Chapter 15

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Jonathan's point of view

Me and Jenna we're preparing everything for Ro's new permanent room. I placed some books on the desk. Including her favorite book. All the light we cannot see ~ by Anthony Doerr. She has good taste in books I can see. She'll freak out when I'll show her our library.

I walk towards a cabinet in the room. There is a radio on it. I put in the cd next to it. Her favorite music of course. She doesn't have a favorite idol or something. When I first saw her I really didn't expect her to like a pop-rock. She looks more like a girl who would still like my little pony, but I was wrong. She keeps surprising me.

Jenna was preparing her closet. I didn't want to do that because some of the things she wears are none of my business. She is a girl who wears big hoodies all the time, to cover up her body. She is very insecure. I respect that and I try to make her room perfect for her. I looked at Jenna and she was putting the hoodies in the closet.

"When the closet is done, everything is perfect right?" I ask curiously. She looks at me and nods. "I think so". I nod my head. "Are you sure, isn't it a little less? Is there really nothing we are forgetting?" I ask her. She walks towards me and her hands are now touching my shoulders. "She will love it! Stop panicking," she says.

Her grip on my shoulders loses. I just nod, "and besides we can always buy stuff if something pops up in our minds" she adds. I nod and say "you're right". She smiles and we walk out of the room.

"Btw have you thought about what your parents will think about this when they find out you kidnapped a girl?" She asks me while we are walking towards the stairs. I shake my head "they will freak out I think and they will be mad" I say while we walk downstairs. "Everything will be okay!" She says. We are now downstairs.

I smile and nod "I hope so, by the way, do you really have to leave for a week? You know when my parents come back from their business trip" I ask her. She nods, "yes I have to, I promised my dad to spend time with him, he really misses me". I nod.

"But you will be okay right?".

"Well I don't know actually, she only talks to you. She doesn't say anything to me, she hates me!" I say. She stops walking and says "give her time, she has been here for just one day. She will talk to you eventually. But you have to promise me you'll try your best" I look up at her and nod my head instantly. "I'll do everything!".

She smiles and says "alright, I'll go give my father a call. I promised to call him, is there anything I can do for you before I call him?" She asks and I shake my head. "No it's okay" she smiles and walks away, to the kitchen.


"So how is it at home, darling?" My mom says on the phone. I was about to say something but the thought of Ro stops me. There's no way in hell I'm gonna tell them about Ro, well at least not now. "Umm, everything's great mom, how have you guys been doing in Italy?" I ask while I pet Mario.

"We're doing good, the weather is a bit too warm here but after that, we've been selling our products very well and fast," my dad tells me, you can hear the enthusiasm in his voice. I smile and say "that's good to hear, by the way, you guys are coming home right? Last time you went on a business trip you've been away for like 4 months when it was supposed to be 3 months!".

They sigh and say "I know son, we're still sorry about that. We are coming home and when we get home we will make it up to you okay?" I smile and nod my head. But then I realized they can't see me. "You better think about something good" I warned them while I laugh. "Of course, well we now have to go, son. We will talk to you later alright?" My mom says and I sigh. "Alright, bye!".

"Bye!" They both say and they hung up the phone.

I sigh again and the phone in my pocket. I'm getting hungry so I decide to grab myself something to eat. I walk out of the room I was towards the kitchen.

When I reach the kitchen I immediately stop walking when I see Ro sitting on the kitchen island. She is eating something Jenna made. She looks scared and looks down the whole time.

I see Jenna notice I'm here and she points at Ro and smiles. I nod and she signals me to come towards them. I instantly shake my head. She shrugs in annoyance. "Sir, come in!" She says and my eyes instantly turn to Ro.

She looks up to Jenna in shock and then looks at me. Her eyes are wide open. I was staring at her for a moment and then she looks away. I slowly walk forward. "I will check up on... ehh... something" she says and walks towards me.

Ro looks at Jenna with a shocked face. She is afraid of me. Jenna whispers "you got this," I say nothing and she walks away. Ro's eyes meet mine and she looks away again not daring to say anything.

I walk towards her slowly. I stop when I stand next to her. I take the seat next to her and sit down. It's silent.


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