and he nods. I give him a warm smile and take a sip of my ice tea. 

"Then let me take you there," He says and I look up. I smile at him and then nod. "Yeah when we get married one day, right?" I ask him and take another sip from my drink. I see Jonathan getting up from his chair and he nods at me. 

He walks towards me and my eyes widen at what he did next. He kneels on one knee in front of me, not taking his eyes off of me. He reaches for my right hand and holds it tightly. "W-what are-" I start but he didn't let me finish. "Can I talk first?" He asks me and I slowly nod at him.

I look around and I see people staring at us. Some of them were smiling from ear to ear and some of them were just looking with a serious look. I feel my cheeks heating up and I look back at Jonathan. He gives me a warm smile and caresses the palm of my hand with his thumb.

"Roselle Katherine Jeanette Brown..." He starts making me scoff softly and low. He has been asking my mom about it. No one knows my full name, not even my best friends. "Exactly 2 years ago, I first laid my eyes on you. I couldn't take them off of you since that day. 3 months later we started seeing each other quite often..." He says and I try to hold back my smile. He was talking about the kidnapping, but not everyone needed to know that so he articulated it that way.

"... I already fell for you and I tried so hard to let you fall for me, and of course you did..." He says and I let out a scoff. I hear some customers laugh too, because of his cockiness. "... I know you might think you're too young to get married, but we don't have to marry this soon. We can wait as long as you want. I just want to clarify that my love for you is real..." He says and tears start pouring into my eyes, because of his beautiful words.

"... You have been sources of joy and happiness in my life and there is nothing or no one that can change the way that I feel about you. I want to see the world together, make memories, cherish every single moment in life. As long as it's with you..." He says and tears are now falling down my cheeks. 

He takes a little black box out of his pocket. Still not letting go of my hand. I wipe my tears away with my other hand.

"... Roselle Katherine Jeanette Brown..." He starts again using my whole name. "... will you please give me the extraordinary and wonderful honor..." He pauses for a second and lets go of my hand to open the box. Revealing a silver ring with a huge diamond in it. I gasp at the sight of it, that must have been pretty expensive. 

"... of marrying me?" He says while staring into my eyes as I do the same with his. I see him gulp. I love this man so much. I slowly nod while smiling at him and his eyes lit up.

"Yes, I'll marry you," I say to clarify my answer while wiping another tear away that fell out of my eye. He scoffs in happiness and takes the ring out of the box. I give him my hand and he puts the ring around my ring finger.

He looks up to me and stands up. I do the same. I can hear customers cheer and clap their hands. He cups my cheeks and puts my arms around his waist as he kisses me passionately. He pulls back and stares into my eyes. 

"I love you" He whispers and I smile at him. "I love you too" I whisper back.


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