Chapter 26

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The theme song for this chapter 

Pure Imagination - Orchestral Academy Of Los Angeles


2 months later

Ro's point of view

"It's snowing!" I shout to Jenna and Jonathan. They nod and smile at me. "Do you want to go outside?" Jonathan asks me. I instantly nod at him. "Yes! Let's go now" I say and he nods and walks outside the room.

He comes back with two coats. He gives one to me and I put it on. I look at Jonathan and he puts his coat on. He caught me looking at him and then smiles.

"Ready?" He says and I start smiling widely. "Yess!" I say and I was bout to walk towards the door to walk outside but Jonathan stops me. "Hell no, you are not going outside without wearing this," he says and he puts a scarf around my neck. He starts putting blue gloves on my hand and a black beanie on my head.

"Now you're ready," he says and smiles at me. I nod and start walking towards the back door and I open it. When I open the door I feel a cold breeze touching the skin of my face. I instantly start to get excited when I see all the white snow on the ground of the backyard.

I start to walk faster than I did before. "Be careful!" I hear him shout. I nod and I pick up snow from the ground and I throw it in the air. I look at the sky and then at Jonathan. He looks at me with an amused look and he has a smile on his face.

Jonathan and I became very close in the past 2 months. I can tell I have developed feelings for him. I totally forgave him for the fact that he had kidnapped me. I still can't forget about it. I don't know if I'm in love or something, but he does give me butterflies when he walks in or just the moment we look into each other's eyes.

But what I do know is that I truly like him. I'm not going to tell him yet because I'm not fully sure about my feelings yet. I also don't want to give him false hopes. That would destroy him I guess. It's almost Christmas Eve and I don't want to destroy Christmas for him.

I smile and start running around like a child. "Ro, stop running around. You'll fall!" He shouts and I smile at him. Soon turns into a smirk. "Well.. catch me if you want me to stop running!" I shout back at him. He smiles widely at me and I keep on running around.

I see him starting to run after me. My heart starts beating faster. I'm actually very stupid, he's way faster than me. I start running faster because I hear him running closer and closer every second.

I keep on running until I feel his strong arms around my waist, lifting me. "Got ya!" He says. I start to laugh loudly. Wait... his arms are around my waist. Oh no, I feel the blood boiling to my cheeks.

"Put me down!" I say while laughing. He puts me down, his arms are still around me. He turns me around and I'm now facing his chest. I look down and I see his arms are still around my waist. I keep looking down till I feel his thumb on my chin.

Making me look at him. We look into each other's eyes and it starts to get quiet. We stay like this for a while. Damn... his eyes are truly beautiful. I see love and warmth in his eyes. He moves his hand to my right cheek.

He looks deeply into my eyes. I can tell he is starting to feel nervous. His hands are shaking slightly. The other hand moves to my hips. His hands are still shaking. I don't have a clue about what is going on right now.

His eyes are now looking down a little, I guess he is looking at my lips. My heart is beating so fast right now. I don't know what to do, so I just take my hands to his waist. His eyes instantly look up into my eyes.

I give him a small smile. His face is moving closer to mine. Still looking into each other's eyes. His face is slowly moving closer. I automatically close my eyes. I can feel his breath on my lips. I'm so nervous right now. It's like my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

"Are you guys coming? The Christmas cookies are ready for decorating!" We hear Jenna shout at us. I instantly open my eyes and Jonathan takes a step back, loosening his grip onto me. I start to look down when I realize we were about to kiss. I hear Jonathan sigh.

"Come on, let's go," He says to me and I look up. He gives me a sign to walk with him. We start walking back to the house. I look down the whole way back to the house. I can't believe what just happened. Was I about to allow him to kiss me? I feel embarrassed. I don't dare to look him in the eyes when we reach the back door.

He opens the door. I walk inside and I take off the scarf, gloves, beanie, and coat. I walk towards the kitchen where Jenna was, waiting for us to return. I feel Jonathan's eyes fixed on my back. I open the kitchen door when I reach it.

I walk inside and I see Jenna making the decorations ready. I take a seat behind the kitchen island. I hear Jonathan walking in and Jenna walks to him immediately. She whispers something in his ear. I kinda start feeling jealous.

She walks back and Jonathan takes a seat next to me. I still don't dare to look at him. Jenna places a plate of cookies in front of us. I and Jonathan start decorating the cookies in awkward silence.


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