Chapter 21

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The theme song for this chapter

Autumn Chills - Derek Fiechter, Brandon Fiechter


He is still following me. I reach upstairs and start walking faster and faster to my door. I'm now in front of my door. I was about to open the door but I hear him still walking towards me. "Ro-" I didn't let him finish and I say "don't!" He instantly stops and I walk into my room.

I turn around to close the door and I see him standing there, tears in his eyes. I close the door and lock it. My eyes soften at the thought of his teary eyes. I feel bad for him but still, I can't forget the fact that I am kidnapped by that man.

"Fuck!!" I hear him shout outside my room. I hear him walking away after a while. I let myself sit on the floor. Knees up. Hands-on my face. Tears start flowing down, out of my eyes. I want to go, I want to leave this place. I know the reason why he doesn't let me but still this is wrong. My mother needs me. She is probably worried about me right now. Questioning why I'm not there, not letting her know where I went.

I'm also worried about her. What if she can't handle Leo on her own. Probably grandma will help her but that makes me even more worried. Maybe a little harsh to say but she is an old woman. A lovely old woman. What if she gets a heart attack or something.

Just the thought of it makes me more cry. I may am overthinking this but I'm worried about them. Something inside me is also worried about Jonathan. I don't know why but I am. Seeing him cry just did something to me. I don't know what.

Maybe I again a little harsh on him. Maybe it's not a good idea but I feel like I have to give him a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. Except for Brandon, he literally gave me trauma for the rest of my life.

It's almost time for Jenna to bring my dinner. Should I just join him for dinner? I don't know. Should I? Who cares, I'm going. I stand up and walk towards the door. I hesitate to open it but eventually do it. It's open and I walk out. I'm still sobbing when I close the door behind me.

I walk towards the stairs and walk down. When I reach the bottom I instantly walk to a mirror. I look into it. You can clearly see I cried. I wipe them away and I make myself look a little normal. I hesitate to walk to the kitchen where the dining room also is.

With that, the kitchen door opens revealing Jenna. With a plate of food in her hands. She stops walking when she sees me. Her eyes widen and then looks confused. "Miss what are you doing out here?" She asks and I walk towards her. "I didn't want to stay in my room so is can I join him for dinner, if that's possible?" I ask her. She nods instantly.

"Yes, of course, come with me!" She says and smiles at me, I nod. We walk to the kitchen and she opens the door for me. I walk in and she does too. After that, she closes the door behind her.

She smiles at me. I look at the dinner table where he is sitting. Hesitating to eat something. He looks like he is in deep thoughts. "Sir, look who's here!" Jenna says to Jonathan. He sighs and turns his head. His eyes widen when he sees me, already staring at him. His eyes are still red, from crying I guess.

"She wanted to have dinner with you, Sir!" Jenna says and he looks at her in disbelief. He looks back at me and I nod, telling him it's true. I look at Jenna and she gives me a sign to walk with her and I do. I follow her and we walk towards the dinner table.

She places the plate on the table and walks back to the kitchen. I take a seat and notice he was staring at me. Not daring to say anything. I gave him a stare and he looks down. I smile small and focus on the food in front of me. I take a bite.

It's silent for a while and I decide to break the silence. "I have never thanked you for saving my life, so thank you," I say while looking down not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"It's ehh okay, I told you I'd do everything to protect you," he says and then takes a bite of his food. I nod and take another bite. I see Jenna walking towards me with a glass of some white/yellow gunk. She places it on the table and says "here drink this" I nod and take a sip of it. It tastes like a banana. To give her a sign that I like it, I hum. She smiles and walks away.

It's silent again but he starts talking "I'm sorry for earlier," he says and I look at him. I shake my head "no stop, I'm sorry I shouldn't have reacted like that, that was too harsh" I say and he just stares at me.

"But it's my fault," he says and I nod "Yeah but everyone deserves a chance right?". He shakes his head and says "No not me" I nod "Yes you too" I say and he looks at me in defeat. But that changed very soon.

"No," he says and I look at him annoyed. He gulps and I start talking again "yes you do, I'm sorry I behaved like that," I tell him and he shakes his head again "you don't have to be sorry for anything I deserved it, I'm sorry" he gives me a small smile. I smile back at him.

"You are too nice," He says. "I just don't like to be mean," I say while taking another bite. It's the last bite I take and I'm done eating. "I don't deserve a chance," he says and stands up. I think he is mad at himself. He grabs his plate and glass, he walks towards the kitchen.

I feel something really weird streaming down, my stomach I guess. I stand up grabbing my plate and glass too. "Ro, there's blood on your chair!" Jenna almost shouts. I look at the chair and there is indeed blood on it...


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