Chapter 25

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She walks towards me and I smile back at her. "Hey good morning," I say. "Good morning," she says back and places herself next to me. I'm kind of confused. "Thanks by the way, my dad thought me how to play," I tell her and she looked truly interested.

"He has good taste in music," she tells me. "I thought you liked pop-rock?" I ask her and she nods her head. "Yes I do, but I also like classical music," she tells me and I look at her surprisingly.

"You do?" I ask her. "Yes it's something you don't know about me," She says and she wiggles her eyebrows, one time, playfully. I laugh at her and she smiles.

"Do you play?" I ask her. She shakes her head "No, but I would love to" she says.

"Come on, I'll teach you," I say and start playing. She looks at me with ghee eyes widen "Wow wow not so fast" she says and grabs my hands to stop me. She looks at our hands and then instantly takes them away.

"I'll go slow now alright?" I say and start demonstrating how to play the song on the piano. She looks at my hands the whole time. I stop and let her play a little.

"It's your turn," I say and she starts playing. She struggles and tries again. I chuckle when she struggles again.

"Let me show you," I say and grab her hand and place them on the piano. She looks at me and then focuses her eyes on the piano and my hands. I start to do the movements on the piano.

It goes well now. I stop and take my hands off of hers. "Now you'll do it alone," I say and she tries her best not to screw up. My eyes are fixed on the figure next to me. She is actually smiling and we are doing something together. She doesn't look scared or anything.

I don't know what is happening right now. I focus on what she is doing, and she is doing way better now. She finishes the part where I stopped demonstrating. She looks at me with an insecure look on her face. I smile at her and nod "you did way better than before, I'll teach you more often okay?" I tell and ask her.

She smiles and she nods. I smile and say "come let's go get our breakfast" she nods and stands up. We walk towards the door and walk out when we reach the door.

We reach the kitchen and I open the door for her to walk inside. I now notice she is actually very tiny. I think she is 5'1. I am 6'3 so yeah that is short for me.

When we walk in I see Jenna looking in our way with her mouth wide open. I think she is surprised we walk in together. "Good morning," she says and starts to continue doing her job. "Good morning" both me and Ro say at the same time.

She walks towards the kitchen island and places herself down. I do the same and take a seat next to her. Jenna gives us outperform breakfast and we both start to eat.

Suddenly Ro grabs her stomach and groans in pain. I stand up and walk towards Jenna's handbag. I take out a pain killer and walk towards Ro. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she looks at me. She nods and says "yeah, I just have some cramps" I nod and give her the pain killer. "Here take this. The pain isn't in your stomach I think it's in your uterus" I tell her.

"Because of my period?" She asks and I nod. "Yes," I say and she nods. "Well I already don't like it," she says and I chuckle. "No girl likes it to be on her period," Jenna says.

"Yeah, I know why," Ro says. "If the pain is unbearable I can go to the pharmacy to buy you birth control," she says and looks at Ro. She nods and says "yeah well it really hurts".

"Please, get her birth control will you?" I ask her because I don't want her to be in pain. Jenna nods and immediately leaves the room.

I look at Ro and she tries to eat her breakfast. I grab a glass of water and give it to Ro "Here, take the pain killer for now alright?" I ask her and she grabs the glass of water out of my hand. "Thank you," she says with a small smile on her face. She puts the pain killer in her mouth and takes a sip of the water.

"So what do you wanna do today? I can spend the day with you if you want?" I ask her and she looks up. "Well, I'd like to finish the book you gave me," She says quietly but loud enough that I can hear her. I nod and say "I can go with you if you want, come on let's go to the library," I say.

She nods and stands up. Together we walk towards the library.


We are in the library and she is reading the book I gave her. I'm reading a book too, but I can't concentrate. I'm looking at her, like every minute. I gave up and just stare at her. She is reading the book peacefully. She smiles when she reads a sentence. She looks at me and sees me staring.

When we make eye contact she instantly looked back at her book. She starts blushing I see. I smile and try to pay attention to the book I was reading. I'm just reading Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. I don't read very often, but when I read and I find it interesting I'd really like to finish it.

I hear her close her book and I look up to see her smiling face. "Are you done?" I ask her and she nods. "Yes I really liked it," she tells me and I chuckle "yeah I saw that," I say and I close my book.

I start staring at her again and she looks at me with an unsure look. She starts looking around but then meets my face again. She starts blushing again. "What's wrong with my face?" She asks insecurely.

I shake my head "nothing" I say and she nods. "Then why are you staring at me as if there is something on my face?" She asks. I chuckle and say "yes, there is something on your face". She instantly starts feeling on her face and turns around. She thinks it's something ugly and she turns around because she doesn't want me to see it.

"It's called beauty," I say.


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