Chapter 51

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The theme song for this chapter

Easier - Mansionair


"I want you," I whisper.

Waiting nervously for him to say something. He glances at me and smiles "You already have me, sweetheart" he says and looks back at the tv screen. He doesn't know what I mean.

"No, I mean like, I'm ready," I say again and now he instantly turns his head to me. He looks at me shocked and raises an eyebrow before talking. "You mean like-" He says and I don't let him finish.

"Yes, I want you to make love to me," I say and he widens his eyes. He stares at me as if he is staring through my head. He gulps and closes his eyes. "I don't think-" I didn't let him finish because I crash my lips onto his. He kisses me back immediately. Wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

He separates our lips and looks at me in disbelief. "Are you sure?" He asks me and I nod. "Yes. Yes, I want to feel you, I want all of you." I tell him and he gulps again. He bites his bottom lip and says "Right now?" I nod at him. 

I place myself on his lap and I kiss him roughly. He stands up while holding me by my ass, in case I would fall. I wrap my legs around his waist and start making the kiss deeper and more passionate. I let go of his lips so he can watch where he walks. 

He makes his way towards the stairs and he tries to be careful but also wants to be fast. When we reach the top, he makes his way to his room. When he reaches his door he lets one hand go from under my ass to open the door. 

He walks inside and places me on his bed. He walks back to his door and locks it. He walks to his kingsize bed and hovers above me. I'm serious, he makes me so nervous. He stares into my eyes and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Are you 100% sure, my love?" He asks me and I smile at him. I nod slowly and he looks at me in disbelief. "Really? Because I feel like I'm forcing you" He asks and I shake my head. "You're not forcing me," I tell him and he nibbles on his bottom lip.

"Promise?" he asks me and I nod "I promise," I say and he smiles at me. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips that soon turns into a make-out. It feels so passionate, so right. He pulls back and avoids eye contact. He looks like he wants to ask me something. His eyes meet mine and he nibbles on his lips.

He was still looking me in my eyes, not taking a glance at my body. I place my hand on his right cheek and he asks "May I?" and he gulps. I look at him with a weird look. "W-what do you mean?" I ask him and he gives me a small smile. "May I take off your hoodie?" He asks me carefully.

I gulp and try to avoid eye contact. How can a man just make you this nervous? I mean I want this, but that doesn't stop me from being nervous at all. I feel his thumb on my chin, making me look at him. He looks worried. "Hey, it's okay if you don't want that," He says trying to calm me down. I shake my head "N-no, you c-can take it o-off" I tell him while stuttering.

"Are you sure, baby? You look scared" He asks me and I give him a nod. "I'm just n-nervous, that's all," I say and he nods. "It's okay, princess. That's normal" He tells me and his hands move to the edge of my hoodie. 

"Arms up," he says and I do as he says. He takes off my hoodie and throws it somewhere in the room. He kisses my nose softly, which makes me giggle and he clenches his jaw. I look at him worriedly and I cup his cheeks. "What's wrong?" I ask him and he is still staring into my eyes.

His next words make me shiver. "C-can I... maybe... look at you?" He asks carefully while hesitating. It makes me feel insecure while thinking about the thought that he might not like what he sees... Don't be a coward, he loves you.

I slowly nod and his eyes widen. I give him an insecure smile. His eyes go from my eyes carefully and slow to my collarbones and last to my clothed breasts. He looks at it for a few seconds. He looks back into my eyes and says "You are so beautiful, baby" My cheeks feel like they are burning. I'm sure that I am red as a tomato.

He gives me soft kisses all over my face and then takes off his own T-shirt. I instantly close my eyes and he chuckles. "It's okay, baby. You can look" He tells me and I slowly open my eyes revealing the bare and muscular man in front of me.

My eyes go a little lower, making me see his abs. He is truly a beautiful man. He grabs my hand and lets my hand slowly touch his body. I can't help it, but the heat of my body is getting higher and higher.

His own hands go to my jeans he unzips them. He takes them off and throws them somewhere on the floor. Then he takes off his own jeans leaving him in his underwear. Don't look, don't look. I tell myself in my head.

He again lays me back on the bed and hovers above me. His lips meet mine again and I soon feel his tongue touching my lips, asking me for permission. I open my mouth and his tongue moves in. 

His lips go from my lips to my ear. Then goes down to my neck. He kisses my neck for a few seconds until one place is giving me goosebumps. He starts sucking on it and a moan escapes my mouth. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

He looks up and grabs my hand. "Don't cover your mouth, I want to hear your moans" He says. I don't know why, but I love the way he said that with his huskily and deep voice. He continues sucking, earning moans from me.

I start to feel more nervous when his lips go more down to my breasts. I start to breath heavily and I don't know where to put my hands. He looks up and looks at me worriedly. "Are you okay? Tell me when to stop, okay? Do you want me to stop?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Please, keep going" I tell him and his hand goes to the back of my bra. "Can I?" He asks me for permission and I slowly nod. I gulp as I feel him unclipping my bra. He takes off my bra and throws it away. He stares into my eyes and I give him a small smile, giving him permission to keep going.

He gives me a nod and starts kissing my neck again. I'm scared that he won't like them. I'm very insecure about my boobs. He goes down to my collarbone, down to my breasts. He kisses them softly and then licks my nipple. With the other hand he massages my left boob.

He stops and looks at them. "I like them" He says and I feel myself becoming red again. "Don't lie" I say and he looks me in my eyes. "I'm not lying, I really do like them," He says and I scoff while looking away from his gaze.

I feel his face coming higher towards mine and I still look away. I can feel his breath on my cheek. "Look at me" He says but I don't move. "Baby, please look at me," He says and I do as he says. I look at him and he looks at me with an serious look on his face.

"Baby, I think they are perfect. Do not ever hesitate about my opinion about you, okay?" He tells me while cupping my cheeks. "Okay?" He adds and I slowly nod. "Good. I love you the way you are, baby girl. I think you're beautiful" He says and I give him a small smile. "I love you too" I tell him and he kisses my lips softly.


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