Chapter 47

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Jonathan's point of view

I'm so stupid for watching her again after I left her. She fucking saw me at the supermarket. I knew it wasn't a good idea to watch her again, but I somehow can't hold myself back. She widened her eyes and blinked a few times. She thought that she was hallucinating or something. She was literally about to walk towards me. I walked away as fast as I could. I'm too fucking dangerous for her. I can't risk hurting her.

I was surprised that no police went to my house. Did she not tell them? Or does she maybe really likes me? When I found out Jenna called her and came back, I couldn't believe it. I really wanted to hurt myself, but Ro's face popped into my head and made me realize that I promised her that I would not do anything to hurt myself.

She pops into my head every night, every day, and every minute. I can't get her out of my mind. I really love her and she is unforgettable. Her smile, her sparkling eyes and her long hair, and her bangs. I can't get her out of my head.

Her beautiful and adorable face that I see every day in the background of my phone. I always stare at it for a while. Her plump and red lips from her own whom I want to kiss so bad. I miss her touch, her shyness, and even her sneakiness. Every time she sneaked into the kitchen to grab her favorite candies and the way she not knows, I end up watching her doing it, It's so cute. 

The way she nibbles her bottom lip when she lies, I notice those little things. The way she gets shy every time my touch connects her. She doesn't want me to see her body and I respect that, she lets me know that by covering herself up with her arms and hands or oversized clothes. So what I do is stare into those beautiful eyes of hers, to let her know that I don't look at her body and that it is not important to me what is on the outside. Or what she looks like. 

When I accidentally punched her on her head I felt like the biggest idiot on earth. She told me it didn't hurt, but I didn't believe her. Blood came out of her head. I decided to leave her because I didn't want to hurt her more or ever. Maybe not then but I could in the future. I can't take that risk, she is the most important person to me...

I was also following them into the supermarket. I saw her walking away with Leo from her mother. They went to the candies and she started crying because she saw her new favorite candy. Did it make her remember something? I really wanted to hug her and comfort her, but I just can't. I would only hurt her more if I did. But then she freaking saw me.

I can just shoot a bullet inside of me now. I'm sure she cried after she saw me. I just don't know what to do now. What if she sees me again, what if it will break her more. I'm just a psychopath that can't take a break from watching and protecting her. I just need to be more invisible, at night she won't see me...

Ro's point of view

My mom parks our car in the driveway and we step out of the car. I grab Leo's hand before walking towards the front door. My mom gave me the keys and told me to open the door for her so she could get the groceries inside.

When I open the door I see something on the floor as I step inside. There is a post. I grab it and look for who it was. It has my name on it. It also says it's from Princeton University. I widen my eyes. Is this the mail that tells me if I'm accepted or not?

I walk into the kitchen and place it on the counter. I'll tell my mom later about it. First, I'm gonna help my mom with the groceries.

After we are done she notices the mail on the counter and grabs it. "Ro? Did you see this?" She asks me and I nod "Yeah, just a few minutes ago," I tell her and she nods. "Well, shouldn't you open it?" She asks me and I nod "Yeah, but first I wanted to help you". 

I walk towards my mother and give her a small smile. "I'm nervous," I tell her and she chuckles. "I know sweetie, there are a lot more schools to apply to," She says and I nod. I take a deep breath before opening the mail.

I take the letter out and start reading. Dear Roselle Brown, I am delighted to offer you my personal congratulations on your admission to Princeton University! I widen my eyes, I'm accepted. "I'm accepted!" I scream and my mom starts smiling. "Let me read it!" She says and I give her the letter. "I am delighted to offer you my personal congratulations on your admission to Princeton University!" She says and jumps in the air. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight. 

"I knew you could do it, my little girl. I'm so proud of you!" She says and I start laughing. "Thanks, mom, but I'm not a little girl anymore," I say and she laughs. She hugs me again. I'm going to Princeton, I never thought this would happen.


"Ro! Can you come to the living room, there is someone who wants to see and talk to you?" I hear my mother say on the other side of my room door. "Yes, I'll be there in a minute," I say. I was texting with Kylie and I told her I'll be back in a while. I turn off my phone and I open the door. 

I walk into the living room and a man was standing there talking to my mother. He was back facing me and I knock on the door to let them know I'm here. The man turned around and I see an unfamiliar face.

"Hi Roselle," he says and I look at him with a confused face. I decide to be polite and just smile at the man in front of me.

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"I'm your father" 


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