Chapter 37

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Jonathan's point of view

"Bye, mom and dad!" I say through the phone. "Bye sweetheart, take care of yourself!" They say back and I start smiling. "I will, bye," I say back and I hung up the phone.

I stand up and I walk outside the living room. I see Jenna and Ro putting on their coats. I walk towards them. Where the hell are they going? "Where are you two going?" I asked them and they looked at me. 

"We are about to do the groceries together," Jenna says and I nod. I look at Ro and notice her red eyes. Has she been crying? My eyes soften and I start to get worried. I look at Jenna with a questioning look on my face.

"She saw the news," she says and I mouth an 'oh'. Of course, she is still kidnapped after all. I start to feel anger inside my body. They walk out and I start slapping myself. Fucking hell, she is never going to forgive me. I fucking hate myself.

I walk towards my room and I open the door and close it behind me. I make my way to the bathroom and walk-in. I look in the mirror and I see my teary eyes. My eyes meet the little knife nest to my toothbrush. I grab it and look at it.

This is what I deserve. I start cutting myself and I see blood coming out of my arm. I look at it and tears are still falling. "It's not enough," I say to myself. I take off my sweater and is now covered with blood because of my arm. 

I look at my chest and start cutting there. Blood starts dripping on the floor and I start to feel dizzy. I grab a tissue and try to clean the wounds. I could just take a shower then waste all of the tissues.

I take off all my clothes and I step inside the shower.


After cleaning the wounds I step out of the shower. I start drying my whole body. I walk out of the bathroom fully naked. I grab new underwear out of the closet and I put it on. I put on pants and a new sweater because there is blood all over the other one.

My phone rings out of nowhere and I look at the screen. It's Veronica, my niece. I pick up the phone and I press the green button. "Hello, Jonathan Davis speaking," I say and I hear her laugh. "Don't be so formal towards me, dumbass" she says and I start to laugh.

Veronica is my older niece, she is 23 years old and lives in California. She treats me like a best friend. I'm not really close with her but I'm still her nephew. 

"Why are you calling?" I ask her and she sighs. "I'm in the neighborhood and I thought I should pay a visit to my favorite nephew," She says and I scoff. "I'm your only nephew, Veronica," I tell her and she says "Whatever, can I come over?" She asks and I say "Yeah sure, why not".

To be honest, I don't want her to come over, but I will be a horrible person if I declined.

"Okay great, I'll be there in 5 minutes," She says and I respond sarcastically "Awesome!" I'm such a good liar to people I don't like.


I hear the doorbell ring and I walk towards to open the door, revealing Veronica. She has red lipstick on and wears a formal dress. She smiles at me and I say "Hi, come in" with that she walks in. "Hi". How awkward.

We walk towards the kitchen and she places herself on a chair. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask her and she nods "May I have a cup of tea please?" She asks and I nod. While preparing her drink she asks me a lot of questions.

"So how's life going?" She asks and I look at her. I nod "It's great, how about you?" I lie and ask her. "Could be better" She says and I give her the cup of tea. She smiles says "Thank you" I smile back and place myself next to her.

After having a little conversation about her work she starts changing the subject. "So who is that on your lock screen?" She says and I widen my eyes. She starts laughing at my reaction. I feel my cheeks getting hot, fuck I'm blushing.

"Does Jonathan have a girlfriend?" She asks and I look at her. Should I tell her the story, hell no forget it? I just slowly nod. She widens her eyes and starts smiling. "Really? Tell me something about her" She demands me and I sigh.

"Well her name is Roselle Brown, she is sixteen years old almost 17," I say and she almost chokes in her tea. "What the hell Jonathan! You are 22, are you insane?" she says and I say "Yeah It's complicated," I tell her and she nods.

"Did you guys do it?" She asks and I look at her with a confused look on my face. "Do what?" I ask her. "Having s*x?" She blurts out and I instantly shake my head. "No! What on earth makes you think that?" I shout at her and she shrugs her shoulders. She is so dirty-minded. She sips from her tea.

"She has an amazing personality, she is sweet, kind, caring, and a lot more," I tell her and she smiles "She sounds amazing, and she is also fucking beautiful," She says and I nod.

With that, the door opens revealing Ro. She is holding a grocery bag. She walks towards us and I think she hasn't seen Veronica yet. She places the bag on the counter. "Hi there, you must be Roselle? The girl Jonathan has told me all about" She asks Ro and she looks up and nods.

Veronica walks towards Ro and reaches her hand out for Ro to shake it. "It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Veronica" She says and Ro takes her hand and smiles. She turns to continue the groceries and Veronica looks at me.

"She isn't a talker huh?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"Well I should probably go, I don't want to disturb you two. We should do that more often Jonathan" she says and she smiles at me. I fake smile back and nod. I stand up so I could walk her out but she hugs me. I hug her back eventually.

I immediately step back when I see Ro running away. "Ro?!" I shout, why is she running away? "Ro, what's wrong?!" I again shout. She almost bumps into Jenna and runs past her.

"Can you walk her out Jenna? I have to talk to Ro" I ask Jenna and she nods. I do not hesitate to run after Ro. I see her running into the library at the end of the hallway.

When I reach the I open it and walk-in. She jumps and wanted to hide I guess but I stop her. "Ro, what are you doing here and why'd you run away?" I ask her with worry. She sobs. Is she crying? I walk closer to her.

"Umm... nothing I just wanted to read a book," She says but I don't believe her. "Then why are you sobbing?" I ask her. "It's nothing, really" she responded and she turns around "U sure?" I ask her and she says nothing, just looking down.

I walk closer to her and I place my hand on her shoulder. I am not going to force her to say anything, she can tell me when she is ready. "Well, alright. Let's just start making dinner. Okay?" I ask her and I guide her to walk with me. 

I walk in front of her and the next thing she said made me the happiest human being on the planet.


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