Chapter 10

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Ro's point of view

It's evening and we are all sitting behind our diner table. My grandma and I have caught up a lot. We are talking about a lot of things but stop when the doorbell rings. My mother stands up and walks to the front door.

"Who would that be on this hour?" My grandma asks, I shrug my shoulders. We wait with a curious feeling when my mom comes back with flowers in her hand. I smile widely and ask "do you have a secret admirer mom?" She looks up to us and she shrugs her shoulder.

There is a card on it and she reads it. "It's for you Ro!" She smiles and passes the flowers to me. I look confused at her and take the flowers. I read the card and it says:

Dear Roselle...

Those roses made me think of you.


I look shocked but smile afterward. That's so sweet. Who would send me those roses? They're white and very beautiful. But he's a liar. I'm not beautiful. Not at all. I put the flowers on the table. I smile again.

My mother looks at me with a curious look. "What?" I ask her. "Do you have a secret admirer, that I don't know of?" She asks with a big smile on her face. I smile and shrug my shoulders. "I have no idea who it could be". I tell her honestly. "Hmm," She says not convinced by my answer.

"I'm telling the truth mom, I really have no idea!" I tell her again. She nods and says "well he is at least not afraid to send you something and really likes you I guess," she says and smiles. I smile back at her. "I hope he will let me know who he is!".

While thinking about it, something snaps in my head. It could be the one who closes my window that night. I really wanna know who he is. I am gonna wait for him tonight and pretend I'm sleeping. I don't know why I call him he, he could be a girl. I shrug it off.

I take a picture of it and send it to the group chat with Kylie and Daniel.


Look, guys! Someone got me roses!

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Look, guys! Someone got me roses!

Wow, who could that be?

Wow Ro beautiful!

There was a card on it, it says:
Dear Roselle, these flowers made me think of you... beautiful

He has charms! Could it be the one who's watching you at night?

It could be him right Ro?

Yes, it could be him, I really want to know who he is.
I want to wait for him tonight when he enters my room

Ehh Ro I don't think that's a good idea!
He could do something to you

Why would he do something to her if he sends her flowers?

He is right! I'll keep you guys updated alright?
There is nothing to worry about.
I'll text you when I've met him.

Alright Ro, let us know!

Okay Ro, please be careful!

Yes, I will, bye!



I end the conversation and start paying attention to my family. We start talking about school and stuff. "Ro where are you planning to go for school?" My grandma asks me. I smile and eventually say "I'm saving money for Princeton, grandma" she widens her eyes.

"Wow, Ro, that's amazing! I've already sent money to your mother for your school. It's not much but it's a start!" She says and smiles at me. I stand up with a smile. I hug her tight and say "thank you, grandma, you didn't have to. I'm going to work in the vocation to save money for school so yeah!" She shakes her head "don't be ridiculous Ro, I've always saved money for your school! I will do that for Leo too, and of course, you can work to save money, but let me give you a part of it". She has a bright smile on her face.

"Of course grandma, thank you so much. I love you!" I kiss her on the cheek. She hugs me tighter. We stay like this for the rest of the evening.


"I think it's time for me to get some rest," I say, and with getting rest I mean waiting for someone. My mom and grandma nod and smile at me. "Of course, goodnight darling!" She says. "Goodnight!" I say back and I walk towards the stairs.

I walk upstairs and walk towards my room. I walk to my window and open it. I walk into my bathroom to take a shower. I take off my clothes and I walk into the shower. Turning on the crane and wait for it to turn warm. I feel the warm water touch my bare skin.

I wash and rinse it off. I turn off the shower and walk out to grab a towel. I dry myself and put on my pajamas. I throw my clothes into the laundry basket. I start to brush my teeth and rinse my mouth.

I walk back into my room and turn off the light and slide myself into my warm bed. I put the blanket half over my head because I'm really cold right now. I'm so nervous. I don't know if that man will come or if he will do something to me. Daniel said he wouldn't but I'm not sure. I just want to catch the guy who's watching me.

It's wrong to watch a girl sleep if she doesn't even know it. I'm scared.

After two hours I'm getting tired. What is taking him so long? Or her, I don't know if it's a girl or a boy. At that moment I hear someone coming into my room. I immediately close my eyes pretend that I'm sleeping. So it was all true. Someone is watching me at night. I hear him close my window. I knew I wasn't crazy.

My heart is beating so fast right now. I don't know what to do. I decide to do nothing. He walks over to my bed. He stands now right in front of me. I just feel he is. He kneels I think.

After a moment I feel a couple of fingers touching my cheek. He then strokes my hair. I feel the person is coming closer and closer. I instantly open my eyes. I see the person jump and takes his hand back to himself. My eyes widen as I see a familiar face. It's a man.

I was about to scream but he put his hand on my mouth so I wouldn't scream, shout or say anything. I try wiggling myself out of his grip but it's no use, he is too strong. He pushes me on the bed and he hovers above me. Is he gonna rape me???

He grabs something out of his pocket. I look at what he was holding, its cloth. He puts it on my nose. I smell something weird, but soon I feel my eyes are getting heavy. At that moment everything went black.


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