Chapter 4

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The theme song for this chapter

Beautiful Splatter (music box) - Invadable Harmony


???'s point of view

I see her sitting behind a table in the cafeteria of her school. She's reading a book peacefully. I like seeing her like that, doing what she likes. Her name is Roselle but everyone calls her Ro. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is 5 years younger than me and only lives with her little brother and mother.

Ro is so kind to everyone. She doesn't know me or has ever seen me. She is so innocent and shy, she doesn't talk much. She only has 2 friends, Kylie and Daniel. They're great friends, she deserves them.

I see her friends walking towards her and Ro looks up and put her book away. They greet each other. When Ro smiles my heart flutters. Her smile is so beautiful, one day I'll make her smile like that to me.

She starts talking, and her voice is something else. Her voice is perfect, it's so peaceful I can listen to it the whole day. She puts her hands under her head. I wish I could touch those hands. I wish I could touch everything of her. Kiss everything of her, but that would be too soon.

You might have a few questions about me. Well, my name is Jonathan Davis, I'm 22 years old and I live nearby the country. I still live with my parents. But they're mostly out of town because of work. My parents are rich. But when they're home I spend my time at an abandoned house nearby mine. It's peaceful, so I have time to write and think.

I don't have friends or family I'm close with. It's just me, Jenna and my dog 'Mario'. I know Ro loves dogs and cats, but I've noticed she and her mom cannot take care of one. She is always there to help her mom.

It's almost vacation so I hear them talking about plans for this weekend. I see Daniel looking on his phone and shows them something. I decide to come a little closer to see what he is showing them.

It's the abandoned house I come to often. Do they want to visit the house? "Wouldn't that be dangerous" I hear Ro say. My shy girl, I smile when I think about it. She'll be mine one day.

"Oh come on Ro don't be afraid we are right beside you!" Kylie says. "Okay, but don't you dare leave my side!" Ro says. I'll protect you with my heart, my love.

Maybe that will be the day I can show myself to her. But I'm not sure yet, I'm scared.

They're about to stand up. She waves them goodbye and walks to her next class. I follow her till she gets inside. I walk outside to watch her from outside.


I hear them talking after school about a movie night. That will be tonight at Kylie's. I have to know when they will go to the abandoned house. She waves them goodbye. She's about to grab her bike and cycle away.

I follow her until she's back home. She walks inside. I can't hear anything she says to her mother, but I can see she's quite pissed off about how her little brother looks. He has bruises all over his face.

She's preparing the dinner table with her little brother.

After diner, she goes upstairs to her room I guess. I go to the window of her room. And I see her getting ready to take a shower. She steps into her bathroom and locks the door. I'm staying where I am, I'm not the kind of guy who is going to watch her bathing. I respect her that kind of privacy.

She walks out wearing the outfit she was wearing today. She doesn't wear make-up. I love her natural face. With makeup, she's beautiful but without even more. She's very insecure about herself. But she decided to not wear any make-up tonight.

She walks downstairs and kiss her mother goodbye and leaves the house.

She arrives at her friend's house. She rings the bell and the door opens. She steps inside.


The window is open so I can hear a few words. I know they will visit the abandoned house tomorrow. Ro is about to leave with Daniel on her side. He is taking her home safely. I'm not scared of what will happen between them because I know he is gay.

They cycle away and have a conversation. They are talking about some new boyfriend of Daniel. And then he asks her about her love life. She answers with something about an ex of hers. He has hurt her and I'm starting to get angry because someone hurt my baby.

Daniel stops and he hugged her. He asks her a question if she still feels something for him. She shakes her head. "No no no, it just hurts what he did to me!" Daniel nods and says "true he deserves death for hurting you!" I agree he needs his punishment for hurting my girl.

They arrive home and wave each other goodbye. She gets inside. I walk to the window of her room. I wait for her to come inside. She is about to remove her clothes as I look away. I'm not a pervert. I peak a little to look if she's done. She is done and crawls into her bed.

After a while she stands up and walks to her bathroom, she probably forgot to brush her teeth. My silly girl. I smile. She comes back and crawls back inside her bed. She closes her eyes,

After an hour I open her window and walk inside her room. She never closes her window. I always go inside and leave in the front door, to make sure her window is closed. So she'd be safe.

I walk to her bed and touch her cheeks. They are so soft and I want to kiss them. I come closer to her face and kiss her on the cheek. I back of a little and say "goodnight beautiful" and with that, I leave her house. I walk to my car and get inside.

I smile before I drive away to my house.


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