Chapter 7

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I look up and a man is standing in front of me. He is well built and you can see he has muscles through his shirt that he is wearing. My eyes meet his face. He is staring at me. We look into each other's eyes for a moment. He is very handsome, and his stare gives me goosebumps. I'm getting a little nervous because of this man.

His hand makes me stop staring at him. I think he is holding something. He opens his hand and I see my bracelet. My eyes widen and I sigh in relief. I didn't lose it. I was about to grab it but his voice stops me. "Is this your bracelet miss?" His voice makes me more nervous than I already was.

He noticed it and his serious look turns into a small smile. I nod and grab my bracelet out of his hands. Our hands touched and my whole body shivers. He noticed and says "you should wear a more thick jacket in this weather, you'll catch a cold".

I think he knows I'm getting nervous around him. His voice is so deep. I don't dare to say anything so I'm just going to thank him. "Ehh.. than-kk you-u.." I say, fuck I'm stuttering. "No problem, your friends are waiting I think you should go, before they'll think something happened to you," he says and gives me a small smile. It's cute I have to admit.

I nod and say "thank-k you-u again" I stuttered again. He just nods and I walk past him. I walk towards the door as I turn my head one more time. He has already turned around and he was staring at me. I feel my blood streaming to my cheeks, fuck that's embarrassing. I try to hide my face by looking back to the front of me. I might look like a tomato right now.

I walk out of the house and my friends smile and sigh in relief. "You found it!" Daniel says with a smile on his face. I nod and put my bracelet on. Kylie was staring at me and says "is everything alright, you are red as a tomato! Do you feel well?" I smile and nod "yeah everything is okay!" She smiles at me and just nods "alright should we go then, this place gives me shivers".

We all agree with Daniel and walk away. I couldn't hold back a smile at the thought of the man I just saw. He must be a few years older than me. I mean he looked like was in his 20's. But still, he made me feel weak I guess. I've never felt that before. I decided to just shrug it off.


We are sitting in the cafe and we care about the order. "Welcome, what can I get you all?!" She says with a bright smile. Daniels starts talking first "can I have an iced coffee with caramel and a brownie please?" She nods and writes it down. She looks at me and I say "May I have a hot chocolate please with whipped cream?" She nods and writes it down.

"May I have a black coffee please?" Kylie asks kindly with a smile on her face. She nods, turns around, and walks away.

It is silent for a while and I can't stop thinking about that man, at the abandoned house. His stare was so intense as if he was trying to hypnotize me with his dark brown eyes. I absolutely sank in those eyes. The embarrassing thing is that he probably noticed I was staring too. I have to admit I want to see him again. I didn't notice that I was smiling the whole time.

Kylie sighs and snaps me out of my thoughts. "So! What happened at that house, I think that's why you are in deep thoughts?" She asks while looking at me with a curious look. I sigh while smiling small. "Nothing you should worry about," I tell her and she looks at me as I said something weird.

"But you can at least tell us, right? No secrets we promised each other!" Kylie asks with a serious look. I look at Daniel and I can see he wants to know too. I sigh and can't hold back a smile.

"I walked inside of the house and I looked everywhere for that bracelet, you know the one my grandpa gave me before he died. Well, I kinda panicked a little, a little too much I guess. So I looked everywhere for the second time. I looked in the kitchen, everywhere we walked. So I was looking in the hallway and I heard footsteps..." they looked at me shocked.

"Did someone try to kidnap you?!" I shook my head. "No, I stopped walking and I didn't hear the footsteps anymore, so I turned around and almost bumped into someone. I looked up and a man was standing in front of me. He was staring at me, and to admit I was too" I start to blush while saying that.

"I didn't notice I was staring at him, but he snapped me out of it and showed me the bracelet. He started talking to me, he asked me if it was mine and I nodded and he gave it to me. Our hands touched and I got goosebumps all over my body".

Kylie was smiling. Well, kind of smirking. "And then you left?" She asks. I shook my head and said, "no he noticed I got goosebumps because of him, he said that I needed to wear a thicker jacket" she smiled and bites her lips. "Ohh god that's embarrassing!" I nodded my head furiously. "I know and with that, I thanked him and walked past him to walk outside of the house!".

"But? I feel like there is coming more!" Daniel says. I nod and I feel like I'm a tomato again. "I looked back one more time! I saw he was turned around and staring at me. My face was heating up and I looked away!" Her eyes widen and she says "wow how embarrassing can a moment be?" I start to laugh and I say "idk".

"Was he handsome, because if you don't want him then just give him to me!" Daniel asks with a smirk on his face. I smile at him and say "Don't you have a Carlos who likes you very much?" I ask him. He nods "I was just kidding, Carlos is too important to me!" He says smiling. I smile back.

"But yeah he was handsome, but I think he is too old for me," I tell them honestly. "Age doesn't matter, you know if it's love!" Kylie says. I nod my head "yeah I know but I don't think my mom would like that, she will think he has bad intentions with me". They nod in agreement.

I sigh and smile. "He was muscular too, you could see it through his shirt!" Kylie looks at me and smirks. "Ro, I thought you were innocent!" She starts to laugh. I nod "I am but that doesn't mean I can't find a man attractive" She nods and says "true" I feel myself heat up again.

"Ro you are blushing!" Daniel says smiling. We all start to laugh and we stop when the waitress is getting nearer to our table. She gives our order and says "here you go, enjoy your drink!" She smiles and walks away.

I look at Kylie and Daniel and I see they can't hold back their laugh so I start laughing too.


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