Chapter 8

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We arrive at my house. They decided to bring me home. Before leaving Kylie says "hey Ro, what if that man really did close your window that night?" I sigh and say "I will wait for him tonight, it's not that I can sleep now so!" They nod at me and Daniel says "But you need to sleep too so don't wait for him all night long please" I nod my head "I won't thanks for bringing me home, I'll text you later!". They smile and they leave.

I walk into my house, close the door and untie my shoes. I hung up my jacket and walk into the living room. I greet my mom and my little brother and walk straight to the kitchen to grab myself a drink. "Do you want something to drink mom?" I shout before opening the fridge. "No thank you, sweetheart!".

"Leo do you want something to drink?!" I shout, "yes, can I have orange juice please?" He asks me kindly. "Of course!" I shout again. I open the fridge and I grab the orange juice. I want orange juice too so I grab two glasses. I pour it into the glasses.

I put the orange juice back in the fridge and walk back into the living room while holding the glasses. I give one glass to Leo. "Thank you!" I smile at him while he sips from it. "Your welcome little boy!" I say and pat his head. He pouts and says "I'm not little, I'm a grown man!" He says with confidence. I start to laugh and say "yeah sure you are".


It's time to sleep so I walk into my room and make myself ready for bed. I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I walk back into my room and place myself in bed.

I forgot to open the window. I'm not sure the man will come tonight, maybe it's a woman. I'm not even sure if it is a person at all. Maybe I just closed the window myself. But if there is a person I'd like to catch him or her because It's a little scary.

I open the window and look outside just in case I see something weird. I frown and walk back to my bed. I'm actually very tired. I'm sure that I now opened my window so if it's closed tomorrow, I'm sure there is someone who watches me.

I try to keep my eyes open but I failed, and I drifted off to sleep.


I open my eyes and yawn. It's still early so I'm gonna try to sleep a little longer.

I can't sleep at all so I walk out of my bed and walk to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my hair. I grab my day cream and I smear my face. I walk back into my room and walk towards my closet.

As soon as I realize that I opened my window on purpose, I turn around and look at my window. It's closed. There is indeed someone watching me at night. My heart is beating so fast right now. I feel like having a heart attack. I grab my phone and call up Kylie.

"Come on pick up, pick up!" I shout a little out of fear. She picks up and says "hey Ro, what's wrong it's a bit early isn't it?" She laughs a little I hear. I start talking immediately "my window is closed again Kylie I'm freaking out!".

"What the hell, someone is watching you, Ro. What are you gonna do?" She says shocked. I have no idea what to do actually. "Idk" I simply say.

"Okay, I would call the police Ro!" She says and I nod my head "But first I have to tell my mom about it".

"Yes do that, keep me informed please!" She says and I say "yes I will now go to sleep again!" She laughs and says "now I can't anymore, but if you inform your mother I will inform Daniel alright?!".

"Good idea, I'll call you bye!" I say and she says "bye!" And with that, she hung up on me.


It's afternoon and we are all sitting in the living room. My grandma arrived a few minutes ago. They are talking about how my mom is doing at work. I decided to not tell my mom yet because I don't want her to freak out. I have texted Daniel an hour ago and he thinks it could be Brandon. Which makes sense, he could be obsessed with me or something. But knowing it could be him doesn't comfort me a little at all. Because he could have touched me the way he wanted that day my mom kicked him out.

By the thought of it, I get scared a little. "Is everything okay, Ro?" I look up to see my mom and grandma looking at me with and worried look on their faces. I simply nod and smile at them. "I'm fine" I lie. She smiles at me and I smile back at her.

"What will we have for dinner mom?" I ask her after some time. She looks at me and smiles "I want to make pancakes!" She says excitedly, she knows I love the way she makes them. I smile and turn my head to my grandma "will you join us tonight for dinner, granny?" I ask her nicely.

"Well, I don't want to bother you tonight, but if it's okay with you mother I would love to!" She says and turns her head to my mom. My mom nods her head "of course I'm okay with that, I bought more than I normally do on purpose in case you'd like to join us" she informs.


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