Chapter 52

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The theme song for this chapter

Easier - Mansionair


He moves lips to my neck again, down to my collar and breasts. His lips are now moving down to my belly. I have goosebumps all over my body and I am breathing heavily now. When I feel his hands on the edge of my underwear, I gasp.

I feel him taking them off while still kissing my belly. I gulp when I hear him throwing my underwear away. He comes up and hovers above me again. He kisses me and I put my arms around his neck.

I feel one of his hands going down to my belly. When his hand reaches my belly, I feel him going more down towards my womanhood. I gasp through the kiss and I feel him separate our lips. He stares into my eyes before talking. "May I touch you?" He asks and I gulp.

I slowly nod and try to avoid eye contact. He slowly goes more down with his hand until he reaches my womanhood. I gasp at the feeling of him rubbing my clit, slowly. I let a moan out when it starts to feel sensitive.

After some seconds he puts one finger into me and I start to moan again. He moves his finger slowly in and out of me. When he adds another finger I let out a louder moan. After a few minutes, he goes out of me and licks his fingers clean.

He gets off of me and he takes off his underwear. I instantly look away. I hear him opening something and after a while, he hovers above me again. He starts caressing my right cheek and gives me a small smile. He gives me a soft kiss on my nose before speaking again.

"Are you ready, baby?" He asks me with worry and concern. I kiss him on the lips and nod as I let go of his lips. "You sure? It's gonna hurt a little" He tells me. I was already aware of that. I nod again and smile at him.

He looks down and I feel his tip touching my womanhood. I gasp at the feeling. He slowly pushes himself inside of me. I hear him groan. I grab his hair and try hard not to scream in pain. Some tears start falling down my cheeks. He looks up with worry written on his face. "Are you okay? Should I stop? I don't want to hurt you" He tells me.

I crash my lips onto his and shake my head. I pull back and say "Please keep going, but can you let me adjust first?" I ask and he nods instantly. "Of course, baby," He says and kisses my cheek. After the pain gets less, I give him a nod to let him know he can move.

He nods and slowly moves. I instantly close my eyes because of the pain. Another tear falls. Jonathan leans in and kisses the tear away. He kisses my lips softly but soon turns into a deep and passionate one.

I feel him getting deeper and deeper. It feels good but also slightly painful. "I'm gonna stop, baby. I'm hurting you" He says and he was going to get off of me but I pull him back onto me. "No, stay! It doesn't hurt that much anymore, really" I assure him and he looks at me with a worried look written on his face.

I caress his cheek and give him a small smile. "Please?" I ask him and he looks at me. He clenches his jaw but nods eventually. He was already halfway out of me. He caresses my cheek and gives it a soft kiss again. I think he likes to give me small and soft kisses. He does it all the time.

He moves one of his hands and places it on my waist. Caressing it softly before pushing himself more into me. I can't help but moan loudly. It hurts a little, but the pleasure is dominant. He grabs one hand of mine with his other hand and intertwines them before placing them both next to my ear.

He slowly thrusts in and out of me. I let out a loud moan and put my arm around his neck, the one who isn't held by his. I start kissing him while he moves faster inside of me. I moan through the kiss. He separates our lips and leans in towards my ear. The heat boiling through both of our bodies.

"Y-you're mine, o-only mine" He groans into my ear while moaning softly. He gives me goosebumps all over my body with just his manly voice. He stares into my eyes and I moan loudly as I feel him hitting a sensitive spot inside of me. "I'm only yours," I tell him.

"Forever" I add and he nods while I pull him more closer to me. "I love you so much, baby girl," He says, continuing to move inside of me and kisses me again on my lips. I smile through the kiss and he does the same. He parts our lips and stares into my eyes.

"I love you too, my love"


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