Chapter 29

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Jonathan's point of view

I saw Ro looking outside the window with excitement. "It's snowing!" she shouts to Jenna and me. I nod and give her a bright smile. "Do you want to go outside?" I ask her and she instantly nods at me "Yes! Let's go now" she says and I nod. I walk outside the room to grab our coats, scarf, beanie, and gloves.

I come back with everything and give her the coat. While she's busy with putting her coat on I put mine on too. "ready?" I ask her and she says "yes!".

I look at her and she doesn't wear the scarf, beanie, and gloves. No way she's going outside without wearing them. She was about to walk towards the back door but it stops her. "Hell no, you are not going outside without wearing this," I say and I put the scarf around her neck.

I put the gloves on her hands and after that, I finish it with the beanie. "Now you're ready," I say and I smile at her. She nods and starts walking to the back door, after that she opens the door. I follow her.

She starts to get excited by the sight of the snow. I laugh. She starts walking faster into the garden. If she keeps on going faster she will fall "Be careful!" I shout. She turns around and nods. She picks up some snow with her hand and then throws it in the air. I smile at her while she looks at the sky. She looks back at me and then smiles.

She starts running around like a child. Doesn't she realize it's dangerous? "Ro, stop running around. You'll fall!" I shout at her while I take a few steps further. She looks at me and then smiles, but it soon turns into a smirk. What is she thinking?

"Well... catch me if you want me to stop running!" She shouts at me and I began to smile widely. Oh Ro, do you think you're faster than me? She keeps on running around and I start to run after her.

When she noticed I was running after her she starts running faster and faster. I'm getting closer and closer to the running figure in front of me. She keeps on running and I eventually put my arms around her, lifting her. 

"Got ya!" I say and she starts to laugh loudly. "Put me down!" she says while laughing. I put her down and keep my arms around her. I turn her around and she is now facing my chest. She looks down to my arms and keeps looking down.

I move my hand to her chin lifting her face to look at me. She is blushing. I look her in the eyes deeply for some time. She stares into mine and she looked relaxed, I guess. I move my hand to her right cheek. 

I want to kiss her so badly, right now. I'm starting to feel nervous. My hands start shaking. Should I just do it? She seems comfortable with my touch. My other hand moves to her hip. My hands are still shaking.

I look at her lips, she then puts her hands on my waist. I instantly look up at her eyes in shock. She gives me a small smile. I'm so confused right now. Does she want this too? I move my face closer to hers.

We are still looking into the eyes of each other while I slowly move closer to her face. She closes her eyes. Does she want this? Our lips are now a few inches away from touching. I was about to press my lips on hers but a female voice stopped me.

"Are you guys coming? The Christmas cookies are ready for decorating!" I hear Jenna shout. Did she really need to shout right now? Ro opens her eyes when my grip on her loosens. She looks down immediately. I sigh.

"Come on, let's go," I say and she looks up. I give her a sign to walk with me and we start walking back to the house. We were just about to kiss and of course, Jenna needed to ruin our moment. 

We reach the door, I open the door and we walk inside.

We take off everything and walk towards the kitchen. my eyes are fixed on Ro. I don't dare to say anything. I guess I'm a little scared.

We reach the door and she opens it. I walk behind her when we walk inside and I close the door behind me. I see Jenna coming towards me immediately. She whispers something in my ear.

"Sorry, did I ruin the moment?" she asks and I see Ro taking a seat. I look at Jenna and eventually nod my head. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I realized it after seeing you two almost kissing. I'm sorry" I smile at her. "it's okay, just don't do it again" I warn her with a smile on my face.

she smiles at me and starts walking towards the kitchen island. I walk to Ro and place myself next to her. She is looking down and says nothing. My eyes are fixed on her until Jenna places a plate with cookies in front of us. We start decorating in silence.

After decorating Jenna places the cookies in the oven. Now we just have to wait 30 minutes I think before they are done to be eaten.


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