Chapter 13

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The theme song for this chapter

In your eyes - Note Only


After a few hours sitting in this room, I actually start to get hungry so I decided to go downstairs. I open the door of the room I'm in. I walk through the hallway till I reach the stairs. Slowly walking downstairs not wanting to fall as I did before. My heart is beating fast when I hear someone talking on the phone. It's a woman.

I walk into the room where I heard the noises. I notice I walked into the kitchen. I see Jenna having a call with someone. She noticed me and says "okay I'll call you back, bye" she hung up the phone and starts paying attention to me. She smiles and signals me to follow her. I obey.

"Here, sit down," She says and points to a seat at the kitchen island. I take a seat, still not saying anything. She smiles again and says "you finally decided to get something to eat, huh?" I look at her and I slowly nod. You can hear my stomach growling loudly. I look away embarrassed by the sound my stomach made. She starts laughing and says "what would you like to eat or drink?".

I shrug my shoulders. She walks over to the fridge and grabs a can of red gunk. I have no idea what that is. She grabs a glass and pours some of it in the glass. She holds out the glass to me, wanting me to take it. "Here try this, you won't regret it!" She says smiling and I slowly nod and grab the glass of her hand.

I slowly take a sip from it and taste it. It's actually pretty good, I look to Jenna and smile. "I knew you would like it!" She says and walks over to a kitchen cabinet and grabs a pan. I slowly take another sip. She grabs some ingredients and starts baking something.

After some time she is done. I look at the plate she placed in front of me. "Here you go!" She says and starts steaming up the kitchen. I am still looking at the plate. How did she know I like Chicken Florentine Pasta?? "Don't look so confused, he told me you love that" she says, and how does he know??

I decide to just take a bite. I smile when I taste the most delicious flavor in my mouth. I look at her and slowly say "thank you...". She nods "don't worry about it, I'll make you dinner everyday, anything you want," she says it like I will stay here forever.

I stay still and say nothing. I take another bite and I hear her say something. "Sir, come in!" I look at her shocked and look at where she was looking. There was standing a man in the door frame. I see him staring at me, he looked nervous and scared at the same time.

I have seen him before but I can't figure out when. I instantly look away from his stare and I gulp. I don't dare to take another bite. I'm scared of what he will do to me. There's an awkward silence right now. I hear him walking in slowly.

"I will go check up on... ehh... something" she says and walks away very fast. I look at her and my eyes widen. No, don't leave me alone with him. My eyes meet the man again and he was still staring at me. I again look away and say nothing.

I feel him walking closer to me and my heart is beating faster with every step he takes. He stops walking and he is now standing next to me and he takes a seat. I feel his eyes on me, my cheeks are heating up. Luckily I can hide it with my long hair.

After some minutes he starts talking to me. "You don't remember me do you?" I'm confused by his question. I slowly shake my head. He sighs and says "You should wear a more thick jacket with this weather, you'll catch a cold," he says and my eyes widen when I finally remember who he is.

"That rose is for you!" He says and points to the red rose in the vase. I can't help to smile a bit. "There is a card on it you can read it if you want," he tells me, I hesitate before I stand up walking towards the rose.

I grab the card on it and start reading.

Dear Roselle,

I'm sorry for what happened, I never planned this...

I hope one day you'll forgive me...

Ps. You are beautiful

I turn the card around and see it has the same logo on it as the card I received yesterday with the white flowers. Could he...

"Yes, Ro, I bought you those white roses yesterday" I now look at him in the eyes. I'm so confused right now. I need answers. I still don't know anything to say. He knows my name. He knows my favorite food. How? Is the question that keeps spooking in my brain.

"You probably need some answers, am I right?" He asks me softly and gives me a small smile. Now I know for sure that this is the man I met at that abandoned house. I slowly nod at his question. I don't dare to take a step. So I keep standing where I am now.

He sighs and it takes him a moment before he starts talking again. I look at him and wait for an explanation. He looks scared to tell me what he is about to say. "First of all I want you to know that I really didn't want to kidnap you at all," he says while looking at me.

Then why am I here and why can't I leave? I question myself. I just simply nod at him. He sighs again but now in relief. He takes a deep breath and starts talking again. "Alright, I have been following you for a long time now. The first time I laid my eyes on you I couldn't take them off of you. I started wanting to protect you, so when I watched you sleeping, I always closed your window. In case people wanted to hurt you or touch you. I started hearing conversations between you and your friends, that's how I know stuff about you. I know your favorite book, your favorite food. I know a lot. When I got to know you, you were so sweet and shy. I started caring about you and after that loving you was the next thing I did. To be honest I'm obsessed with you and I would do anything to protect you. Last night when you caught me watching you I freaked out and I didn't know what to do, I was so scared you would hate me for doing this and I still am..." he says and I can see the honesty in his eyes.


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