Chapter 53

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The next morning I wake up from the sunlight hitting my face. I turn my face to see Jonathan sleeping next to me. Half of his body is covered with the blanket, I can see his bare chest. I widen my eyes as I realize what happened last night. My cheeks turn red and I can't help but smile.

I look under the blanket, revealing myself naked. Oh my god. It would be so embarrassing when he wakes up. I decide to put on his T-shirt he wore yesterday. It's huge. I walk out of the bed but fall on the ground. My legs are hurting. "Ouch!" I almost yell. I put on my own jeans and I walk out of the room as fast as I can, before he wakes up.

"Goodmorning," I say as I stumble into the kitchen revealing Jenna. She looks at me with a smile. She chuckles when she sees me stumbling. "Goodmorning Ro, had a great night?" She asks me and my cheeks start to feel hot.

"Uhh, I -uh. Yeah," I respond and she chuckles more. "Good," She says as she bakes the egg. "Should I take over?" I ask her when I make my way towards her and she shakes her head. "No, it's alright" She replies and I nod. 

"Or you really want to?" She adds after that and I nod excitedly as I take it over from her. She hands me the scoop. I walk over to the stove and when I reach it I start talking again. "Should I add some pepper?" I ask Jenna and she nods. "Yeah sure, but not too much" She replies and I do as she says.

I hear the door open and I glance slightly. It's Jonathan, did I wake him up? I just continue, not daring to look him in the eyes. "Sir, your father told me to tell you that he doesn't need your help today" Jenna informs him and I can see him nod from the corner of my eye.

"Okay, thank you Jenna for informing me. I'm now gonna say hi to my girl, alright?" He says and Jenna leaves the room. I feel him walk towards me. I'm heating up in embarrassment. I try to focus on the egg that I was baking as I feel his arms around me. I feel his lips on my cheek.

"Good morning babygirl," He says and I smile small as he kisses the other cheek. "G-good morning," I say while stuttering. Great Ro, you're being obvious. He places his chin on my shoulder and I try to continue the baking. 

"Everything alright, sweetheart? You left the bed pretty early" He asks and I nod. He frowns and I gulp. I grab the casserole in my hands and place the egg on a plate next to it. I turn off the stove and before i know it I was turned around by Jonathan.

"Are you embarrassed, baby?" he asks and I sigh. I start to look down but he puts his thumb on my chin making me look at him. "You don't have to be embarrassed, baby," He tells me and I decide to change the subject.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask him and he nods. "Yeah, I think I heard you fell. Are you okay?" He asks me and I give him a nod. "Yeah, just uhh my legs hurt" I tell him and he pouts. "Oh I'm sorry, baby. What can I do to make it up?" He asks and I chuckle because of his childish behaviour.

"Just kiss me" I reply what makes him grin. He leans in and our lips touch. He instantly kisses me passionate and he traps me between his arms, placing his hands on the counter. I wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls back and licks his lips. His eyes go to my neck and he chuckles. "Looks nice" He says what makes me confused. He points to my neck and I walk to an mirror. As I look in the mirror I feel him hugging me from behind. When I look at my neck I see something red and purple. It's a hickey.

"I marked you" He whispers in my ear. "You're mine" He says huskily. I giggle as I feel him kissing my neck from behind. His movements stops when we both hear a phone ring. "I think it's yours" He says and I walk toward my phone who was in the charger.

I look at the name of the caller. It was Kylie. I pick up the phone and place it on my ear. "Hey Kylie" I say and I hear her chuckle "Hey Ro" I hear her say and I feel Jonathans arms around me. "Why are you calling?" I ask her and she sighs. Jonathan kisses my cheek. "You forgot... I thought you would ask your boyfriend if it was okay for me to come over?" She asks me. 

I totally forgot about it. "Yeah yeah I'm sorry..." I pause and look at Jonathan. He gives me a nod and I smile. "...It's okay" I tell her while I caress Jonathans cheek. "Okay great, how about I come over in one hour?" She asks me.

"Sounds good, you know the way, right?" I ask her and she chuckles. "Yeah yeah, I've been there before, remember" She reminds me and she was right. "Okay great, see you then" I tell her. "Okay see you then, bye" She says and I hang up the phone.

I turn around and give him a guilty look. "I'm sorry, did I now ruin your day?" I ask him and he instantly shakes his head. "No, no. Of course not. Enjoy your day with Kylie. It's not like I won't see you the whole day" He says and I shake my head. "That's true" I say and I smile.

He turns me around and he hugs me from behind again. "I have you for the next hour, so how about a shower? Together" He asks me, whispering into my ear, making me gasp. I feel him grin and he kisses my neck. 

"Just a shower, right? My legs still hurt" I ask him and he chuckles. "Yes baby, just a shower" He says and I nod slowly. He turns me around with one move and kisses me passionately. He picks me up in bridal style, not breaking the kiss and makes his way out of the kitchen.


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