Chapter 43

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I was still watching the two males in front of me, one of them gets beaten up by my boyfriend. Brandon's face is covered with blood and screaming for mercy. And then Jonathan kicking the shit out of him. His face is showing 'no mercy' as if he is about to kill him.

Just looking at his face, he didn't seem like stopping very soon. To be honest he looks so scary right now. I needed to do something and I decided to make my way towards him. When I reach him I grab his shoulders.

"Jonathan, please stop!" I yell at him. Instead of stopping he accidentally punched me and I fell to the ground. Making him stop immediately. My hand instantly reaches for my head. Jonathan looks at Brandon and says "Never show your face again or I won't hesitate to kill you!" He yells at him and he instantly nods, runs to his car to drive away.

I rub my head with my hand and I feel some sort of liquid. I look at my hand and I see blood. It's not much and nothing hurts. Jonathan kneels in front of me and grabs my head to look at the wound.

He looks me in the eyes and I see guilt. "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry, does it hurt?!" He asks me in worry. I know he didn't do it on purpose, because he would never want to hurt me. I give him a small smile and shake my head "No, it doesn't hurt at all" I tell him. "Hmm" He comments.

He presses his eyes together and I guess he is in deep thoughts. I grab his hands and start kissing his bruises. I rub my fingers over his wounds. God, we need to take care of that. I keep on kissing his hands. I feel his hand squeeze mine.

"Make sure you take care of the wound when you reach home" I hear him say and I nod. I hear him sigh and he starts talking again. "I mean like home, let your mom take of it," He says and my head swings up meeting his eyes.

I give him a weird look. What is he talking about? I raise an eyebrow. "W-what?" I stutter and he looks down. "It's safer for you to go home, to your family," He says and I look at him in disbelief. Where is this coming from out of a sudden? "No," I say while shaking my head.

"Please baby, It's better for you. For your own safety. I won't hurt you anymore" He says and tears start pouring into my eyes. He can't be serious. I shake my head. "You aren't hurting me," I tell him and he shakes his head too.

"Maybe not now, but I still created a wound on your head. What if I someday do hurt you. I can't let that happen, baby girl, it's too risky. Please just listen to me and go home". He says and I try to hold back the tears. "Will I ever see you again?" I ask him and he looks down.

"It's safer for you if we don't," he says I close my eyes. "Then I won't go home," I say and I open my eyes again. He cups my cheeks and connects our foreheads. "Baby please, I just want to protect you. Become happy and one day marry a man who respects you and won't ever hurt you" He tells me and I'm trying so hard to hold back my tears.

I look at him and shake my head once again. I can feel him tensing up and he starts to breathe heavier. I think he is starting to get angry. He stands up and takes a few steps away from me. He stops and turns around to face me.

"Just leave, Ro; it's better for you to leave because I'm constantly harming you!" The man in front of me yells, his voice filled with rage. I'm sure he's furious with himself.

I can see him becoming irritated because I refuse to take a step back. I'm not leaving, not after what we've been through in the last three months. I'm not going to be able to abandon him... He is one of my favorite people. I've never told him that since I've been injured before I met him, and I'm afraid to tell him now.

I don't say anything; instead, I keep staring him down. I'm confident he won't harm me. All I have to say is...

"I'm not abandoning you!" I scream at him.

He is simply staring at me with a solemn expression on his face. I give him my full attention. I see suffering, love, and dissatisfaction. He becomes enraged when I refuse to go. He comes up to a wall and hits it with his fist. I take a step back. I despise seeing him despise himself.

"Just fucking leave Ro, I don't want to damage you any more than I already have," he screams. I'm starting to become worried. I see blood when my eyes contact his hand. There was a lot of blood. Because I don't like seeing him like that, my eyes are welling up with tears.

I'm making my way over to him. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it strongly, but not too tightly.

This is not good, I think as I examine the wounds. I despise seeing him in such pain. I can't keep back my tears, and they begin to fall.

"We have to deal with this." I'm able to let out a sigh of relief.

When he notices me crying, his eyes soften. He reaches up and grips my face with his hands. His eyes begin to well up with tears as well.

"You see, baby, please don't cry... I'm causing you pain. Please go home; you're better off without me! I'll take care of my hand."

Tears are flowing down his face as he speaks. When I stare at him, his lips brush across my brow.

"I'm not going anywhere! I'm sorry, but I'm not able to!" He shuts his eyes before speaking, and I shout.

He looks at me again and says, "Please close your eyes for me, darling." With a puzzled expression on my face, I stare at him. He took one hand off my waist and kept the other on my cheek. "Baby, please..."

I sigh and do what I'm told. I shut my eyes. I'm waiting to see what he'll do. I sense his face getting closer to mine. On my lips, I can feel his breath. My heart is racing at the moment. His tears still streaming down his cheeks, his lips eventually contact mine.

My body begins to feel a slew of emotions. I don't want him to be able to leave my mouth. It's a kiss that's full of passion, love, and warmth. My hands begin to wrap around his arms. He clenches his fists, refusing to let go.

He released go of my lips after a few seconds. I want to open my eyes, but his voice prevents me from doing so.

He says, "Don't open your eyes," with a mournful tone in his voice. He loses control of me. I'm no longer aware of his presence. I want to touch him again; his touch has become addictive to me. It feels like home, and he never fails to make me feel at ease.

I hear his voice once more. I felt weak after hearing what he said. "I adore you... Ro," I exclaim, beaming. I want to respond, but I sense he's walking away.

I open my eyes and no longer see him. It's past the point of no return. Tears begin to flow once more.

He was gone...


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