Chapter 2

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After diner, I help my mom doing the dishes. "Mom my friends asked me to join them tonight to watch a movie at Kylie's, can I join them or do you need me to stay to watch Leo?" I ask her kindly, Leo is my little brother by the way.

She smiles and says "No it's okay, have fun I can take care of him but thank you for asking. I appreciate how you care for him and me" She kisses me on the cheek and I smile back at her. "Just make sure Daniel takes you home safely because it's getting dark soon!".

"I will thank you mom, I love you!" I say "I love you too".

After the dishes, I walk upstairs to my room. I grab my phone and I see I got a message from Kylie. I open it and read it.

Heyy how about you come over at 8 pm, how does that sounds!

Sounds great, I'll see you then! Should I bring something to drink or eat?

Uhm no it's all fine we have everything thanks for asking.

Okay, see you then ly bye.

Bye ly too.

I turn my phone off and walk towards the bathroom. I make everything ready to take a shower. I turn on the shower at a good temperature. I take my clothes off and step inside the shower.

I feel the warm water all over my body. I make myself fully wet before I wash. First my body and then my hair. I wash it all down.

After showering I turn it off and got out to grab the towel. I dry myself. I put the towel away and put some clothes on. I decided to not wear make-up because it's just for a few hours.

I grab up my phone and walk downstairs. When I enter the living room I grab my school bag and pull out my book I was reading this day.


I look at the clock and read the time, it's 7:41 pm. I think it's time to go. I put my book away and I stand up. I walk towards the hallway and grab my jacket and put it on along with my shoes.

My mother is doing some work on the computer. I walk towards her and hug her from behind. "You got this right? Call me if you need anything or need me back home" I kiss her right cheek and she smiles "I will thank you, darling" She says and I smile back at her.

I walk away towards the front door. "Bye, mom!" I shout. "Bye sweety, have fun!" I hear her shout. I walk out and close the door behind me and grab my bike. I cycle away.


I arrive at Kylie's house and park my bike. I walk towards the door and I ring the bell. I wait a minute before the door opens to see a girl who smiles at me. Kylie.

"Hey!" She says loudly. "Hey!" I say back, as she opens the door more to let me in, I walk in. I walk into the living room and I see Daniel already sitting on the couch. "Hey!" I say and he looks up from his phone. "Hey Ro" I walk towards the couch and sit next to him.

"So what are we gonna watch?" Daniel says while Kylie comes back with food and drinks. She thinks for a while and says "I don't know" She laughs and Daniel grabs the remote and puts on the tv and goes to Netflix.

"Should I just put something on with not knowing what it's about?" I and Kylie just nod. He puts on the babysitter. I heard it was a good movie but so unreal. I grab a little popcorn and I already know they're looking at me. I laugh "you guys know I love to eat!" They began to laugh too.

"Yeah we know, and you won't gain weight at all, you are a beautiful goddess!" Kylie says and I almost choked in my popcorn. "You are such a funny girl, Kylie" She laughs and says "I'm not lying!".

"Uhu sure, but thank you, you are beautiful too!" I say and smile at her. She hugs me. We hear someone cog. We both turn around and see Daniel. "Where is my hug?" He says and pouts.

We hug him and pay attention to the movie.

After a while, I see the boy on the tv driving a car into his own house, and then I hear him say I don't need a babysitter anymore to his parents. This movie is so crazy and with that, the movie ends.

Kylie stands up and says "another drink?" Me and Daniel nod and she walks away to the kitchen. She comes back with two glasses of cola. I take a sip from it and put it back on the table.

"So, what about that abandoned house, are we still going?" I ask them and Daniel nods his head. "Of course but when and what time?" Kylie thinks and says "what about tomorrow? I'm free!".

"Yeah me too what about you Ro, I know it's hard for you sometimes to decide to go away because of your mother?!" I nod and say "I can figure it out I think, but if she needs me you know that I'm going straight home!" They nod.

"What about we have the train from 12 o'clock, we'll be there at 1 pm?" Daniel says and Kylie and I nod our heads "Yeah sounds good!".

A moment later I stop the silence. "Daniel, can I ask you a question?" He nods "can you bring me home tonight, my mom requested it?" I say and he smiles "Yes sure no problem" I smile back at him "thank you".


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